Chapter 823, bitten by a mosquito

Young Master Zhong never imagined that the third princess’ original intention of having a child was to prevent him from running away from home.

 He didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

But thinking about it, he seems to be the one losing his temper and quarreling in their family.

The third princess is like a straight man with no coaxing skills at all. She always takes him back by force.

They have been married for almost four years, and he basically started the quarrels, which ended with her having to work hard to reconcile them.

Although outsiders may think that he is messing around, Mr. Zhong doesn’t care what others think. Anyway, as long as they live as a couple, he just wants to be happy and doesn’t care what others do.

 With the addition of having children, life becomes even more interesting.

With the child accompanying him, he would not miss her so much when the third princess went to the military camp to distract her attention.

 The third princess thought so too.

 She hasn’t been back for a month when she is usually busy.

 It was only because her life had been peaceful recently and there was nothing important that she could come back to eat with him every day.

Now that she has free time, she thought that it would be a good idea to have another child during this peaceful time.

 It's quite lively to have a little piggy at home, and it will be even more lively when there is another one.

 She is an action person, she does what she says, and she winks at Mr. Zhong when she is full.

 “Let’s go upstairs.”

Mr. Zhong looked confused, "Why are you going upstairs so early?"

 He hasn’t bathed his son yet.

But the third princess pulled him up and said, "Let's go, give the son to the wet nurse."

After saying that, he picked him up and went upstairs.

 Start taking off your clothes as soon as you get to the room.

 Zhong Dashao.

 “Don’t be such an activist!”

We were still discussing it just now, so come as soon as you say.

The third princess refused to follow his lead and tore off his clothes, "A moment of spring is worth a thousand pieces of gold, don't talk nonsense."

 After saying this, he put out the light.

ˆLittle Piggy who is still eating downstairs:.? ?

 Why did your father and mother leave so suddenly?

The wet nurse snickered and fed him with a spoon, "It's okay. Your mother has something to discuss with your father. Don't disturb them, or your mother will spank him."

The little piggy was still quite afraid of being spanked by his mother, so he sat at the dining table and ate without daring to disturb him.

 On the second day, Mr. Zhong took his son with a tired look on his face to chat with Sister Ying and the others.

As soon as Sister Ying came in, she saw his tired figure and asked strangely, "What's the matter with you? Why are you so haggard?"

Mr. Zhong blushed, "No, it's okay, I just got up early and feel sleepy."

 Actually, there was too much trouble last night and he was exhausted.

Sister Ying did not think much and asked her servants to get him a recliner, "Then you can lie down for a while and let the little piggy play by himself."

Little Piggy could feel his father's tiredness. He came over to hug Sister Ying's thigh and whispered to her, "Auntie, mother, please stay away later."

He wanted to say that his mother had eaten last night, but before he could finish the word "eat", Mr. Zhong covered his mouth.

 “Aren’t you going to see Xiaomiguo? Go quickly. She is in the cradle. Go and coax your sister to sleep.”

As soon as Little Piggy heard about his sister, his attention was diverted, and he immediately ran over to the cradle to look at the little honey fruit.

Zhong Da breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Sister Ying was not suspicious, but his ears were still red.

Sister Ying saw that he was so sleepy, so she asked Xiao Zi to bring him a bowl of bird's nest, "You can also make up for it."

Mr. Zhong thought that if he had another child in the future, he would be healthier, so he did not refuse.

 “Okay, then I’m welcome.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's okay. The kitchen will make an extra portion every day. It just depends on whether my cousin or I wants to eat an extra bowl. You can come and eat with us from time to time." Mr. Zhong's health has improved in the past few years. He looked a lot better, and his face was no longer as pale as before.

Although he is still thin now, his energy is obviously much better than before.

Sister Yang took his pulse and found that all his illnesses were cured. He was just a little weak in the spleen and would be better if he took good care of himself.

Mr. Zhong also pays great attention to maintaining his body. Although the Third Princess can eat and drink as much as he wants, he eats very carefully. Vegetables, meats and fruits are evenly distributed in every meal. The food he eats is relatively light but nutritious.

The third princess didn't like to eat his food, there was no oil or water at all.

She still likes to eat meat and drink wine, which makes her happy.

 Unlike Mr. Zhong who chews carefully and slowly, he is very gentle.

 When he arrived at Sister Ying's place, Mr. Zhong felt that he had met the same kind of people.

He sat down and ate the bird's nest while complaining to Sister Ying, "You don't know, the third princess has the same appetite as a cow. She eats a lot of meat per ton."

“I wonder if she wouldn’t be able to eat if there was no meat here.”

 Fortunately, the cattle, sheep, and horses he and Sister Ying raised were very fat and bred well, otherwise the woman would not have enough to eat.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "It's a blessing to be able to eat."

 It’s better for the third princess to eat it than not to eat it.

Mr. Zhong nodded, "That's true. She only eats tendon meat when she can. She is stronger than two big men."

He is not exaggerating. Their third princess is tall and strong. If no one told her, ordinary people would not be able to tell that she is a woman.

Especially after she gave birth to a child, she started exercising like crazy and her muscles became even more developed than before.

 He was so thin and weak standing in front of her, like a bird clinging to someone.

Sister Ying thought that the way his family interacted with her was a bit feminine, and she felt cute for no reason.


While we were chatting, Xiaomiguo started crying.

Sister Ying stood up and walked over to take a look. Before anyone arrived, she said, "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

Of course, Xiaomiguo couldn't answer her, but she felt relieved when she heard her voice. She curled her little mouth and hummed, feeling a little aggrieved.

Sister Ying didn't know why. She lowered her head and opened the mosquito net of the cradle. When she saw a mosquito bite on her face, she said "yo" and felt heartbroken.

 “Oh, the mosquito is so bad, it actually bit your face, it’s so annoying!”

Xiao Miguo felt even more aggrieved and started to cry.

Sister Ying was so distressed that she quickly took out Sister Yang’s homemade anti-mosquito ointment and applied it to her.

  "Okay, okay, don't cry. Mom, just wipe it for you and it'll be fine."

 She applied the medicine on her daughter gently, checked the mosquito net, and asked curiously, "How could a mosquito net get in?"

 She had pressed the mosquito net very tightly before.

It was only then that Xiaozhuzhu realized that he had gotten into trouble. He was afraid that Jiji would come over and hug Sister Ying’s thigh, “Ooooooo, I’m the better one~”

 He is saying that it is his fault.

Sister Ying smiled, squatted down with Xiaomiguo in her arms and asked him, "What's wrong with you? Huh?"

Little Piggy groaned, pointed at the mosquito net, and then pointed at himself, implying that he was the one who opened the mosquito net.

Sister Ying suddenly understood, but she smiled at him lovingly, "It's okay, you didn't mean it, but there are so many mosquitoes now, let's not open my sister's mosquito net next time, okay?"

 The little pig’s milky voice assures, “Okay~”

He was just lying on the cradle to look at his sister out of curiosity.

But the mosquito net was too much of an eyesore, so he removed it.

 After removing it, if you don’t understand, you have to put it back in its original position, so that mosquitoes can get in and bite my sister.

 (End of this chapter)

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