Chapter 831, Mothers’ group

She has never raised a child, so she naturally doesn’t know the joy of teasing children.

Young Master Zhong even looked at her with contempt, "You, a straight girl, don't get involved in the conversation between mothers and fathers."

The third princess was not happy, "Why can't I participate?" Are you so nice? Just exclude this general?

Mr. Zhong saw the jealous look on her face and raised his chin proudly, "Even if you are asked to participate, you have to understand. But do you understand?"

 Small model, finally there is something inferior to him, right?

She usually shows off her power at home, takes care of food, drink, and children, and he is also in charge of the children. Just like this, when she comes home, she is still like an uncle.

If he hadn't seen her working hard in the military camp, he wouldn't have tolerated her.

The third princess coughed and glanced at the three of them. She felt that she was no match for these three people, so she could only sit down and stop talking nonsense.

Sister Ying asked the three princesses to have a meal together before going back. The third princess did not refuse and took the bowls and chopsticks to eat with them.

Mr. Zhong gave her a piece of barbecue and asked her, "How is the progress of the unsolved case of the young master falling into the river? Do you know the inside story?"

When the third princess saw him asking about this, she wanted him to stop gossiping about such things. When she looked up, she saw everyone at the table looking at her expectantly.

Even the maids looked over curiously, obviously curious about this matter.

With so many people looking forward to it, the third princess could only swallow what she said and changed her words.

 “If we expect progress from the government, we have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.”

She glanced at Sister Ying and said, "Isn't your brother arriving in the next few days? Let him check it out then."

Sister Ying was surprised, "Let my brother go?" This is not good.

 Sen Ge'er is a detective from Jiangnan, and he's not from the border area. Isn't that overstepping his authority?

 The third princess drank a small glass of wine and had some considerations of her own.

“In recent years, the government here has become increasingly incompetent, and it’s time to replace them.”

However, the matter of substitution has to be reported to the court, and we have to wait for someone to come over, which will inevitably take another half a year.

Now that Brother Seng is coming over, it would be good to ask him to check on his behalf.

Otherwise, these idiots are so useless, and they won’t be able to find out anything even after all the years.

The third princess said, "Let Brother Seng slap them in the face first. When the court sends people over, those losers will have nothing to say."

If you want to replace a useless official, the procedure must be thorough to avoid dissatisfaction with the public.

The third princess had heard of Seng Geer's reputation and knew that he was a master at investigating cases, so she wanted to use his hands to investigate the hidden dangers here.

Especially the market, where there is a mixture of fish and dragons. It is a gathering place where people from four or five small countries come and go. If there is no capable person to watch, there will be no way to deal with anything.

Sister Ying has never seen Brother Seng's ability to investigate cases, but the child has always been calm and smart, so he is not bad at all.

The third princess was more informed than she was. "Your brother has passed the palace examination long ago and successfully passed the imperial examination."

Because Brother Sen wanted to be a detective and he needed an official title to handle cases, he followed Liang Jin's suggestion and took the martial arts exam.

 The emperor appreciated his young and promising nature and sent him to Jiangnan to investigate the case.

He wanted to let Seng Geer investigate the case among the people. It would be better to wait until he became smarter and then be used by him.

However, the emperor did not talk about this idea to the outside world, so naturally no one would guess it.

The third princess knew her cunning old father very well, but she didn’t say much.

  She appreciates talents, and she is naturally happy to see Seng Geer able to serve the country and the people.

Even Sister Ying thinks it’s good that Brother Seng can do something for the country.

 In the past, she might have been like Wu, fearing that the child would be in danger and not wanting the child to do dangerous things.

 But since I came to the military camp with Jing Shirong, I have been deeply moved when I saw so many soldiers protecting their homes and the country.

Without this group of people guarding the safety of the people at the border, how could the people live a peaceful life. So when you have the ability to serve the country, you should do your best, including her now.

 Perhaps after becoming a general's wife, my thoughts will change.

 The same goes for Young Master Zhong. He used to live a relaxed life as he pleased and never thought about protecting his family or the country.

  Until I came here with the third princess and saw the soldiers in the military camp working **** patrols and training every day to protect their homes and country, I felt admiration in my heart.

If one day he is needed to play, he will definitely spare no effort to help.

They all had this idea, and the third princess nodded happily.

He said to Sister Ying, "I have seen your brother and your mother on the other side of the city gate. They will probably arrive tomorrow."

 She had an spy at the city gate, and in the morning she knew that Brother Seng and Mrs. Wu were approaching.

Sister Ying was very surprised, and the joy on her face was like fireworks temporarily setting off, "Really? It will be here tomorrow?"

Although it was similar to what she had expected, she still couldn't help but be excited when it came time to see her relatives.

“Great, Xiao Zi, hurry up and tell the kitchen to ask her cook to buy more fresh vegetables and meat. My mother will be here tomorrow.”

 Xiao Zi was also very excited, "Great, I'll go right away."

Seeing how happy Jinghan was, she also smiled, "That's great, let's have a barbecue party tomorrow night? The three princesses will come together then."

The third princess saw that they were all so happy, and it was rare for her to show mercy and said, "Okay, let's come together as a family tomorrow."

Mr. Zhong nodded happily, "That's pretty much it."

They chatted for a while, and then the third princess took the man and child back.

Looking at their leaving figures, Jing Han smiled and said, "I suddenly felt that the third princess is such a good man. What's going on?"

Sister Ying hugged Xiaomi Guo and nodded, "I think so too." She suddenly fell in love with this pair of CPs and said it with great emotion.

Xiao Miguo yawned, obviously sleepy.

Sister Ying wrote a letter to Jing Shirong, telling him that her mother-in-law and brother-in-law were coming tomorrow and asked him if he would be free to come back.

Jing Shirong happened to go on patrol in the desert and would not be able to return until two days later.

Sister Ying knew that the distance there was long, so she asked him to ride the horse slowly and not in a hurry.

 After all, the incident of falling off the horse was still fresh in his mind, so he didn’t dare to let him ride too fast.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying rarely gets up early in the morning, getting up before dawn.

Seeing her waking up so early, Xiao Zi knew that she wanted to go to the city gate early to pick up Wu, so she smiled and said, "Miss, are you so early? Are you not sleepy?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I'm sleepy, but more excited. I'm going to pick up my mother at the city gate. Do you want to go?"

 Xiao Zi nodded, "If you want, let's do it together."

The master and servant quickly got dressed, washed up, had a simple breakfast, and then took a carriage to pick up people at the city gate.

Before leaving, Sister Ying hesitated, "Do you want to bring Xiaomi Guo?"

That girl normally sleeps until almost noon before getting up. Logically speaking, she would have not woken up yet when she went to pick someone up.

 Otherwise, if you take her out, it will be hot when the sun rises, and she is afraid of being exposed to the sun.

Xiao Zi hesitated, "But if the little lady wakes up and can't see you, she will cry, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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