Chapter 816, her name is Xiaomiguo

 “That’s it, let’s get started.”

 The servant brought the dice. Jinghan was the first one and rolled a five.

 She counted to fifth on the densely packed paper, which was the word "honey".

This word is quite good, and everyone is quite satisfied with it.

 The second one is Yang Jie'er. She shook six and counted it. It was the character "fruit".

  Next is Sister Ying. She shook three times and it was a yun character.

 The last one is Jing Shirong. He was so nervous that he even closed his eyes while shaking the dice for the first time, as if he was making a wish. He laughed so hard.

Others laughed at him, but he was still serious and rolled the dice, and it turned out to be a six.

 He counted them one by one, and it turned out to be a cloud character.

 The combination of the two names is, "Miguo, and Yunyun."

 Actually, these two names are pretty good as nicknames.

 The four of them were very satisfied.

 The next step is which one to choose.

Jinghan took out a copper coin and put it in the hands of Sister Ying and Jing Shirong, "You two are the parents of this cute little girl, so let's throw the coin together."

Jing Shirong thinks it is very meaningful. Parents choose names for their children together, so their actions are full of love for their children. He likes this method very much.

Sister Ying also liked it and threw the copper coins up with him.

 As the copper coins fell to the table, they whirled.

 Then the copper coins fell onto the table with a clatter, the front side. That’s the honey fruit!

Sister Ying smiled and felt quite happy, "Miguo? Guoguo? It sounds good."

Jing Shirong also thought it was good, "Let's call it Miguo, it's quite cute."

 He lowered his head and looked at his daughter at the head of the bed, "Mi Guo Mi Guo screamed."

Xiao Miguo frowned, obviously feeling that the sound in her ears was too early, and she pouted her little mouth and was about to cry.

Jing Shirong jumped, hurriedly silenced, and gently smoothed Xiaomiguo's mouth.

Perhaps her father's palms were warm and generous, so Xiao Miguo yawned and continued to sleep.

 When she fell asleep, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jinghan sat down and exchanged his thoughts with Sister Ying, "How about it, your family still doesn't drink milk from the wet nurse?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "If you don't eat during the day, try again at night."

She had taken care of the baby herself last night, and she was so tired that her back ached. If possible, she could let the nanny try again at night. It would be best to take care of the baby for half a day during the day and at night to avoid confinement sickness.

Jinghan told her, "Take your time. If the child resists at first, let her accept the smell of the wet nurse first. When she stops resisting, she will naturally be willing to drink the wet nurse's milk."

 But at night, when Xiao Miguo wakes up from a full sleep, she is hungry and starts to cry when she opens her mouth.

 The wet nurse came over in advance and was waiting for you.

Sister Ying picked up the little honey fruit and handed it to the wet nurse, "You try it first."

The nanny’s surname is Zhang. She is 30 years old and has given birth to five children. She has been taken to the house for confinement since she gave birth. She is fed and served every day, just to give her children enough nutrition.

Jinghan’s six pounds is not picky between the two wet nurses, either one can feed her.

Jinghan felt that Nanny Zhang had a gentler face, so she asked her to come over and give Xiaomi Guo a try.

Sister Ying handed Xiaomiguo to Nurse Zhang to hold. Xiaomiguo was already hungry, but she was suddenly moved into her arms by her own mother, and she cried even louder.

 Nanny Zhang coaxed her gently, "Oh~oh~don't cry."

She thought that she had given birth to five children, and she should be able to coax a little baby easily, but Xiaomiguo didn't seem to buy it, and she kept crying loudly while suppressing her little face.

Sister Ying felt distressed and was about to give up when Nurse Zhang said, "Madam, don't be anxious, I'll feed you first."

 She opened her clothes and fed Xiaomiguo, but Xiaomiguo refused to eat and kept crying with her mouth open. Sister Ying was a first-time mother, and she couldn't bear to hear her daughter's cries. She felt heartbroken and said, "If it doesn't work, just give it to me."

Even if it’s a little hard work, it’s worth it as long as my daughter is happy.

But Nurse Zhang felt that she was too soft-hearted and told her, "Children are the best at looking at adults' faces. Even though she is only a little older, you hug her whenever she cries. Next time she needs something, she will cry immediately. You If she doesn’t agree, she will cry all day long.”

She has given birth to five children and has long understood their children's habits.

Sister Ying felt distressed, "But she was just born not long ago, so she shouldn't be so exaggerated, right?"

After all, it’s just a newborn baby, so you can’t talk about his appearance, right?

 Nanny Zhang felt that the child should not be pampered so much, otherwise he would have to go to heaven in the future.

“Slave, try again. You lie down and rest first.”

Sister Ying had no choice but to lie on her side. She would feel soft if she couldn't see her.

But after waiting for a while, Xiao Miguo still cried, obviously she still didn’t want to drink Zhang Niang’s milk.

nanny Zhang was afraid that Sister Ying would not be able to restrain herself, so she simply walked to the small room next to her, but after trying for a while, the little one refused to eat, and she was very stubborn.

After all, it was the master’s child, and she didn’t dare to harm her, so she could only carry the child in with a look of helplessness.

Sister Ying saw that the crying was getting quieter and she thought the child had adapted.

Unexpectedly, it was Nurse Zhang who brought the child in.

 She asked, "What's wrong? Are you full?"

 Nanny Zhang shook her head and was about to explain when Xiao Miguo let out a cry and her little eyebrows turned red from crying.

Sister Ying suddenly felt distressed and said, "Give me a hug."

 Nanny Zhang handed the child to her nervously, and those who didn’t know thought she was abusing the child.

 Fortunately, the lady didn't say anything, which shows that she is reasonable.

Sister Ying held Xiao Miguo in her arms and asked Nurse Zhang to go out first.

She opened her clothes and fed the fruit to the little girl. As soon as the little girl smelled the familiar smell, she immediately opened her mouth and slurped as she ate as if she was extremely hungry.

Sister Ying felt her heart soften when she saw her eating. She touched the soft hair on her head lovingly, with a motherly look on her face.

 “You, why are you still picky about food?”

 Xiao Mi Guo closed her eyes, her little mouth squeaked as she ate, and her little nose made a "hmm" sound, just like a little pig.

Sister Ying lowered her head to see how delicious she was eating. The corners of her mouth turned up, and her heart softened.

Jing Shirong went to the kitchen to make pig liver soup and came back. When he saw her sitting on the bed feeding the child, he asked strangely, "Where is the wet nurse?"

It was inconvenient for him to come in when the wet nurse came in, so he went to the kitchen to make pig liver soup for her.

Unexpectedly, the nurse came in but was not there.

Sister Ying looked at him innocently with her big eyes, "Your daughter is so bad. She doesn't even drink the wet nurse's milk. My waist is so sore."

Jing Shirong felt distressed and funny at the same time. He rushed over to hug her and support her waist, "Lie down, please? It will be more comfortable if you lie down."

Sister Ying hummed and wanted to put the baby down first, but Xiaomi Guo was sucking the milk. When she saw that the food was about to be taken away, she suddenly blushed and looked like she was about to cry after losing the food.

Sister Ying hurriedly lay down and stuffed the milk into her mouth.

Xiao Miguo ate milk in her mouth, and then she stopped talking. She was like a hungry baby, and she ate like a piglet.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She looked at Jing Shirong and said to him, "You have bad genes. My daughter loves to cry, so I will definitely let you go."

  She didn't like to cry when she was a child anyway.

 Jing Shi Rong.

I’m going to attend a wedding tomorrow and have a meal here (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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