Chapter 834, Across-generation relatives

“Oh, grandma’s sweet baby, why are you crying so pitifully?”

 Wu changed her clothes and hurriedly came out to hold the child, without even drying her hair.

Sister Ying gave her the child to hold, and she went to get a cloth to wipe Mrs. Wu's hair.

Mrs. Wu held the child in her arms and coaxed her softly, "Baby, don't cry. Grandma is here. Don't cry. Don't cry. Just sleep well~"

Her voice is very friendly and soft, which is very soothing to the baby.

Xiao Miguo's eyes opened and closed, opened and closed again. As Wu's big hands gently comforted her, and she heard the coaxing of Wu's sweetheart in her ears, she slowly relaxed and slowly closed her eyes. Go to sleep.

 After falling asleep, the little guy twitched twice, with tears still in the corners of his eyes, and his pacifier open, which made Mrs. Wu feel fondly.

 He raised his head and glared at Sister Ying, "You are only so young and you were frightened by a horse. I won't allow you to be so negligent next time."

I feel really sorry for her. Sister Ying is a fool who can’t even take care of her children.

Sister Ying.

“Isn’t that because I was so happy that I forgot about it for a while?”

 Besides, it’s not a bad thing to raise a child roughly.

Mrs. Wu was not happy, however, "What kind of rough treatment did I give you when you were a child?"

 Whenever she goes out to ride in a carriage, she has to bring her a special baby basket.

The inside of the basket must also be covered with soft mats.

 Just let her play in the yard, and the carpet is kept clean and comfortable for her.

Not only that, when Sister Ying was crawling, Mrs. Wu cleaned all the bricks in her house without even a single pebble, and gave her the best possible care.

 Just like that, she has the nerve to raise her granddaughter extensively?

Sister Ying.

 “Well, then I’ll pay attention next time.”

Just seeing how much my mother dotes on Xiaomiguo, Sister Ying doesn’t dare to raise a child in front of her.

They all say that they are relatives across generations. I have never seen it before, but now I have seen it.

 When Xiaomiguo fell asleep, Mrs. Wu was still holding her.

Sister Ying asked her, "Put a cradle for her. I'll take you to dinner and let her sleep on her own."

Wu Shi glanced at her and said, "No, she's not completely asleep yet. Look, her little hand is still moving."

 She has taken care of four children and is very experienced.

Sister Ying lowered her head and looked over. Really, her daughter’s chubby hands were moving a few times from time to time.

I didn’t expect my mother to observe so carefully.

Sister Ying praised her, "I admire my mother's observation skills so carefully."

Mrs. Wu proudly raised her chin and said, "What's the matter? I've raised all four of you siblings, and I'm the best at raising children."

This is true. The four siblings in the family were brought up by Mrs. Wu herself, so the children all kissed her.

 Brother Sen came out after changing his clothes and hurriedly walked towards them. Apparently he was also worried about Xiaomi Guo.

 He came over, took a look at his niece in his mother's arms, and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "I guess I was frightened by the carriage this morning. I'm sleeping. Just coax me. You can go eat."

 Brother Sen lowered his head and glanced at Xiaomiguo. He wanted to hug her, but he was too embarrassed to talk to his mother.

 I don’t know, I thought he liked children.

 Actually, he doesn't like children. He just thinks his niece is cute and other children are not attractive to him.

Mrs. Wu saw that he liked him and hugged him generously again.

"Hold her for a while, and then give her to me when she falls asleep."

                      , and he held Xiaomiguo in his arms obediently, and sat on the carpet obediently, motionless.

Sister Ying wanted to pick up the children, but there was no room for her, so she could only stick out her tongue and pour them water.

The food was served quickly, and there was a rich breakfast on the table, which smelled delicious. Sister Ying poured a cup of fragrant milk tea for Mrs. Wu and asked her to try it, "Drink it and see, it tastes salty."

Wu Shi hummed, took a sip of the milk tea, smacked it in his mouth, and tasted the taste, "It's really special."

 Seng Geer held the child in one hand, held the cup in the other, and took a sip.

"not bad."

 He has also eaten local food here, and it is quite to his liking.

Wu Shi was eating steamed buns and looking at the sleeping Xiaomi Guo. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

I chatted with Sister Ying, "Did it go well when you gave birth to her?"

Sister Ying nodded, "At first I thought the birth wouldn't be so soon, but who knew I would start it right after cousin Jinghan gave birth, but it hurts me to death."

Mrs. Wu could imagine how painful it was for her to give birth to a child, and then her maternal love awakened, and she touched her head distressedly, "You have to go through all the pain to give birth to a child. Fortunately, you and Xiaomi Guo are safe."

Sister Ying is also glad that her birth was smooth. If she had a difficult delivery, she doesn’t know how much pain she would have suffered.

Mrs. Wu felt flustered when she thought about it, but she was also thankful, "You eat a lot and are in good health, so you have the strength to give birth so quickly."

If you were as thin and weak as Lin Xiangxiang and had no strength at all, you would suffer the consequences of giving birth.

“Then did you have a good confinement period?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, I take food and supplements on time, in small amounts and multiple times at a time, and the supplements are quite good."

 She also carefully studied postpartum recovery exercises, learned some body mechanics from Sister Yang, and slowly did some exercises to avoid sagging and leaking urine.

“I’m glad my cousin came to live with me, otherwise I wouldn’t understand many things.”

With Jinghan as a three-year-old, you can ask questions anytime and anywhere, which is like a parenting guide.

Speaking of this, Mrs. Wu also wanted to thank her.

 “What about Jinghan? Are you still sleeping?”

Sister Ying nodded, "She's still asleep. Usually we don't get up until almost noon, so they have to sleep for a while at this time."

Mrs. Wu nodded understandingly, "Then I'll thank her at noon."

Sister Ying asked her to eat first, "You eat it while it's hot, and then go to sleep for a while after eating, and we'll talk about it in the evening."

  Wu yawned, she was really sleepy, "Then I'll go take a nap."

 After saying that, he took Xiaomi Guo away from Seng Geer’s arms and prepared to sleep with his granddaughter.

 Brother Sen was hugging her gently, but the baby in his arms was taken away. His handsome face suddenly fell, and he looked at his mother with a resentful look, wondering why she took Xiaomiguo away.

Mrs. Wu snorted proudly, "You know how to put a child to sleep? Why don't I come?"

 Having said that, without giving Brother Seng a chance to refute, he went into the house to catch up on his sleep while holding Xiaomiguo in his arms.

 Sen Geer looked aggrieved and snorted childishly, "Who said I can't put a child to sleep?"

 Perhaps he can coax her better than her own mother.

Sister Ying thought it was so much fun to watch the battle of wits and courage between their mother and son, and it was not a big deal to watch the fun. "Mother, too, who said you can't coax your child? Maybe you can do it better."

 Seng Geer said angrily, "That's right."

 Next time, I must grab Xiaomiguo and show it to me. He is not bad either.

But Brother Sen had business, so he went to the third princess's place after eating.

Sister Ying told him to come back for dinner when he had time. He hummed and rode away.

Before leaving, Sister Ying gave him a pack of delicious dry food and a water bag for him to take with him.

 Lest he have something to do and be unable to come back and have nothing to eat.

 (End of this chapter)

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