The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 817: , the children follow their own

Chapter 817: All children follow their own family

“Madam, actually I didn’t like to cry when I was a child.”

  Anyway, he really doesn’t cry much since he can remember it.

Sister Ying groaned and didn't believe it, "Mom told me that you used to cry a lot when you were a child. When you start crying, you will make the whole house cry."

The description Jing gave her was vivid and vivid, and combined with Xiao Mi Guo's crying skills, Sister Ying felt that her daughter would undoubtedly follow his father.

Jing Shirong was speechless, "Me."

It wasn’t like that when he was a child, right? ?

Or is it because he doesn’t remember things from his infancy and is really a crybaby as his mother said?

Jing Shirong felt ashamed. He still couldn't believe that he would cry so much like Miguo when he was a child.

Sister Ying smiled, "Otherwise if I write to my mother and ask her, she will tell me everything in detail."

Jing Shirong also wanted to seek confirmation, so he wrote and sent a letter about what happened after Miguo was born.

This time I sent Feiying to send it, and Jing Shirong’s letter was quickly received in the capital.

Jing was very happy when she saw the letter at home and hurriedly opened it and read it.

Jing's father happened to come back, and seeing how excited she was, he knew it was Sister Ying who sent the letter.

 “Come and watch together.”

Jing opened the letter and read it carefully, the corners of his mouth rising more and more.

"Sister Ying gave birth to a baby girl. Her nickname is Miguo. She said she won't let the wet nurse feed her and she cries very much. Sister Ying asked me if Miguo looks like A Jing when he was a child?" The implication was to ask Mr. Jing Jing didn't like to cry when she was a child.

Jing's father laughed when he heard this and recalled, "Brother Rong loved to cry when he was a child, and he also loved to act. He especially liked to compete with the second and third children for supremacy."

Jing Shirong had personally taken care of him when he was a child, so he naturally understood his son's temperament when he was a child.

Jingshi also laughed, "Brother Rong has become calmer and colder now that he's grown up, but when he was a child he was so sticky that he didn't want a wet nurse and only wanted me. He's exactly the same as Miguo."

Jing's father looked at the portrait sent by Sister Ying. On the thin paper, he simply drew a picture of Xiaomi Guo's baby. Although it was crude, it was clear that Xiaomi Guo's facial features were exactly the same as Jing Shirong's when he was a child.

Jing also found it amazing, "Everyone says that my daughter, Xiao Miguo, is exactly the same as our Rong brother when he was a child."

Jing’s father also liked it very much after seeing it, “This girl is so pretty, even cuter than Jing Han when she was a child.”

Jing took the portrait of her granddaughter and liked it very much. She felt good about it for a long time.

“It’s a pity that the border is too far, otherwise I would also like to see my eldest granddaughter.”

Jing’s father also fell silent after hearing this, obviously he also wanted to see his granddaughter.

 Including those in Jiangnan, we also received portraits of Xiaomi Guo.

Liang Jin's eyes filled with tears when he saw it. This was his first time becoming a grandfather, and he was very excited. He looked at the portrait of a small honey fruit in his hands for a long time and couldn't bear to close it.

Mrs. Liang looked even more curious, her eyes filled with fondness.

“Is this girl called Mi Guo? She’s so cute, her big round eyes are exactly the same as Sister Ying’s when she was little.”

Liang Jin also sighed, "Yes, she is exactly the same as Sister Ying when she was a child. Look at her round face. She is so lucky. She has followed Sister Ying."

“I don’t know if my wife is here yet? If she is, she will probably write to us, but I don’t think she’s here yet.”

Liang Jin nodded, "You don't have to worry if Brother Sen is here."

 After all, the journey is far and it will definitely take some time.

 After the two of them finished talking, they continued to look at the portrait of Xiaomi Guo. They couldn't put it down.

 Including the portrait of the eldest granddaughter from the Jing family, the Jing family specially found a painter and asked the painter to draw it again on good rice paper, trying to make the painting of her granddaughter cute and lovely.

Jing Yu Jingxin came back in the evening and saw that the family was busy with portraits. The two brothers and sister looked over and saw the portrait of their little niece.

“Wow, this is my brother and Sister Ying’s daughter, right? She’s so cute.”

Jing was very proud, "Doesn't it look good? My eldest granddaughter's appearance is exactly the same as your brother's when he was a child."

Jing Xin chuckled, "Yes, yes, he is exactly the same as my elder brother."

When she first gave birth to her son, her mother's family also said that the son was exactly like her, while her husband's family said that the son followed his father. Both parties felt that the child followed their own family, which made Jinghan laugh for a long time.

But the little niece’s little round face is really cute, her eyes are so big, her double eyelids are bright, and her little mouth is so cute.

 Including the fact that the emperor in the palace peeked at the letter Jing Shirong sent back. When he saw the little honey fruit, the emperor snorted proudly, "It's not bad, it's not as good-looking as my little granddaughter."

But after taking a sneak peek, the **** in charge felt that Jing Shirong's daughter was still more beautiful, but he did not dare to say this.

The emperor was so arrogant that he still rewarded him with a lot of things.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming have done a lot of good things for him over the years, and they really deserve some reward.

Jing Shirong didn’t care about the emperor’s reward, but it was better than nothing.

As soon as the emperor's reward arrived, he immediately asked his parents to deposit it in a bank so that he could use it as a family property for his daughter in the future.

 Including Jingshi and Jingfu, they also gave a lot.

A letter was also sent from Jiangnan, first expressing his love for Duo Xiaomi Guo, and then telling sister Ying that Wu and Seng were coming.

Sister Ying was stunned when she saw the letter, “My mother is here??”

Jing Shirong was also stunned, "Mother is here? When?"

Sister Ying read the date stated in the letter. Her mother-in-law will be here in a few months.

Unexpectedly, my mother came after a long journey. Sister Ying's eyes were red and she was very touched.

Jing Shirong hurriedly hugged her, "Don't cry, don't cry. It's a good thing that my mother is here. Then we will entertain her well and let her play with Xiaomi Guo."

Sister Ying shed two tears. She was moved and happy at the same time.

“Yes, I will be able to see my mother soon, and Xiaomi Guo will also be able to see her grandmother. I am so happy.”

 Happily, he put Xiaomiguo down, interrupted her sucking action, jumped into Jing Shirong's arms, laughed, and asked him to hold her and spin her around.

Jing Shirong doted on her and immediately hugged her and spun her around, making the couple laugh happily.

 “One more repost, I’m so happy today, so happy, hahaha~”

Jing Shirong also smiled, "As long as you are happy."

The couple had a great time, except Xiao Miguo, who was forced to stop breastfeeding and was speechless.

She was feeding well just now, but suddenly she was pulled out by her mother. Before she could react, she heard her father and mother laughing loudly, telling her to forget to cry even if she wanted to.

By the time she thought about crying, Sister Ying had already run to the bed in three steps. As soon as she lay down, she opened her clothes and put the milk into her mouth!

 Xiao Miguo, who wanted to cry, suddenly forgot to cry.

Mom, you don’t have martial ethics!

Jing Shirong even secretly gloated about his misfortune, secretly thinking that his daughter's deflated expression was so funny, hahaha.

 Small honey fruit.

It turns out that parents are the true love, was she just an accident?

Little Miguo was sad and angry, and finally turned into an appetite. She grunted and sucked the milk, and her round face moved as she ate, like a little baby.

 (End of this chapter)

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