The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 835: , mother and daughter get together

Chapter 835: Mother and daughter get together

 Seng Geer packed up his baggage, rode away and left.

When Sister Ying came into the house after eating, Mrs. Wu asked her, "Is your brother gone?"

"Well, I'm going to see the third princess. I have business."

Since her son was busy, Mrs. Wu naturally didn’t ask any more questions.

 But he was still thinking about his food. "Have you prepared dry food for him?"

Sister Ying nodded, "I'm ready. I always have it at home."

You Jing Shi Rong and Qi Yuan Ming are two people who can leave at any time. Sister Ying always has dry food at home.

Mrs. Wu was relieved to see that she was prepared.

“You come up here and have a rest, and we can talk.”

Sister Ying was most looking forward to chatting with Mrs. Wu, so she took off her coat and got on the couch.

 Wu lay on the left side, Xiaomi Guo was placed in the middle, and she lay on the right side.

Mother and daughter hadn't laid together like this for a long time, and they were both very emotional.

“Before, when you were at home, I always found you noisy. Now everyone has gone out, and the house has suddenly become deserted.”

Parents are like this. Their children find it noisy at home and miss them when they go out.

“Are you used to living here? The sun is really strong here.” The sun dazzled my eyes.

Sister Ying, "I'm used to it. The climate was a little uncomfortable at first, but now I'm getting used to it."

The local climate is relatively dry and not as moist as that in the south of the Yangtze River.

 You need to use moisturizer every day here, otherwise the skin will be very dry.

Mrs. Wu touched her little face, which was quite moist, and asked, "Is there a lot of moisturizing cream here?"

Sister Ying answered, "Not much. The moisturizing cream I use was made for me by Sister Yang, and there are a lot of them. Mom will also put some on them soon."

As soon as Mrs. Wu heard about Sister Yang, she remembered, "I had forgotten about that girl."

Seeing that Xiaomiguo was so happy, she immediately forgot about her little daughter.

 Sister Yang who was just about to enter the house.

 How about going back?

This daughter is too transparent.

Sister Ying heard the footsteps outside and knew she was coming, so she asked her, "Sister Yang, come in."

Sister Yang said oh and came in muttering.


As soon as Mrs. Wu heard her voice, she didn't get up. Instead, she lay lazily on the bed and looked at Sister Yang, "You stinky girl, you still know how to come?"

I told her before that Sister Ying had to go back as soon as her son was born. Look at this girl, she really dares to treat her. She just has to spend the New Year here.

Sister Yang shrank in and said, "Don't I want to wait for my mother to arrive before I go back with her?"

 Actually, I just don’t want to go back, but my mother is here, so it’s impossible not to go back.

Wu Shi didn't understand her, so she became cautious, fearing to disturb Xiaomiguo.

As soon as she got out of bed, she walked up to Sister Yang like a tigress and pinched her ears.

“Bad girl, I see you are acting wild outside!”

Sister Yang groaned, "It hurts, it hurts, mother, please spare my life."

Mrs. Wu pointed her head with her finger and said, "Look at how fat you are now. Are you eating and drinking so much every day?"

Sister Yang coughed, looked down at the fat on her waist, and said doubtfully, "Am I fat?" No, right?

  She came over to help take care of my eldest sister when she was in confinement. She ate three meals with the two mothers. She ate so many meals a day that she seemed to have gained a little weight.

 But when I asked Qi Yuanming, he said, "Not fat, not at all. You are so beautiful, the most beautiful in the world."

He spoke sincerely, with admiration for her in his eyes, which convinced Sister Yang that what he said was true, so she ignored it and continued eating.

 Plus, she is still growing and will get hungry quickly, so she will eat more.   Wu

“You believe Qi Yuanming when he says you’re not fat?”

 Look at her fat belly, which is even fatter. She is fatter than her sister.

 Looking at Sister Ying's belly again, she is flat and there is no fat at all on her waist. I don't know how she lost weight.

 “How come your belly is losing weight so quickly? Are you on a diet?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "How could it be? I love to eat so much. How can I diet?"

 She is just tired of raising children.

“You don’t know, the little honey fruit can be eaten. I eat it all day long, and I don’t even drink the wet nurse’s milk. I’m exhausted.”

Obviously I have money to ask my grandmother, but her daughter only recognizes her. I ca n’t spend the money, and I have to feed it myself.

Mrs. Wu was happy when she heard this, "Why is she so unique?"

 After saying that, the tigress-like face suddenly transformed into the face of an amiable grandmother.

Seeing her change of attitude so quickly, Sister Yang teased, "Are you too partial? That crybaby cat Xiaomi Guo is very difficult to maintain. Look how rare you are."

Mrs. Wu didn't like hearing it and pinched her ears again angrily, "Do you think you can talk like that? Are you the child's aunt?"

Sister Yang grimaced in pain, "Yes, yes, yes, my daughter knows she was wrong and won't say anything anymore. We, Xiao Miguo, are the most adorable and well-behaved child in the world. Please forgive me."

 “That’s pretty much it.”

Wu Shi let go and checked Sister Yang's figure up and down, and found that she seemed to be a little taller.

He compared his hands and said, "You are taller than your sister now. It's amazing that you are so much taller when you come here."

This height may not be popular in Jiangnan, but here, women are all very tall and slender, so Sister Yang's height is quite normal here.

She also likes tall people. If she is too short, she will not be able to kiss Qi Yuanming if she wants to.

Of course, I would not dare to say this in front of Mrs. Wu.

 But as soon as Mrs. Wu saw her reddish face, he knew what she was thinking.

She asked Sister Yang, "Where's Brother Ming? Why didn't he come with you?"

Sister Yang crossed her little fingers and said, "He went on patrol and came back at night."

 Wu Shi nodded and asked her, "How did you get along with him? Didn't you dislike him before?"

Sister Yang shyly crossed her fingers and said, "I was still young and had no love before. Who knew what liking meant."

Wu Shi clicked her tongue, "So, is he good to you?"

She didn’t come here and didn’t see the situation, so she didn’t know how the two of them got along.

Sister Yang smiled sweetly, "He is very good to me. Whenever he sees something delicious, he will buy it for me as soon as possible. He also gives me his salary and salary, and he also said that he will give me all the land deeds of the shops after returning to Beijing. ”

Wu Shi snorted, "Can you believe what he said before we got married? Don't believe him too much."

Before Sister Yang got close to Qi Yuanming, Mrs. Wu was very kind to Qi Yuanming and thought he was an honest child.

 But now that Qi Yuanming is going to be her son-in-law, she naturally has to take another look at him.

Sister Yang thought she didn't like Qi Yuanming, so she hurriedly said good things to Qi Yuanming.

“Mom~, actually being big is pretty good. He listens to me very much, and I like him to listen to me, so don’t oppose us.”

Seeing her infatuated look, Mr. Wu sighed helplessly, "What do you like about him? Didn't you dislike him before? You said he was poor, stupid, and not good-looking."

Now you actually take his treasure? Maintained everywhere.

Sister Yang blushed, "Oh, I don't really dislike him. It's just that he is annoying, so he said that on purpose. Don't take it seriously."

He was indeed poor, but he never wronged her. He spent all his money to buy food for her, but he didn't eat a bite. She knew this.

 (End of this chapter)

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