Chapter 819, Personality Baby

Jinghan has three lines on his forehead. Looking back, both wet nurses have a chubby physique.

 Especially because they have a good appetite and eat a lot at every meal, especially meat.

This month they have gained a lot of weight, not only around their waists, but also on their entire bodies.

 Xiao Liujin may have gained weight because of eating greasy milk.

Sister Ying didn’t know much about this, so she told her not to worry, to improve slowly, and to see if she could get Xiao Liuliu’s weight back to normal.

Jinghan was still very concerned about his daughter and immediately improved the nanny’s recipe.

However, the nanny still prefers meat and will not be happy with anything. If there are only vegetables and a few small pieces of meat on the dinner table, she simply cannot eat them.

Jinghan thought for a while and decided to feed it himself first to see if it was due to the water.

 She eats a relatively balanced diet, with vegetables and meat, but small and frequent meals, which are not greasy or nutritionally deficient.

 After feeding her for a period of time, Xiao Liuyue lost a little weight to the naked eye.

The fat eyes were squeezed into small sizes before, and the neck was also squeezed out of sight.

 It's much better now. The fleshy face has lost a little weight and the big eyes have appeared.

Jing Han saw the effect with his own eyes, feeling happy and distressed at the same time.

Holding Xiao Liujin in his arms and kissing him twice, he said, "It was my mother's negligence. She didn't notice that you were so fat that you couldn't even open your eyes, but she still thought you were cute."

She did think that chubby children were cute before, but when she saw that her daughter was so fat that she was sweating every time she moved, she suddenly felt that being too fat was very bad for their health, and then she realized that her daughter could no longer be fat. Go down.

 Fortunately, working harder still pays off.

During this period, she was busy taking care of the children herself and had lost a lot of weight. It was actually more effective than eating less.

The same is true for Sister Ying.

Xiao Miguo is a bad-tempered baby. During the day, Jing Shirong can take care of her no matter what. But at night, just stick to her alone. If you move her away just a little bit, she will make you cry.

Sister Ying sometimes likes to tease her deliberately. After feeding her, she will hold her a little away. When she reacts and wants to cry, she will hold her back again, telling Xiao Miguo that she doesn't know whether to cry or not. .

Sister Ying looked at her confused expression and laughed so hard.

Jing Shirong was opposed to her bullying her daughter at first.

 But as his daughter's aggrieved expressions appeared, he felt that her daughter was too funny, and immediately rebelled and bullied Xiaomi Guo together with Sister Ying.

 Xiao Miguo: "Wow~Wow~~" The parents are so bad, they are bullying the baby.

Sister Ying played with Xiaomi Guo for a while, until she started to sweat, and then she started to coax her to sleep.

 Xiao Miguo is still very well-behaved as long as she is around Sister Ying.

Sister Ying hugged her, kissed her little cheek gently, lowered her head to coax her, and hummed a lullaby to her, "Sleep~sleep~my little baby~"

After humming a few words, Xiao Miguo slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep soon.

Except for crying a few times when she is hungry when eating, she is quite well-behaved at other times.

Jing Shirong took a long vacation to take care of her children at home, and she never got tired of taking care of them every day.

During the day, he took the child out to bask in the sun, saying that his brain would get better.

 Before, he was sad because his daughter's head was too long.

 As a result, one month later, Xiaomi Guo’s head has recovered and is getting rounder and rounder, looking very cute.

 After he finished basking in the sun, he took Xiaomi Guo to find Xiao Liujin.

Xiao Liujin is a baby boy who loves to laugh and laughs at everyone he looks at.

Even Murong Yun, who didn’t like taking care of children, was particularly fond of his daughter.

“Xiao Liujin, look who’s coming to see you?”

Jing Shirong came in with the little honey fruit in his arms and put the little honey fruit next to Xiao Liujin.

The two babies' eyesight is not very sensitive yet, but they can both see someone next to them.

Xiao Liujin was more active, stretching out her little hands and waving them, as if trying to grab Xiao Mi Guo’s hand.

Xiao Miguo had a cold expression on her face. She snorted and shook her body to express her rejection. The baby's whole body hums and sways when he moves, his legs move, and he hums a few times from his nose. He looks very cute.

Jing Shirong and Murong Yun both looked over, the more they looked, the more curious they became.

Xiao Liujin always wanted to catch Xiaomiguo, but Xiaomiguo had a cold face, her mouth was pursed tightly, her eyebrows were raised, and her face was serious.

Jing Shirong saw it and said, "No, she's shitting."

Murong Yun looked over and smelled the smell of rice fields. He said, "It's true."

Just making fun of someone else's daughter, Xiao Liujin immediately hummed and looked suffocated, obviously he was also shitting.

Murong Yun I went there and immediately smelled a stinking smell.

 Suddenly the two little villains were **** off. "

  Two old fathers hurriedly took their children to change diapers, but they both stinked terribly.

Sister Ying spends her days catching up on sleep, and at night she feeds her children, does some exercise, and then washes and goes to sleep.

She sleeps until noon. When she gets enough sleep every day, she is as full of energy as if she is fully charged.

Xiao Zi went to bring her food. She ate relatively lightly when she woke up.

 Everyone has some cornmeal paste, or soy milk to accompany the steamed buns, and some fruit or sweet potatoes.

 Eating some whole grains is good for the stomach and intestines. She has always eaten very healthily.

Jing Shirong came back with the baby after taking a bath as soon as he finished eating.

Sister Ying was happy when she saw her eldest daughter, "Did she poop?"

Jing Shirong looked fainted, "I pooped and washed myself. I guess I'm hungry."

Sister Ying hummed, took the child, opened her clothes and fed her.

Xiao Miguo was eating milk leisurely, in a good mood, and hummed while eating.

Jing Shirong looked at Sister Ying's increasingly plump bust and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Sister Ying raised her head to see him staring straight at her, and gave him a coquettish look, "What are you looking at? Go and eat your food."

Jing Shirong's handsome face made a lustful sound, and he sat down to eat with her.

 You have to watch while eating.

Sister Ying blushed when he saw her and glared at him, "Don't look at it. It's embarrassing."

Jing Shirong didn't think so, "Madam, you seem to have gained a lot of weight."

Sister Ying blushed and glared at him, "You have to say it."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and winked at her, "Well, my daughter won't be able to finish her meal in a while, can I help you?"

He was the one who helped her when she had swelling and discomfort before. But at that time he was very religious and had no distracting thoughts.

Now that Sister Ying is in good health, this guy has become ungrateful again.

Sister Ying.

 “Eat your food.”

Jing Shirong saw that she was not angry and muttered in a low voice, "I don't want to eat, I want to eat you."

Sister Ying.

 Forget it, young and vigorous men are all old men, so she should treat them as invisible.

Xiao Miguo didn't know what her parents were talking about, her round little face looked confused, her **** were adorable.

Sister Ying was happy when she saw her daughter. She lowered her head and said to her, "Eat quickly. If you don't eat, it will be gone."

Xiao Miguo grinned at her mother, with milk stains on her mouth. Her smile was silly and very cute.

Sister Ying kissed her fondly and said, "Little rascal, hurry up and finish your meal. I'll put you to sleep after eating."

 Her daughter is very easy to take care of except for her little personality.

As long as you coax her to sleep, she won't wake up and her sleep quality is the same as her mother's, unbeatable.

 (End of this chapter)

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