Chapter 815, choose a name

Jing Shirong also carefully selected a nickname and finally wrote it on paper.

Sister Ying asked him to take it over and take a look, "Wanwan?"

  euphemism refers to gentleness and beauty, and mostly describes the gentleness and beauty of women.

This name is quite good, quite suitable for a lady's nickname.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Do you want your daughter to grow up to be a gentle and beautiful young lady from a wealthy family?"

Jing Shirong nodded fatherly, "My daughter is naturally the daughter of a wealthy family, and she is the best among the rich."

Whether it’s a name or food and clothing, he wants to give his daughter the best.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue twice, secretly thinking that this guy had just become a father, and he was so eager to make a world of money for his daughter. He looked like a spoiled child at first glance.

 “Have you written down all your parents’ information?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "I've written it all."

But he was also very careful. He wrote his name on a piece of beautiful paper, and the other two parents' names were written on ordinary paper. There was no doubt that he was very careful.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't say anything to him.

 But when Sister Yang saw his scheming, she immediately changed a piece of beautiful paper to compete with him.

Sister Ying crumpled the paper into a ball, put it in the box, and handed it to her daughter.

The little girl has just finished eating, her eyes are wide open, and her face is innocent and cute, Nunu has a small mouth.

Sister Ying handed her to Jing Shirong and asked him to burp the child.

Jing Shirong carefully took the child, remembering the movements taught by Sister Ying, and gently burped the child with the palm of his hand.

 With the sound of "burp~", the child finished burping and twisted comfortably.

Her body was very soft, like dough, and Jing Shirong couldn't put it down when she hugged her.

Yesterday he didn’t dare to hold it, but now he is much more proficient, but he is still cautious.

While the child is not sleepy yet, Sister Ying holds the paper dumplings in front of her daughter and says, "Come on, baby, choose your name."

The little girl couldn't see clearly yet, but she was very familiar with her mother's voice, so she immediately moved her limp little body to look for her.

Sister Ying held the paper in front of her, first holding her parents' paper in front of her to see her reaction.

The little guy looked calm and didn't react at all.

 Then I took the paper from my parents-in-law and she still didn’t respond.

Sister Ying has a big head, "She is so young, she shouldn't know how to react, right?"

  If she doesn’t respond after trying them all, then your choice will be in vain.

Jing Shirong, however, felt that his daughter would not be so stupid, and said firmly, "Go on, my daughter will definitely choose a nickname she likes."

Sister Ying laughed when she saw him acting like a silly father who only respects women.

 “Okay, let’s try again.”

 Speaking, he brought the ball of paper written by Jing Shirong to his daughter.

Perhaps the paper ball was close, and the little girl felt something on top of her head, so she moved her little chubby hand.

Jing Shirong was very happy to see her reaction and grinned, "Daughter, do you like the name that daddy chose for you?"

 The little girl moved a few times and then seemed to have no reaction.

Sister Ying handed over her paper ball again. The little guy was obviously very happy and hummed.

Sister Ying thought her name was about to be chosen, but Jing Shirong said, "No, you smell like milk, and you get excited when you get close to her. This doesn't count."

Sister Ying was speechless and argued hard, "Why don't we count? If she likes it, doesn't it mean that the words I chose are okay?"

Jing Shirong didn’t, and took a step back while holding the child, “Then I want to try it too.”

 Perhaps the child likes the paper ball he handed over more, huh.

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "Childish."

Jing Shirong didn't take it seriously, "If you are shameless, you are shameless." He wanted to try it anyway to see if his daughter liked the name he chose.

Seeing that they could all try it themselves, Sister Yang said, "Then I'll try it too."

For the sake of fairness, they put the little **** the bed, and each person took a paper ball and passed it over to see if the little girl reacted.

Sister Yang handed over her paper ball first, but the little guy didn't respond and even frowned.

Sister Yang was suspicious, "Why is she frowning?"

It is strange that he is still frowning when he is just born.

Jing Shirong was very clear-minded. There was a medicinal smell on Sister Yang's clothes. It was strange that a child would like it.

 So the name Yang Jieer was quickly eliminated.

There’s no need to try Sister Ying’s. She smells like milk, and the little girl gets excited as soon as she gets close to her.

Jing Shirong was very nervous when it was his turn. He smelled the smell on his hands. There was a faint milky fragrance on his hands because he was holding the child.

 Plus his paper has a light fragrance, I believe the little one will like it.

 “Come on, daughter, choose the nickname that daddy chose for you.”

The little guy felt the strange thing that suddenly stretched out from the top of his head, opened his big round eyes, finally yawned, closed his eyes, and fell asleep? ?

The three of them looked at the sleeping little girl, and a flock of crows floated above their heads.

 It seems that this method will not work.

Sister Ying suggested, “Otherwise we can just use rock, paper, scissors.”


 The three of them played rock, paper, scissors together, but they were always tied.

Jing Shirong started to get nervous. Just when he was about to start the next game, Jing Han came.

 “What are you doing?”

 She has been feeling much better after sleeping all day.

 You have no wounds on your body and can already get out of bed and walk around.

The local midwives asked her to get out of bed and walk around for a few steps, which was also good for her physical recovery. This was completely opposite to the midwives in the capital who asked her to stay in bed and rest all the time.

Jinghan also felt that his legs and feet would feel better if he took a few steps.

 If you have been lying down and your lower body feels heavy, it would be better to take a few steps.

 When she came over, she saw them making fist gestures and asked, "What are you doing?"

Sister Ying whispered, "We all wanted to choose a nickname for our child, but no one would let anyone else do it. We just decided to use rock, paper, scissors."

Jing Han chuckled and said, "It's so boring, I might as well play something big."

She took over the densely packed names on the table and said, "How about this. You take a dice and each of you rolls it once. Wherever the number comes, you will count the word."

“A person can only shake it once and can only choose one word. When the time comes, combine the selected words and it will be your daughter’s name. How about it?”

This method is quite thrilling.

 What if you choose something you don’t like?

Jinghan, “What if it’s a good name?”

Sister Ying nodded, "That's true."

But there are three of them, and three words are not appropriate, right?

 In ancient times, there were not many people with three-letter names. If a child's name was different, he would inevitably be laughed at by other children in the future, so just forget it.

Jinghan said, "If you add me in, there will be four."

 Four people and four characters can form two names.

 At that time, toss another copper coin and choose the first one on heads and the first one on tails.

The three of them looked at each other and felt that this method was not impossible, but rather interesting.

So the three of them nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

 Since the name is so interesting, it’s settled.

 (End of this chapter)

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