Chapter 828, Unsolved Case

Jinghan whispered, "Do you think this is true? Is there really someone planning to harm those men?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know about that."

 They take care of their children at home every day and only go out once in a while. How can you observe this?

 While she was eating the dried fruit, a picture suddenly flashed in her mind.

“I remembered it. When we were at the inn that day, I seemed to see the young madam and a veiled woman looking at each other and making a gesture.”

Then the flirtatious young man’s horse frightened and ran to the river as if desperate for his life. Then he fell into the river and died.

 I wonder if this matter may be related to the madam.

Jinghan asked in a low voice, "Did you really see it?"

Sister Ying nodded, "It's true, she did exchange looks with the other person, but it's not necessarily clear whether the other person is the murderer."

  After all, the old bustard didn't have any evil spirits about him. He was polite to everyone. Every time he saw them, he nodded slightly and his eyes were kind. He didn't look like someone who would kill.

 Besides, her wink probably just meant she had something to tell her, maybe she was overthinking it.

Jinghan also said, "I've met that madam a few times, and she nodded kindly to me every time I saw her. I quite like her."

  Although she was in a brothel and became a madam, she always had a righteous temperament about her.

As the two of them were chatting, Young Master Zhong came over with his son.

“Hey, have you heard about what happened at the market?”

Sister Ying nodded to Jing Han, "I heard it, you heard it too?"

Mr. Zhong sat down and took a sip of tea, "Well, this is the first time I've heard of such a thing for so long."

  Although there were often fights here before, as soon as the third princess took action and hung up the people fighting in front of all the people and beat them to pieces, the remaining arrogant people restrained themselves a lot and no longer dared to fight at will.

 The third princess's management has always been to respond to violence with violence, but she is usually tolerant, so everyone understands that she is not right about the situation and not the person, so they naturally respect her.

But at the same time, I didn’t dare to bully the small ones at will. I would stand opposite and point at each other with arms akimbo, and curse, and then a group of people would come to persuade me.

 In the end, that’s all. There was basically no murderous intention.

 Those who occasionally kill people will definitely have to kill people to pay for it with their own lives.

The management system is there, so there are very few lives lost in the market here, and it has always been quite peaceful.

 The third princess also knew about this recent incident, but did not take care of it.

Mr. Zhong asked her, "Don't you care about this?"

The third princess looked out the window and snorted coldly, "I have to take care of everything, and what else does the government do?"

Even this small case can't be solved, so we might as well just close the government office instead of opening it. "

Mr. Zhong knew that she was someone who wanted to do important things, so he stopped disturbing her and went out to talk to Sister Ying and the others.

Little Piggy listened for a while and couldn’t understand, so he ran to find the two little sisters to play.

Sister Ying turned around and saw him obediently lying next to the cradle watching Xiao Miguo and the others, without even lifting the mosquito net, and smiled happily.

 This guy has a very good memory.

Seeing his cautious look, Young Master Zhong also smiled, "This is one of his few advantages, that is, he has a long memory."

Every time he makes a mistake, he corrects it, probably just letting it go.

Sister Ying and Jing Han also smiled, "It's very hot here at noon. Did you come here on foot?"

Young Master Zhong nodded, "Yes, let him exercise by walking. Look at how fat he is." Sister Ying smiled lovingly, "Remember to take an umbrella, the sun is quite strong at noon."

 It’s almost August now, it’s still very hot at noon, don’t get heat stroke.

Mr. Zhong was also afraid of his child suffering from heatstroke. When he walked, he always leaned against the wall and did not get any sunlight.

Xiao Zi brought them sour plum soup and sat down to listen to them continue talking.

“Miss, I just heard from the little maid next door outside that the government seemed to have found some clues at noon, but no one else could find out. Everyone is guessing that the government wants to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish.”

Mr. Zhong was very interested in what he heard. “I don’t know if this is the government’s imagination or if there is a real murder?”

As far as he understood, the people who died in this case were all evil men who deserved their death and deserved no sympathy at all.

The third princess may have known the character of those people, so she didn’t care about them.

 In addition, the government here has been lazy for too long, and they have to do things to be worthy of their monthly salary, so the third princess did not want to care about it and only watched the progress secretly.

The government wouldn't ask her for help, so I wanted to check it out myself for fear of losing face.

 But nothing was found for several days, and there was almost no evidence, let alone witnesses.

The other party's methods are so high, the government has to wonder if they have made a mistake.

Perhaps those people died accidentally and were not man-made, otherwise there would be no evidence at all.

Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong were waiting for news at home, but they didn't wait. They felt that the matter was probably an unresolved case, so they didn't want to wait any longer and had already started the next topic.

The three of them sat on the carpet. Mr. Zhong took a sip of herbal tea and asked Sister Ying, "I heard that your mother and your brother are coming to see you. Are they coming soon?"

Sister Ying is also counting the days every day, "It's coming soon. Brother Seng knows the way. We will arrive in the next few days."

Sister Ying gets excited when she thinks that her mother is coming soon, and she feels very happy every day.

At one time, he asked Xiao Zi to buy the softest four-piece quilt set, and at the next time, he personally cut the most comfortable pajamas for Wu.

ˆPrepare some daily necessities personally.

 Even the curtains in the room were changed to make them brighter, in preparation for Mrs. Wu to come and live happily.

Seeing how happy she was, Young Master Zhong also smiled, "When my aunt comes over, let's hold a reception banquet for her and have a lot of fun together."

Sister Ying smiled slightly and said, "Okay, my mother will be very happy."

When Xiao Miguo heard their joyful laughter, she just woke up and snorted slightly. She was inexplicably proud and made Sister Ying laugh non-stop.

“This girl is a bit imaginative. Sometimes I can’t figure out what she is thinking.”

Sometimes when she was feeding her a pig, she would stop for a while when she saw her take a bite. Then she would stop for a while after taking a bite, and then she would scold her, "It's delicious. If you don't eat it, it will be gone."

Hearing her mother's threat, the little girl raised her dark eyes and looked at her mother for a while, then snorted and continued to take a bite, then paused, just for fun, but it didn't taste good.

Sister Ying laughed angrily. He pinched her round little face and asked, "Did you do this on purpose?"

“Don’t think that my mother won’t spank you when you’re only four months old?”

 But the little girl was not afraid of her at all, and even grinned at her, showing her toothless pacifier.

She is so cute, but Sister Ying is not willing to scold her. She only asks her to eat quickly and take a nap after eating.

 But people just don’t like it.

Sister Ying thought she was not hungry, so she put on her clothes. But as soon as she put them on, she immediately pouted and was about to burst into tears, so Sister Ying hurriedly untied her clothes.

 (End of this chapter)

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