The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 832: , Mrs. Wu came to see Xiaomi Guo.

Chapter 832, Mrs. Wu came to see Xiaomi Guo

Sister Ying was also confused, "Should I take it or not?"

You know, that little girl cries very loudly, which will disturb the neighbors for a while.

 Xiao Zi

 “You should still worry about the little lady’s voice.”

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Oh, it's so annoying. Forget it, I might as well take it with me."

 This girl is like a precious girl, so I want her. No one buys it.

You can usually play with anyone, but when you sleep and wake up, your mother must be by your side, otherwise you will cry sadly.

Like a poor little person who has been abandoned by others, crying and twitching, and still holding a grudge.

  If you leave her once, she will not feel safe next time. She will moan and cry as soon as you leave her, making you regret not taking her with you.

Sister Ying was also scared, "Okay, I'll hold her, and you go to the kitchen to bring some water, toys and diapers."

Xiao Zi sighed and hurriedly went to clean up.

After putting away the things, Sister Ying hugged the sleeping Xiaomi Guo, got into the carriage with Xiao Zi, and happily went to the city gate to wait for someone.

  Wu walked to the city gate early in the morning, feeling finally at ease.

  “It’s over.”

This is not the first time she has traveled far away, but it is the first time she has been so bumpy.

 After all, we were walking on small roads, and on rainy days, the roads were bumpy and bumpy, making riding a horse bumpy.

 Including the overnight stay, it was quite dark along the way.

Brother Sen glanced at his mother who was suffering, and felt that he would be blamed by his father when he went back.

But he was so rough when he went out. This time he slowed down a lot in order to take care of his mother. He also found a carriage for his mother, but the carriage broke down later, so he rode again.

 But it was inevitable that his mother would become darker and thinner after traveling a long distance after being pampered and pampered for so many years, and he had no way to control it.

 Wu didn't blame him, it wasn't a big deal.

  When you lose weight, you can replenish your skin and it will be restored. When it gets dark, you will be white when you cover it in winter.

Liang Jin is not here, so she will not feel wronged by others, and she looks like a strong woman.

Sister Ying had been waiting at the city gate for a long time. The carriage was parked here. Xiao Zi sat outside the carriage and stood up to look into the distance.

 Brother Sen is tall and has a cool and handsome temperament. Xiao Zi saw him from afar.

 She waved to them excitedly, "Master, here!!"

Mrs. Wu was riding slowly behind Brother Sen. Only then did Xiao Zi see her and ran over excitedly.

 “Madam! Here!!”

Hearing this familiar voice, Mrs. Wu looked over happily, "Xiao Zi?"

 Seng Geer also saw her.

Sister Ying was fanning Xiaomi Guo in the carriage. When she heard Xiao Zi's voice, she immediately opened the car curtain excitedly and shouted into the distance.


Mrs. Wu heard Sister Ying's voice, her eyes turned red, "Sister Ying~~~"


Sister Ying’s eyes were also red, and she quickly asked the coachman to drive the carriage over.

The driver quickly drove the carriage over, but because it was running so suddenly, Xiao Miguo, who was sleeping in the carriage, had no one to support her, so she was jolted and woke up.

Sister Ying realized it later and only reacted after being jolted.

 “It’s over.”

She hurried back to the carriage and saw her daughter holding her pacifier in her mouth with a particularly aggrieved expression. At first she didn't cry until she saw Sister Ying. When Sister Ying appeared, she said "Wow~" and started crying.

Sister Ying looked apologetic and hurriedly hugged her, "It's okay, it's just that the carriage started running. Don't be afraid."

 But Xiaomiguo was still scared. She was sleeping well, but she was suddenly knocked far away, as if she suddenly fell into an abyss in her sleep. How could she not cry?

Sister Ying felt guilty and distressed, "It's my mother's fault if I don't cry. I'll take you to see your grandmother later. I'll stop crying soon."

Mrs. Wu also rode over to them on horseback.

 She heard the pitiful and helpless cry of the baby while on horseback, and she immediately felt heartbroken.

“Hey, is my grandson crying? Let grandma hug you.”

Sister Ying got off the carriage with Xiaomiguo in her arms. Mrs. Wu felt heartbroken when she saw her granddaughter crying so pitifully.

He glared at Sister Ying and said, "You too, why are you taking her out so early in the morning? You want the coachman to run so fast, and she will be scared for a while. See what you do."

First he glared at Sister Ying, then lowered his head and saw Xiao Miguo immediately changing her face to a kind one.

The sweetheart said, "Oh oh oh~ The sweetheart doesn't cry, grandma is here."

Xiao Miguo heard the unfamiliar voice, paused for a moment, opened her eyes and looked at the kind face above her head.

With Wu's gentle coaxing, Xiao Miguo felt that she was a little kind, and gradually stopped crying. She looked at her with big round eyes, her expression was innocent, and she stared at Wu with a cute and cute look.

Mrs. Wu was very fond of her as soon as she saw her, "Hey, where are you looking at your grandma? Do you not know your grandma?"

 Xiao Miguo, who usually had a serious face towards everyone, suddenly grinned at Mrs. Wu.

Little Pacifier has no teeth, its big eyes look like crescent moons when it smiles, and its mouth also emits the unique giggle of a baby.

Mrs. Wu's heart melted when she saw it, "Oh, our good grandson is so good. He is so happy to see grandma smiling so much."

Sister Ying looked on with great warmth and felt that blood relations were so magical.

Obviously Xiaomi Guo has never met her grandmother, but the grandma and grandson felt this way when they met for the first time. They looked at each other like this, with smiles in their eyes.

Xiao Zi wiped her tears as she watched and was so moved.

“Miss, our wife is indeed a heartthrob, everyone who sees her likes her.”

Sister Ying officially certified, "Yes, it would be a pity if my mother doesn't become Mr. Enlightenment."

 Children all like Mrs. Wu. I don’t know whether it’s because she is beautiful or because she has a kind aura about her. Not only children, but also cats and dogs also like her.

Xiao Miguo was even more excited and babbling to Mrs. Wu, as if to express that she liked her.

Sister Ying laughed at this and said to her, "Little rascal, you usually groan and look unhappy when your aunt hugs you, but now you see your grandma holding her thigh like this?"

Wu Shi glanced at her and forbade her to say anything bad about Xiaomi Guo.

 “Go, go, don’t speak ill of my baby.”

Sister Ying.

 Why do you feel like you have fallen out of favor?

Mrs. Wu smiled and carried Xiao Miguo onto the carriage, without even sparing her daughter a glance.

He also urged her, "Come up here quickly, it will heat up my baby soon."

Sister Ying again.

“Mom, are you here to see me?”

 Thanks to her being so excited in the morning, she got up early on purpose, but who would have thought that she would change her mind as soon as she arrived and go straight to the little villain Xiaomi Guo.

Even Brother Sen just called her, "Sister." Then he immediately got into the carriage, obviously wanting to be with Xiao Miguo.

 The mother and son got on the carriage. Sister Ying and her son couldn't laugh or cry, so they hurriedly followed.

 Because he did not expect Brother Seng to get into the carriage, and the carriage could not seat four people, Xiao Zi had no choice but to ride back.

Sister Ying got on the carriage and talked to her mother and brother, "Mom, why are you here in person? It's so hard to walk such a long journey."

 When she learned that Mrs. Wu was coming, she was happy, but more worried.

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 (End of this chapter)

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