Chapter 833, Uncle

 After all, the road at the border is not easy to walk.

Especially when traveling long distances, men, not to mention women, feel tired.

Wu held the soft little honey fruit, feeling that no pain was bitter anymore, and her heart was filled with honey.

 “I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me.”

She just wanted to come and have a look. As long as she saw her daughter giving birth with her own eyes, her heart would be at ease.

 Otherwise, sitting at home and waiting would be more painful than killing her.

Hold the baby in my hands now, I feel that all the hard work along the way has been worth it.

Wu's beloved hugged Xiaomi Guo and asked Sister Ying, "What's her name? Is it a boy or a girl?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Her name is Xiaomiguo, sweet honey, pistachio fruit, she is a girl."

Mrs. Wu kissed Xiao Miguo's little hand lovingly and liked it very much. "She is so beautiful. She is a big-eyed beauty just like you when you were a child."

Sister Ying laughed, "Really? I was so pretty when I was a kid?"

 Before she was two years old, her family did not allow her to look in the mirror. They said that children could not look in the mirror because their soul would be sucked away, so they hid the mirror from her.

But when she was a child, she secretly watched Pi once and found that she was indeed a very cute baby. However, as for Miguo, she didn’t know who was cuter between mother and daughter.

Mrs. Wu said with certainty, "Of course my granddaughter is cute. You were not as quiet as she was when you were a child."

Sister Ying retorted, "I was very quiet when I was a child. How could I not be quiet anymore?"

Mrs. Wu squinted at her and revealed, "You wanted to climb trees as soon as you learned to walk, and you wanted to climb walls after you learned to climb trees. How can you still be quiet like this?" A skinned monkey is not as cute as her little honey fruit. .

Xiao Miguo grinned at Mrs. Wu with her little pacifier grinning, her big round eyes smiling so crookedly that her heart felt like a ball of cotton wool.

“Oh~ Our little Miguo is smiling so happily? Do you like your grandma?”

Xiao Miguo imitated her voice, her little pacifier pouted, and she said "Oh~".

Sister Ying saw it interestingly, lowered her head and came over to participate, "Hey, little girl can still interact with grandma? Why don't I see you talking to mom?"

When Xiao Miguo saw her, she hummed twice, pretending not to see her, and started licking her hands and feet at Mrs. Wu again, as if she liked Mrs. Wu very much.

Mrs. Wu couldn't be happier, "My dear grandson, you have such a beautiful smile, you are so cute."

 Sen Ge'er became an uncle for the first time, so he came over to take a look.

 He has a handsome face, but he has grown into a handsome young man in just two years.

Xiao Miguo was stunned for a moment when she saw him, and then waved her little hand curiously.

Brother Sen smiled at her and said, "I am your brother-in-law."

Xiao Miguo looked at him with big round eyes, unblinking, very serious.

Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying both laughed, "I don't know what she was thinking. She looked at her so seriously. Those who didn't know would have thought she knew her uncle."

 Sen Ge'er also smiled. It was rare for him to smile for such a long time on his usually cold face.

  Wu handed the child to him, "You also hug it."

 As long as this kid likes children, he will definitely get married and have children in the future.

 Otherwise, because he was so unattractive to women, Mrs. Wu was afraid that if he didn't like women, he would worry her to death if she didn't get married at a young age in the future.

Xiao Mi Guo is so cute now. As long as this brat can be made cute by Xiao Mi Guo, he won’t have to worry about having children in the future.

 Brother Sen was a little at a loss when he saw the little honey fruit being handed to him.

"I won't."

Sister Ying took his hand and said, "In this way, one hand is on the top and the other is on the bottom. First, drag her **** and back, and then surround her with the other hand to prevent her from moving around."

 Seng Geer’s hands are stiff, obviously he doesn’t know how to do it.

Mrs. Wu put Xiaomiguo in his hand with confidence and reassured him, "What are you afraid of? We will watch it for you."

Seeing that they were helping to watch over him, Brother Sen was no longer afraid and stretched out his hands to hug the little Miguo.

 The unique softness of a baby, a ball of softness, as if it has no bones. Brother Seng was very surprised and surprised when he hugged it. "Why is she so soft?" He didn't dare to use too much force.

 And why does this little thing smell so good? ?

Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying looked at each other and smiled.

"Children are all like this. Before they can walk, they are soft and have the smell of milk. When you become a father in the future, you will also have such a cute child."

 Brother Sen held Xiaomiguo in his arms and looked down at her.

The uncle and nephew stared at each other with their eyes wide open.

Xiao Miguo thought that his appearance was similar to that of her grandmother, so she didn’t protest and just ate her little hands while looking at her uncle.

 “Ah~” he said back to himself, as if he was greeting Brother Seng.

 Brother Sen was very happy when he saw her talking to him, and his cold face gradually melted.

 “Are you calling me? Do you know that I am your uncle?”

Xiao Miguo said "Ah~" vigorously, as if responding to him.

 Sen Ge'er was very happy and lowered his head to kiss her hair, "It's so cute."

No wonder my mother can’t put it down, the little guy really makes people feel happy.

Seeing that he liked children, Mrs. Wu breathed a sigh of relief and made eye contact with Sister Ying in a low voice.

 “Fortunately your brother likes children, otherwise I would be worried to death.”

Sister Ying replied with the same look, "Since he likes Xiaomiguo, he will definitely find a girl to get married to in the future, so you don't have to worry."

  Wu nodded, "I hope so."

 Sen Ge'er was playing with the little honey fruit in his arms and didn't notice their little moves.

 After the carriage arrived home, Xiao Zi happily ran to show them the way.

 “Here, madam, please, breakfast has been prepared for you, it’s quite rich.”

It was the first time Mr. Wu came here and asked Xiao Zi, "What do the locals eat for breakfast?"

 Xiao Zi smiled and said, "There are baked buns, milk tea, and other things. There are a lot of them."

As soon as Mrs. Wu entered the house, she smelled the smell of baking buns. It was indeed very fragrant.

Sister Ying took her to wash up first, let Xiao Zi hold the child, and asked Brother Sen to wash up too.

Brother Sen reluctantly handed the little honey fruit to Xiao Zi, and before leaving, he looked at her as if he couldn't let go, which made Sister Ying happy.

“Okay, stop looking. I’ll give you a hug when I come out.”

With these words, Brother Seng felt free to change his clothes.

Sister Ying took advantage of their bathing time to feed Xiao Miguo.

 Xiaomiguo started to feel sleepy after eating and drinking enough.

She usually sleeps until almost noon, but today she was frightened and woke up. She had been playing with Wu and the others just now, so she was already sleepy by now.

 Because I feel sleepy but don’t really want to sleep, I start to fall asleep.

 “Hum, hum,~~wowwowwow~~”

Hum first, then cry.

 This is how a baby whose routine is disrupted usually does not make any fuss when sleeping, and only makes a few grunts.

 But today I am obviously very excited, and if I am frightened, it is inevitable to fall asleep.

Sister Ying hugged her, kissed her and comforted her, and whispered softly, "Okay, okay, don't cry anymore, mother is here."

Xiao Miguo’s eyelids were closed or not, but she was still crying, “Wow~Wow~”

 Wu Shi and Brother Seng, who were changing clothes in the house, heard the pitiful cry and quickly changed their clothes and came out.

 (End of this chapter)

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