The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 822: , the lovely three princesses couple

 Chapter 822, the lovely third princess couple

Jing Shirong and Murong Yun were both afraid of him. Murong Yun happened to be leaving, so they told him and left.

Jing Shirong was also called from the military camp. He had to leave immediately.

Jing Shirong went back and told Sister Yang, handed her the little honey fruit, and then returned to the military camp.

Sister Ying has just gotten enough sleep and is in good spirits now.

 She came to the living room with Xiaomi Guo in her arms. When she saw Mr. Zhong was there, she smiled and went over to say hello.

 “Brother Zhong is here.”

Mr. Zhong smiled slightly and said, "Well, before you were in confinement, it was not convenient for me to come and see you. Now that you are all out of confinement, you just want to take a look at your child."

Sister Ying held Xiao Miguo in her arms and saw that she was sleeping soundly. She put her in the basket, then sat on the carpet and chatted with Mr. Zhong.

 “How have you been lately? Are you busy at home?”

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes. Some chickens in the chicken coop were sick. Sister Yang and I went to check it out and prescribed several medicines. It took many attempts to get the effect, but I was exhausted. ”

 Chickens, ducks and geese will get sick, including cattle and sheep.

However, only one or two cattle and sheep will get sick, while chickens, ducks and geese will be infected in large numbers.

So Mr. Zhong has been taking care of those sick chickens and ducks during these days.

Sister Ying apologized, "Why didn't you tell me?"

 These things were originally done by two people together, but she basically left them to Young Master Zhong during the later stages of her pregnancy.

Mr. Zhong waved his hands and said grandly, "What's the point? You helped me a lot when I was raising the child. Besides, you should do a good job during confinement. I can just do those little things myself. "

He has always been very open-minded when it comes to his friends. He is the only one who would quarrel with the third princess and is usually very generous in his dealings with others.

Little Piggy followed suit. He walked up to Sister Ying. He waved his hand and said like his father, "I'll save the one who's four meters tall."

 He said it’s okay, I’ll just come.

 Because his father spoke too long, he learned these two sentences.

Sister Ying laughed loudly when she heard this, and she picked him up and sat on her lap fondly.

“Hey, little piggy has gained weight and is quite heavy. Did you sneak some snacks?”

 Little Piggy had a chubby face and said shyly, "There is rice, there is rice." No, no, no.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Then where are your snacks hidden? Can you tell my aunt?"

ˆLittle Piggy was immediately fooled, "In the kitchen~"

Mr. Zhong looked blank.

Stupid son, just said that he didn't eat it?

If you hadn’t eaten secretly, how would you know that there were snacks in the last cabinet in the kitchen?

But this guy is also really good.

 Usually he rations snacks to him and hides the rest.

But this guy is very good at finding things, just like a dog, he can find them wherever they are hidden.

Moreover, when he found them, he hid and ate them secretly, but he didn’t eat much. If you don't tell him, you won't know that he ate it secretly.

 He only found out today that this kid actually ate it secretly, and he was really angry.

   Little Piggy finished talking about the location of the snacks and realized what was happening.

He hurriedly turned back to look at his father, and sure enough he saw that his father's face was not good-looking, as if he was going to take off the soles of his shoes in the next second.

The little pig is used to coaxing adults. Busy and fat Dudu rushed over, hugged Mr. Zhong’s legs, and said with a milky voice, "Daddy, I was wrong~"

 Look, I say this sentence very fluently, which shows that I often admit my mistakes.

Mr. Zhong originally wanted to get angry, but seeing how weird he was, he laughed angrily. "Don't eat snacks secretly anymore, look at how fat your face has become."

He and the third princess are not obese, but my son is chubby and weighs more than other children of the same age.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was still young and worried that he would not grow taller if he was hungry, he would have wanted to help him lose weight.

Sister Ying also felt that Xiaozhuzhu was a little fat, so she asked Mr. Zhong to take his time and not lose weight all at once.

 “Does he usually eat a lot of fat?”

Mr. Zhong nodded, "More. This kid eats fat meat all the time. He doesn't like vegetables at all. This is completely opposite to me."

 He is a person who does not like greasy food and eats light meals. In other words, the third princess eats more heavily.

It seems that the son has followed his mother and eats meat every day. He enjoys almost all kinds of meat.

"I originally wanted to give him less fat, but he can't eat without meat, and I'm annoyed."

Sister Ying, “Since you can’t stop eating, then exercise more.”

 Children, if you move around and sweat, you will lose some weight.

"This is a good suggestion, but he is so young, I really don't know how to get him to exercise."

 Let him play at home, and he doesn’t want to move at all. He just wants to be hugged.

 When he went out, there were many cattle, sheep and carriages outside, so he was afraid of bumping into him.

Sister Ying suggested, "Then let him walk to my house every day, walk back and forth every day, and play with the two little sisters. Maybe he won't be so fat."

  She doesn’t mind if her child is fat, but being too fat will affect her health.

Mr. Zhong also thinks so. A fat kid is cute, but being too fat is not good for his health. He can't walk without breathing, and it's not good for his internal organs.

 “Okay, let’s do it.”

From tomorrow on, he will let this kid come out for exercise every day, two or three times a day. He must make sure that he builds up his fat and doesn't get out of breath after walking a few steps.

After Mr. Zhong returned, he told the third princess about his idea. The third princess snorted coldly, "Let's do it like this."

In fact, she had already noticed that her son had gained weight because of eating too much, but she was afraid that if she spoke out, the man would scold her and tell her that she should not be forced to do anything about the child, so she did not dare to say it.

 Now this man is like a tigress, she doesn’t dare to mess with him.

Now that he himself said he wanted to exercise for his son, she naturally agreed.

When Zhong Da saw her unresponsive, he put a piece of meat for her and said to her, "You have never seen Xiao Mi Guo and Xiao Liu Jin. They are so cute, chubby, white and soft, with two It’s like a little cotton baby, so cute.”

If possible, he would also like to have a child, whether it is a daughter or a son. In short, one more child will make the family more lively.

But remembering how hard it was for the third princess to be pregnant at that time, he naturally didn't mention this. He still felt sorry for him.

 But the third princess has obviously recovered and the scar has forgotten the pain.

Her body is now as good as before, she is practicing martial arts every day, and she is a tough woman again.

She took a bite of meat and said, "How about we have another one?"

 Having already given birth to one child, I don’t care about the next one.

 The house used to be deserted, but since the arrival of this man and the little pig, the house has become really lively.

There is actually no harm in having one more child.

Mr. Zhong felt sorry for her, "You were pregnant before and it was so uncomfortable to vomit. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it again."

The third princess waved her hands grandly, "It's nothing. It's just a child. I gave birth to it now. If I don't give birth to it, I won't have another one."

 Besides, having one more child to accompany this man will save him from looking down on her all day long.

 If you offend him in the future, and you have two children around, you won't be afraid of him running away from home.

 Zhong Dashao.

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 (End of this chapter)

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