Chapter 826, Huge Carrot

Sister Ying saw the eye contact between the two of them and did not take the matter to heart. After all, she was not familiar with the madam.

But when they just came downstairs, they heard the sound of a frightened horse in the street.

The horse was running wildly, as if it was frightened by something, and it jumped directly into the river carrying the person.

The river is neither big nor small, but it is very deep.

The thousand-jin horse will sink as soon as it falls into the river, and the man on the horse will also sink.

 Passers-by were surprised and went to watch one after another.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and asked passers-by, "What happened just now?"

A passerby witnessed the incident and told them, "It seemed that the horse was frightened and jumped into the water, and the man on the horse sank as well."

Someone helped to fish it out, but the river was very deep. If they couldn't fish it out, they had to report it to the officials. By the time the officials came, everyone had already floated up and was out of breath.

Later, the government concluded that it was an accident and the matter was dropped.

 Originally, this matter just passed.

After Sister Ying and Jing Han returned home, they heard from the cook that the man who fell into the river with his horse in the morning was originally a swinger.

“His family is relatively wealthy, and he is the only male grandchild in the family, so he is particularly favored.”

 “But that young master is very carefree, and the girl loves everyone she meets, and has been a heartless person many times.”

“It is said that he also deceived a poor girl’s innocence, and in the end he did not care about the girl’s pregnancy, which resulted in the girl’s family being kicked out of the family.”

Sister Ying asked, "What happened next?"

Cook, "Later, the little girl's parents dragged their sick bodies to plead with the young master and let him marry their daughter home, even if it was a side wife, it was better than giving birth to a child with no name or distinction. "

 But the young master ruthlessly refused. Later, fearing that the sick couple would cause trouble again, he gave his family a sum of money and asked the couple to abort the child.

The little girl didn't expect him to be so heartless. She was deceived by him into her innocence, and her sick parents were kicked out of the family. Now her life is ruined, and everything was caused by him.

 So she went to report to the official that day.

 But the government only said that she was unruly and put all the blame on her. He also harshly criticized her, "If you were a woman, how could you have a secret meeting with a man?"

 “If you would rather die than surrender and refuse him, how could he succeed?”

 All said and done, all the responsibility is placed on her.

The little girl had just grown hair and didn’t understand anything about men and women.

 In addition, her father is in poor health, so she has to go out to get medicine every now and then, so she naturally has to go out.

 As soon as I went out, I was stared at by that playboy.

The other party is a veteran in love and knows how to make a young girl relax her vigilance, especially when it comes to deceiving a young girl who is careless about the world.

The little girl was originally rejected by her family because of her father's poor health, and her life was very aggrieved.

Her father has always been in poor health, and the family's source of livelihood comes from her mother's sewing.

Because they don’t earn much, the family looks down upon their third-bedroom family, which can’t make ends meet and even has to pay for it.

The little girl is still young and already understands that life at home is difficult, and her mother also wishes for her to marry into a good family so that she can escape the poverty of her original family as soon as possible.

It was at this time that the **** came to capture her trust.

He comforted her, gave her money for medicinal herbs, and vowed to marry her.

 Even bought ginseng for her father, and the little girl was moved by her thoughtfulness.

 Originally, she had a sweet dream of marrying her sweetheart.

Unexpectedly, when someone took advantage of her, her face changed.

 He began to come less often, and only came to bed. The little girl gradually realized that something was wrong with him.

 But by the time she found out, the other party had already gone to find another girl.

At that time, she saw him pursuing another girl with her own eyes, using the same tactics.

She was very angry at the time and went to him to argue, but he said, "I really liked you before, but now you just look like that. Maybe you are not charming enough, otherwise how could I fall in love with someone else?"

These words made the little girl stunned for a while, thinking that it was her own fault that made him change his mind.

 She went back in despair and did not dare to tell her parents about it.

Originally, she wanted to find a good match for herself so that her mother would not be miserable all day long.

 It's a pity that the marriage was messed up by her, and she doesn't know what to do now.

 Until she suddenly suffered from morning sickness one morning and felt a slight pain in her stomach, she could no longer hide the matter.

 She had no knowledge in this area at first, until she saw that her neighbor’s sister-in-law’s symptoms of pregnancy were exactly the same as hers, and she was really frightened.

 A girl who gets pregnant out of wedlock will be stabbed in the spine.

 The more serious situation is to be hung up and beaten.

If the matter is exposed, not only will the parents be implicated, but they may also become angry and sick.

The girl suddenly panicked and even wanted to die.

 But her mother discovered her when she was hanging, and the matter could no longer be concealed.

Her mother didn't expect that she would be deceived. She was heartbroken and wanted the man to take responsibility.

"Don't go out in the past few days. Mom, go find his house and tell her."

That family was easy to find nearby, so the woman found an opportunity to talk to the other person's parents.

It's a pity that people don't see her at all, and even if they do, they won't acknowledge her.

  What did you say, "If your daughter is pregnant with a child and you say it's my son's, then if everyone else says the same thing, won't my family want to marry a hundred of them?"

“Besides, what are the conditions of your family? What are the conditions of my family? It’s wrong to be from a poor family. I advise you not to overestimate your capabilities, so as not to slap yourself in the face.”

The woman wanted to argue, but the other party said, "You said that my son touched your daughter, do you have evidence? If you don't have evidence, don't talk nonsense."

She relied on her son to know how to avoid other people, so she was sure that his son would not leave any clues.

Sure enough, the woman went back and asked her daughter, but the girl said there was no evidence.

The young master is a veteran in love, and he has long been taught that no evidence can be left behind when doing things.

Every time he went there late at night, no one saw him, and even the girl's police officer couldn't provide any evidence.

In this way, this girl's family suffered the disadvantage of being dumb, and it was discovered that she was pregnant out of wedlock, and they were criticized overnight.

 The mother and daughter looked completely defeated. They didn't expect things to turn out like this.

They didn't want to live anymore, but there was a weak man at home and they couldn't just leave him.

The mother and daughter had no choice but to hide it for now and planned to beat the child secretly.

Unexpectedly, he ran to tell the frail man at home with evil intentions. The man couldn't accept it and vomited a mouthful of blood, almost losing his breath.

 The mother and daughter couldn't help crying when they saw that he was almost dead.

 Finally, the mother and daughter took the risk and ran to the young master's house and started making trouble.

“If you don’t give my daughter an explanation today, our family of three will be hanged in front of your family, and your family will be cursed for the rest of our lives.”

 (End of this chapter)

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