The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 818: , the personality of a child

 Chapter 818, The personality of a child

After finishing the milk, Xiaomiguo closed her eyes and fell asleep. Sister Ying gently patted and burped her, and after a while Xiaomiguo fell asleep.

 After coaxing my daughter, Sister Ying’s mission is completed.

She breathed a sigh of relief and asked Jing Shirong to come in, "You can sleep with her, I want to do some exercise."

 She has a sore back from breastfeeding these past few days.

 Although I was fed while lying down, I still felt soreness in my back.

Jing Han said that he should exercise in a small arc so that his body would not be so sore and hard.

Sister Ying got up and went to find Jing Han. The two of them did a little exercise in the room. After they sweated, they drank some dietary supplements and wiped their bodies.

 After the body sweats, it is wiped clean, and the whole person looks brand new and feels comfortable.

Jing Han saw Sister Ying's belly getting flatter day by day, and was very envious, "Your belly is shrinking so fast, mine is still as big as five months old, it's so big."

Sister Ying looked at Jinghan's belly and felt it for her, "It's a bit big, but if we keep exercising a little bit every day, we can take it all in. Come on, cousin."

Although Jinghan knew that his stomach would go back, he still felt tired.

“When I gave birth to my first child, my belly contracted very quickly, and it was basically flat just after I was born.”

“By the time of the second pregnancy, although my belly recovered after three months, I didn’t gain weight at all.”

"It's not like now. My belly is still as bulging as it was five or six months ago. And my body has also gained weight. My arms, thighs, and **** are all a lot fatter. I'm so much fatter than when I was slim before. I almost cried. "

 Looking at Sister Ying again, except for her waistline which has increased a lot, she is not fat at all elsewhere.

The only thing that makes her fatter is that her oval face has become rounder and turned into an oval face.

 The chin is no longer pointed. Apart from her voluptuous charm, the oval face of Sister Ying has become a bit sweeter. She looks particularly pure and gentle, which makes her heart move.

“Sister Ying, how did you train your arms? Why are you not fat?”

  Unlike her, the baby was obviously carried by the wet nurse, but her arms were still like a man's, and they were almost gaining muscles. "

Sister Ying didn’t know why, but she obviously ate more than Jinghan.

 It may be a physical problem. Some people are prone to obesity and will gain weight even if they drink water to lose weight.

 Some people do not gain weight easily, and they do not gain weight whether they eat or not. This is really hard to say.

Jinghan looked at Sister Ying's slender yet plump figure and vowed to start losing weight.

“Madam, the lamb chops are roasted. Do you want to eat them now? They are slightly spicy and the kitchen has cut them into strips for you. Do you want to eat them while they are hot?”

 Just when I said I wanted to lose weight, the smell of grilled lamb chops wafted outside the door.

The tender meat of the lamb chops is grilled to a golden and crispy texture. Every bite is filled with the juices of the lamb chops. It is so delicious that it makes people salivate.


 “Forget it, eat first, and then reduce it after eating.”

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Then you can eat it, I won't eat it."

 She just drank a bowl of pork liver soup, let’s eat it later.

Jinghan refused, "No, you have to stay with me. If you want to get fat, we will get fat together."

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "I don't want it. Cousin, let's get fat. I want to go back and take care of my child to lose weight."

Jing Han's teeth were itching with anger, "No, you have to come with me."

 After saying that, he took her to the kitchen with him.

As soon as we arrived in the kitchen, the cumin aroma of roasted lamb chops whetted our appetite.

As soon as Sister Ying smelled the fragrance, she **** her hair and said, "Forget it, just eat."

 She still has room in her stomach anyway, so at worst she won’t eat at night.

Jinghan smiled when she saw someone getting fat with her, **** her hair with a hair tie, and ate with her.

The chef cut the lamb chops into thin pieces, and picked them up one by one and dipped them in the chili powder. They were not too fragrant at all.     “Ouch, delicious.”

Jinghan also closed his eyes in emotion, "It's so delicious. The roasted lamb chops anywhere are not as fragrant as here."

 The mutton here seems to be less muttony and tastes very tender.

   Two people couldn’t help but have a big appetite after giving birth and ate a big fat roasted lamb chop.

In order to prevent him from getting too fat, Jinghan also ordered a bunch of side dishes and ate them with the roasted lamb.

Sister Ying also ate some.

 After finishing the two large plates of roast lamb, the two of them started to regret, stroking their round bellies.

 “Are you eating too much?”

The original plan was to eat smaller meals more frequently, but occasionally my appetite would develop and I could not help but want to eat delicious food. Once I started eating, I couldn’t control myself.

Jinghan regretted after eating, "No, I have to get close to feed you six pounds at night."

 “No, I will feed it myself from now on!”

 She lost some weight through feeding herself before, but it seems that she will suffer the consequences this time.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's okay. Even though it's tiring to feed myself, I can lose some fat, so the merits and demerits are offset by the merits."

 Not only her, but Jing Shirong and her children also lost a little weight.

 Everyone can hold Miguo at ordinary times, but when she goes to sleep, she only finds Sister Ying and Jing Shirong.

Especially when breastfeeding, I only recognize the Yingjieer brand milk and not others.

At one time, Sister Ying even suspected that this little girl was wearing clothes.

 But after observing for a while, he is indeed an ordinary little baby.

 As for only drinking her milk, I can only say that children have different personalities.

 Every child has its own personality soon after birth. Some love to cry and cry non-stop every day.

 Some people don't like to cry or move. They won't move even if they are put in the water to swim. They are as quiet as a mountain.

Like Liu Jin, she loves to laugh. She giggles every time I give her a bath.

 She started laughing shortly after she was born, and everyone found it strange.

 But Xiaomiguo doesn’t like to laugh.

 She spends most of her time sleeping or looking for milk.

 After feeding, she would open her **** eyes and be in a daze for a while. She would ignore anyone who spoke to her, she was so cold.

 Unlike Xiao Liujin, whoever teases her makes her happy, like a little pistachio.

 Sometimes adults put two little girls together and compare them, only to realize that Xiao Liujin is much fatter than Xiao Miguo.

 Xiao Miguo's height and weight are normal, neither fat nor thin, especially her little face is chubby and her appearance is good.

  Xiao Liujin is also chubby, but not only does her face have a chubby face, but her chubby body is also very fleshy, including her thighs, which are just like a chubby baby.

Jinghan didn’t think her daughter was fat when she looked at the six pounds alone, but when she put it with Xiaomi Guo, her daughter felt particularly fat.

She knew that it was not good for children to be too fat, and she was still wondering, "Why is this girl so fat? Her two brothers were about the same weight as Xiaomiguo when they were young, and they were never fat at all. I don't know why the little girl is so fat." Eyes. It was almost squeezed out by the fat.

Jinghan felt that it was not good to gain weight like this, so he went to ask the midwife.

The midwife said that maybe the wet nurse’s milk was too oily and the baby couldn’t absorb it, so he gained weight.

Jinghan heard that it was the wet nurse's problem, so he went back to the kitchen and asked what they gave Sanniang for the five meals a day.

The cook replied, "We don't dare to skimp on the nanny's food. The five meals a day include chicken, duck, mutton, and beef. They are all meat."

 (End of this chapter)

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