The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 824: , take your children shopping

Chapter 824, Taking the children shopping

 At first he didn't notice that his harmful sister was bitten by a mosquito.

 It wasn’t until Xiaomiguo started crying that he realized he had gotten into trouble.

Daddy said you should admit your mistakes when you get into trouble, and he did it right away.

Sister Ying saw a look of regret on his chubby little face. She obviously knew that she was wrong, and her heart instantly softened.

“Okay, don’t cry. Auntie knows you didn’t mean it, so I don’t blame you.”

Seeing that she was not angry, Little Piggy grinned, her smile innocent and cute.

Mr. Zhong shook his head helplessly. He didn't expect that he would get into trouble as soon as he brought this kid here.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying has a good temper, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

Xiao Miguo, on the other hand, felt very uncomfortable because of being bitten by a mosquito. She groaned angrily, curled her lips and was about to cry.

Sister Ying was busy hugging and coaxing her, but Xiaomiguo couldn’t get rid of her itch, so she cried in discomfort.

This bright voice made Mr. Zhong happy.

 “Why is her voice so loud?” You can probably hear her even in disaster years.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "No, your voice is so loud that the neighbors can hear it."

If this girl hadn't been crying all day long, she would have disturbed the people at night.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "A good voice means you have a large lung capacity."

Sister Ying also laughed, "Yes, you can exercise your body by howling a few times. I'm used to it."

But Xiaozhuzhu had a scared look on his face, secretly thinking that his sister is so cute, but her voice is so loud.

When he was acting bad and crying at home, he was not as loud as his sister. It seemed that he lost.

 After a while, Xiao Liujin of Jinghan’s family also woke up.

Xiao Liujin is not born to cry, but loves to laugh.

At this moment, I will be very excited when I hear Xiaomiguo’s cry, and I will twist my little body as if I want to come to find Xiaomiguo.

Jinghan woke up from sleep and came over with Xiao Liujin in his arms.

“Brother Zhong is here too?”

 As soon as he arrived, he saw Mr. Zhong and Xiaozhuzhu. Jinghan hurriedly asked his servants to get snacks for Xiaozhuzhu.

The maid quickly brought dried fruits and some crispy rice cakes.

Jinghan brought it all to Xiaozhuzhu, "Take it, take whatever you like."

 Little Piggy glanced at Mr. Zhong and asked him for his opinion.

Mr. Zhong said, “I can only take one.”

  Piglet Pig has gotten used to the habit of only being able to take one when visiting other people's homes, so he carefully picked out the dishes on the plate.

Mr. Zhong glanced over and knew that he was choosing the big one. He coughed and said, "Choose the one you can finish eating."

 “If you can’t finish it, don’t eat at night.”

This brat has to choose the biggest one every time.

 Most snacks are overly sweet. If they are too big, you won’t be able to finish them and you will get bored.

But this kid refuses to change despite repeated admonitions. He still takes the big one every time he can't finish his meal. That's why Mr. Zhong doesn't tolerate him.

“Choose carefully. If you can’t finish the meal, you can finish it here in the evening and then go back.”

 means to go back first for your father, and you can only go back after eating.

How could Xiaozhuzhu, a sweet boy, be left behind by his biological father? He immediately became cautious, looked at the plate of delicious snacks, carefully selected, and finally chose a rice xiangguo the size of his fist.

Mr. Zhong grunted with satisfaction, "Eat in a gentle manner."

The son is just like his mother, he eats rudely and wolfs down the food.

It's okay at home, but he doesn't like his son being disgraced when away from home.

Little Piggy goes out with him every once in a while, and has long since developed a different face when he is at home, and a different face when he is a guest at someone else's house.

At this moment, he picked up the small rice xiangguo, took it on a small plate, and ate it in small bites, as politely as he wanted.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at it and laughed. You must know that they have seen with their own eyes the way the little piggy wolfed down the food at home, which is completely opposite to the gentle and polite appearance it looks like now.

 Both of them laughed at it, but did not criticize it.

 Xiao Liujin has a sensitive nose. As soon as he smells the sweet snack, he immediately asks for something to eat.

Jinghan smiled and told them, "I don't know why my six-pound family has a very sharp nose. I get excited when I smell sweet things."

  Whenever something sweet is put in front of her, she will hum excitedly.

On the other hand, Xiaomi Guo is not interested at all. She doesn't like anything sweet or salty, and she is very cold.

 She will be a little more excited when her father and mother hold her, and she will sleep the rest of the time.

Sister Ying laughed at herself, "This one in my family doesn't like to move, and when she cries, she still makes people cry. She's not cute at all."

 It was only at meal time, when she was feeding her, that she would hum and chirp excitedly, like a husky excited about eating delicious food in the world.

Jinghan and Mr. Zhong both laughed after hearing this.

“A child is different every day. I used to praise my six-pound daughter for not crying easily, but in the past two days, she started crying.”

 Xiao Liujin, who used to smile at everyone, now starts crying whenever she doesn't get her way, and her posture is no less impressive than Xiao Miguo's.

However, Xiao Miguo is not really a crybaby. She only howls a few times when she is very hungry or feels unwell, otherwise she wouldn't cry much.

 The two old mothers looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Young Master Zhong suggested to them, "The weather is nice today. It's not too hot outside and there's no dust. How about we take the children out for a walk on the street?"

This is not a capital city with many rules. Many children under one month old have already come out to bask in the sun.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin are almost three months old and can go out for a walk long ago.

 It was rainy and sometimes very hot, so Sister Ying did not take her children out for fear that they would get sick due to the alternating cold and hot weather.

The weather is not hot today, the breeze is blowing gently, and it feels a bit cool in autumn, so you can go out for a walk.

 “Okay, let’s go out for a while.”

 Now that the two little girls are a little older, I can buy them some more clothes.

Jinghan gets excited when talking about clothes, "I've long wanted to have a daughter to dress up with. Now that I have a daughter, I can't wait to buy her more beautiful dresses."

 “Quick, quick, let’s go shopping for skirts together.”

Although Sister Ying didn’t say it, she was thinking about it.

 The joy of having a daughter is not buying a lot of cute little dresses for her to wear.

So she put the stroller for her daughter and invited everyone to join her.

Young Master Zhong saw that they all had daughters and was instantly envious.

 I hope the third princess can give him a daughter this time. He really wants a daughter.

 The three of them took to the street together, pushing two trolleys, which was very eye-catching.

 A woman asked where she bought the stroller. It seemed very convenient.

Sister Ying hurriedly said, "There is a Jingying store in the market in front, and they sell some of them."

 She asked Jing Shirong to bring in some carts to sell before, but now the store has opened in the market where they went before.

As soon as the woman heard this, she went over to look at it together and asked about the prices. There were expensive ones and cheap ones, so she chose the one she could afford and bought one back.

This kind of stroller can be used by several children, and the eldest child can be used when the second child is finished. Even if it is expensive, it will not be wasted.

 In addition to using it yourself, you can also buy it and give it to others.

 Because of its good quality, Sister Ying’s maternal and infant store gradually became popular.

In addition to the stroller, there is also a dining chair for children, which was designed by Sister Ying and Jing Han. It is very convenient to put the child in it for feeding without having to hold it.

 Many women found it convenient and bought it.

 (End of this chapter)

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