The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 821: , Mr. Zhong came to see the two children.

Chapter 821, Mr. Zhong comes to see two children

 “Alas, why are you like this?”

Zhong Da jumped up and down when he saw them hiding his daughter from looking at her.

“Oh, if you have something to say, it’s so hot in my arms. Put it down and let some air flow.”

Jing Shirong didn't understand his subtlety, so he snorted and refused to show it.

Young Master Zhong saw that he would not give him a chance. He rolled his eyes and said childishly, "You have to go back to the military camp tomorrow, right? It's okay for me to come visit Xiaomi Guo then~~"

 This sound of oh was said in a mean way, and Jing Shirong was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"you dare!"

His daughter is so cute, how can she make this guy think about becoming his daughter-in-law, no matter what she says.

Young Master Zhong chuckled, "I don't have any bad intentions, but every child has to have a playmate. Look at how cute my son is. It would be great to let him play with Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin in the future. ”

Jing Shirong looked at the short little piggy on the ground with a serious look on his face. When he saw that he was holding two rag dolls in his hands, he looked down upon him with great disdain.

“He’s so old and still playing with dolls, why don’t you give him sword practice?”

In Jing Shirong’s view, when children grow up, they should be taught how to read and write, and they should also practice swordsmanship.

  Piggy is a little over two years old this year. He is chubby and small. His favorite toy has never been swords, but those cute rag dolls.

 Or delicious snacks.

The third princess would get angry every time she saw her son holding a pile of snacks. She would even argue with Young Master Zhong, telling him not to raise her son as a daughter. The boy eats snacks every day, and he still needs to eat snacks at such an old age. , not masculine at all.

Mr. Zhong didn’t think so. “He is only a little over two years old. What’s wrong with eating rice? He eats rice to grow taller.”

 Besides, "What's wrong with eating snacks? Eat more to be healthy and grow taller."

The third princess was really convinced by him, and whatever he said made sense.

Little Piggy also loves his daddy very much. He will follow Mr. Zhong wherever he goes, and will cry when he is left behind. He is a perfect daddy.

Like this moment, when Jing Shirong said little piggy, Young Master Zhong was the first to be unhappy.

“We are only a little over two years old, why are you so harsh? We will naturally learn to practice swordsmanship when we grow up, right son?”

   Little Pig let out a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, the Party is practicing electricity." (Growing up, practicing swordsmanship)

 Because he is still in the early stage of speaking, Xiaozhuzhu’s speech is very non-standard.

Jing Shirong saw the milkiness in his milk, shook his head and smiled, "That's all, there is goat's milk soup in the house, you can give him a bowl."

After all, he is a father, and even though he looks disgusted, he still loves his children.

Zhong Da saw his progress and praised him, "You had a good holiday. At least you can take care of the children."

 Unlike the third princess, even giving her a year off would be immoral.

She is willing to give birth to the child, but if she is asked to take care of it for a day, she will avoid it like a snake and a scorpion, wishing she could run to the military camp immediately.

Mr. Zhong didn’t bother to quarrel with her after quarreling with her several times.

Anyway, he can't realize the picture of having a good wife at home. Considering the temperament of the third princess, who is a straight man, he may be the one who has a good wife.

 Besides, his son is not a mother either. He has taught him since childhood to be a man and protect his father. In the future, his son will definitely be a strong-willed man and not just a baby, hum.

Xiao Zhuzhu sensed his father's thoughts and gave a milky "hum" to Jing Shirong and Murong Yun.

 Jing Shirong and Murong Yun.

 Forget it, there is no need to be wary of this boy. He may become his daughter's little follower in the future. A little fool.

So the two old fathers were no longer on guard and put their daughter on the bed to let the little pig take a look.

It was the first time that Xiaozhuzhu saw a child younger than him. He was very curious. He climbed onto the bed chubbyly and looked at Xiaomiguo and then at Xiaoliujin.

 “Dad, are these four waters?” Who is this? He is only over two years old, and his speech is still childish. His pronunciation is not standard, and only Mr. Zhong can understand it in seconds.

“The one with long eyelashes is Miss Miguo, and the chubby one is Miss Xiao Liujin.”

Little Piggy looked over with wide eyes. Little Fatty pointed at Xiaomiguo who was sleeping and said happily, "Sister?" "

Zhong Da was very happy to see his son like her, "She's my sister, isn't she cute?"

 “Fighting love~” is cute.

He looked at Xiaomi Guo with curiosity, and then at Xiao Liujin who was eating it from his hand. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

 “Daddy will take you home.”

 This sentence is quite clear.

Jing Shirong snorted and glared at him, "How dare you?"

The little piglet was not afraid of him. He said in a milky voice, "Dare you! Take him home!"

 “Yo ho!”

Jing Shirong stared at him with big eyes, picked up the sword on his waist, and pulled it out with a clang, trying to scare him away.

 But Xiaozhuzhu often watched his mother practice swordsmanship at home and was already familiar with the sword, so she was not afraid of him.

  He also gestured to him with the dried sweet potato in his hand, "Bring another!" Bring your life.

 Jing Shi Rong.

Young Master Zhong was ashamed and hurriedly explained, "Hey, every time her mother shows him how to practice swordsmanship, she always says some words on the battlefield so that he can learn from it. Don't be angry, he doesn't understand."

Jing Shirong naturally knew that the piggy didn't understand, but she still pinched his face and said, "You are not allowed to say this in the future."

 If he is one of his own, others can still forgive him, but if he says this to others, they should be angry.

Mr. Zhong also knew that this was a big or small thing, so he quickly picked up his son's little hand and "snapped" it twice to criticize him. "Don't say this next time! You can only say this to your enemies, not your own people. Do you understand?"

Little Piggy’s hands were red from being slapped, and she pouts aggrievedly, “Ouch~ Daddy hurts~”

Mr. Zhong knew that he didn’t understand what he meant, but he still patiently explained it to him.

  “Don’t speak nonsense from now on, otherwise you will be beaten.”

If his mother wasn't the third princess and a border general, she would have been beaten long ago.

It seems that I have to have a quarrel with the third princess when I go back, otherwise she will dare to tease her son with anything, and she will simply not know how to educate him.

Jing Shirong also said, "Teach him well from now on. Don't let him learn the arrogance and arrogance of the third princess. Be careful not to make others hate him."

 Master Zhong nodded, "I know."

It seems that educating children requires more effort. After all, he is still not delicate enough and needs to learn more.

“I have decided to come to your house often when I have time in the future and learn more from Sister Ying and Jing Han.”

There is a parenting group, and those who don’t understand can learn more in the future.

 Jing Shirong and Murong Yun.

 This family is a family of mothers, what are you doing here?

Young Master Zhong argued, "I am both a father and a mother. Whatever happens to the mother-in-law group, I can do the job."

The third princess is a very busy person. He manages the house and takes care of the baby alone, but he has to take care of his parents' share. Being a mother is child's play.

"Who is like you, enjoying so much happiness at home? If you have the ability, you can play two roles, and you can be both father and mother."

Jing Shirong couldn't talk to Murong Yun about him, so he shook his head and said nothing.

When Young Master Zhong saw that he had won, he raised his chin proudly and groaned inwardly, "Boy, I quarrel with my wife every day. I have developed my eloquence skills. How can you still quarrel with me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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