Chapter 827, leading to a big case

This curse made the young master's family angry, but he didn't dare to let them hang in front of his house. After all, it was too unlucky.

So the mistress of the house went to stabilize them, gave them some money first, and said that she would wait until they agreed on how to be responsible before going to pick them up.

 The mother and daughter thought they had compromised, so they went back with confidence.

Unexpectedly, the young master did not want to be responsible for her at all. He was just playing with the little girl and had no intention of marrying her, even as a concubine.

A poor girl from a poor family, if she marries into his family, how will she be able to hold her head up in front of her friends in the future? Naturally, he didn't want to take her home.

 But she is already pregnant, and it will be a problem if she doesn't resolve it.

The young master was also cruel. In order to prevent the woman from coming to take responsibility for him again, he drugged the woman in the middle of the night in order to abort the child in her belly.

As long as the child is gone, she has no excuse to hold him responsible.


After the child is gone, her parents understand that it is probably impossible to hold the other party responsible again.

The girl saw the despair in her parents' eyes, felt guilty, and gradually developed hatred.

She hated the philandering young master, hated him for deceiving her, taking away her innocence, and killing her child.

This hatred made her bold, and she went to find the young master that night, hoping to die with him.

 Unfortunately, she was not as strong as the young master. During the fight between the two, she lost her footing and was pushed into the river.

The young master was still scared at first, but considering that the river was so deep, if the woman died, he would have no loss, so he went back in a happy mood, without any thought of saving anyone.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were shocked to hear this, and asked nervously with big eyes, "What happened next? Did the girl die? Or was she rescued?"

  The cook, "It was said that she was dead, and the government also went to fish for it as a symbol, but nothing was found, so they decided that she was dead."

“I feel sorry for her parents, because they couldn’t bear the severe injury, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and they died that night.”

The whole family was destroyed overnight. The neighbors were very sad. They didn't know whether to say that the girl was shameless and got pregnant out of wedlock, or that the young master was inhumane and deceived others about his innocence but was irresponsible.

However, the young master's parents also had some tricks up their sleeves and changed the rumor several times, saying that the girl jumped into the river because she was pregnant before marriage and was disgraced, and had nothing to do with his son.

 Because it was already late at night when the two of them were fighting, and only a drunk man passed by and saw it, so he could bribe it.

However, the people still felt that this matter had something to do with the young master, and they all commented in private.

The government seems to have relatives of the other party, and they can smooth things over every time.

 In addition, no physical evidence could be found, so the death of the little girl and her family was naturally in vain.

 It was also because of this that the young master suddenly fell into the river on his horse and died today, and everyone clapped their hands and cheered.

Sister Ying asked, "Is it true that the young master can't be fished out?"

 If a horse falls during the day, it stands to reason that it should be able to be fished out.

But the cook said, "I've been fishing for a whole day, but I still haven't caught it. I don't know if it was dragged away by the water ghost."

After all, the horse fell into the river together. It is impossible to catch something so big unless it sinks to the bottom.

The government has not yet come to a conclusion, and the people will not talk about it. They are all talking in private, and the cooks also secretly overheard it.

However, some people still feel happy, secretly saying that the evildoers will have their own destiny.

Even if the girl got pregnant out of wedlock, but no man took the initiative, how could a little girl know this?

The key is that people are not responsible when they touch someone, and some people who know the inside story can't stand it, secretly thinking that the philandering young man should die.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other after hearing this, "They both say that heaven reincarnates and retribution is always retribution." Sure enough, people should not be too bad, otherwise they will suffer retribution. I thought this matter would just go away.

 But the next day, news came out that the young master had been murdered.

The people were all stunned after hearing this, and secretly thought that whoever would harm a rich young man would be asking for trouble.

The government sent people out to look for evidence the next day. They searched for evidence from house to house, which made the chickens and dogs restless.

Especially when the young master’s parents learned that their son had been deliberately murdered, they refused to give up until the murderer was caught.

The cook also peeked for a long time when she went to buy groceries. When she came back, she imitated Sister Ying.

“Madam, Madam, I heard some good news today.”

Jinghan came over with Xiao Liujin in his arms, and Sister Ying came over with Xiaomiguo in her arms. The two of them sat down with their children to put them to sleep while listening to what the cook said.

“How was the government’s investigation today? Did they find the murderer?”

The cook shook her head, "We haven't found it yet, but people are spreading rumors that the girl who died in vain has come back to take revenge. Otherwise, how could a good person sink into the river and die, and the body can't be found."

“Everyone said it must be the little girl’s ghost who came back to seek revenge. After all, her parents are dead.”

Everyone said it was so mysterious that it scared the children away from running out to play at night.

In the end, the government came out to stop them and stopped them from talking nonsense. They also said that the case had made progress.

 Everyone wants to hear some gossip after dinner and tea, and follows it every day.

 Sister Ying does yoga with Jing Han at home during the day. After coaxing the children to eat snacks, she will listen to the cook saying this.

The cook likes to gossip the most. Whenever she encounters something weird when she goes grocery shopping, she will tell them about it.

It's the same today. "Madam, when I went to buy fruit in the morning, I heard about a new development. It is said that many romantic men have died one after another in the past six months. It is said that the deaths were all natural, and the government did not find any problems at all."

“It’s because the young master who died this time was the nephew of a government official, that’s why we investigated it carefully.”

You don’t know if you don’t check. Once you check, you will find some clues.

 Because in the past six months, many men have died, and they were all unconscionable men.

 Most of their deaths were accidental, such as falling into the river after drinking alcohol, accidentally eating poisonous wild mushrooms, or being run over by cattle.

 In short, all kinds of accidents that seemed very reasonable made people feel normal, so they didn’t think about other aspects.

 But when I think about it carefully, I feel that things that are too reasonable are actually abnormal.

 That’s why I found this clue after further investigation.

The cook said mysteriously, "The government now suspects that those men did not die accidentally. Someone should be plotting to kill them."

Sister Ying asked, "Who could be plotting murder?"

The cook shook her head, "I don't know about that. The people in those markets are quite friendly, and the bosses are also very enthusiastic. I can't see anyone planning to harm others."

 The locals are very friendly, and the occasional quarrels are just curses. At most, they are fights, but they rarely result in lives.

 The people were really surprised when the government suddenly discovered this.

But thinking about it carefully, it may be a conjecture made by someone who was heartbroken after losing a child, so I ignored it.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and felt that this matter was not that simple.

 (End of this chapter)

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