The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 836: , the mother-in-law looks at her future son-in-law

Chapter 836: Mother-in-law looks at future son-in-law

 Including the fact that he was said to be extremely stupid, he is indeed extremely stupid.

 But "silly" only means that he is simple, not that he is stupid.

 Besides, he’s pretty cute even when he’s silly.

Mrs. Wu didn't even look at her, looking like she was immersed in love.

“After seeing your sister this time, you can go back with me. You two are not allowed to get too close before we get married.”

Sister Yang exclaimed, "But I haven't finished my work here yet."

 Part of the herbs she planted have been harvested and made into ointments, and some are being cultivated. How could they travel so fast?

Mr. Wu didn't believe it, "Is it possible that we can't grow herbs without you here? Don't play tricks on me."

Sister Yang slid up to Mrs. Wu, hugged her waist, and rubbed her head on her arm, "Mom~~"

  Wu pushed her head away and said, "Don't come here, there's no point in acting coquettishly."

 “If you really want to come over, wait until you get married before coming over.”

Sister Yang said "Huh?" and said coquettishly, "Can't I let you stay here for one more year? I still want to make some contribution to the military camp."

 Her home-made medicine for sores was so effective that even the military doctors praised her.

If she were not a little girl, the military doctors would have wanted to take her to the military camp as an apprentice.

Sister Yang has no intention of becoming a military doctor, she just wants to make more Jinchuang medicine.

  Now her herbal medicine shed has expanded a lot, and she has also taken on several apprentices.

It was summer now, the time to plant summer herbs, so she couldn't bear to leave.

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "So it's not okay for you to come here after you get married?"

 Otherwise, it wouldn’t be the case for her to be a little girl running around all the time.

As long as they get married and there is a legitimate reason why she wants to come here to grow herbs, the neighbors will not make random guesses.

Sister Yang curled her lips and whined, "Why do you always care about what your neighbors say? It's so tiring to live under other people's discussions. Let's just be happy ourselves and worry so much about others."

Mrs. Wu glared at her, "Can we ignore this? Your father and your brother are both officials. If you have evil intentions to make them famous, what good will it do to our family?"

 Besides, this is an era where rumors can kill a whole family, so how can we not care about it.

Although Wu's thoughts are much more avant-garde, she still cherishes her daughter's reputation.

Sister Yang, a young girl who is staying away from home every day, will naturally criticize her when she sees her.

 Happily she came out with her sister this time, otherwise what would others have said?

Sister Yang had a headache. She knew she would be criticized if she wasn't at home, so she could only compromise, "I know, I know, I'll just go back with you."

 Since you need to get married to have a reason to come out, then it’s better to get married.

Mrs. Wu asked her, "Have you thought about it carefully? Do you really want to marry Brother Ming?"

Sister Yang nodded, "I don't want to marry anyone except him."

Although Qi Yuanming does not have a huge fortune or a prominent family background, he is honest, consistent on the outside, and listens to her words.

She likes that he listens to her. Every time she says something, Qi Yuanming listens carefully, responds every time, and does it.

 Other men might not be so obedient.

And he was really nice to her, very, very good.

Mrs. Wu saw that she was getting sweeter and sweeter as she spoke, and glanced at Sister Ying, "Is what she said true?"

Sister Ying nodded, "It's true. Brother Qi is very good to Sister Yang and is meticulous, just like Brother Rong is to me."

She has carefully observed that Qi Yuanming is indeed very good to Sister Yang. It can be said that he is doting on her, otherwise she would not agree.

Jing Shirong also observed carefully for a while and found that he was sincere, so he did not object. Mrs. Wu felt a little relieved when she saw that each of them spoke for Qi Yuanming.

 She felt more at ease after her eldest daughter and eldest son-in-law helped with the review.

 But on the surface, he was not so quick to agree.

 When marrying a girl, you still need to test your son-in-law more. Don't let him succeed too easily, otherwise he will not cherish her.

So she said with a cold face, "Let's talk about it, ask him to come over for dinner tonight, and I will test him."

Sister Yang pouted, wanting to say something nice for Qi Yuanming, but seeing her mother's serious face, she didn't dare to say anything, lest it backfire.

At night.

Qi Yuanming hurried over.

On the way here, I went to the street and bought large and small bags of snacks, hoping to give them to my future mother-in-law.

 “Sister Yang, I’m here.”

He came in in a hurry, fearing that his mother-in-law would be unhappy if he was delayed, so he hurriedly ran in

Sister Yang saw that he was sweating and knew that he had come back at a high speed.

"Why are you running so fast? Look how sweaty he is." He said and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

Qi Yuanming took advantage of the situation and lowered his body so that she could wipe away her sweat.

From a distance in the courtyard, Mrs. Wu saw Sister Yang standing on tiptoes and wiping Qi Yuanming's sweat.

 The two are handsome, talented and good-looking, and their heights match. From the looks of it, they seem to be quite a match.

Wu liked it in her heart, but she still pretended to be serious like an examiner and coughed.

As soon as she made a sound, Qi Yuanming quickly took a step back and distanced himself from Sister Yang.

Jing Shirong had told him before he came that he should treat his mother-in-law with the utmost respect and treat her with all due respect. Only in this way can he marry Sister Yang more successfully.

Qi Yuanming looked at Sister Yang and asked her to step forward.

Sister Yang originally wanted to hold hands with him, but thinking that her mother was here, she could only walk in front, while Qi Yuanming followed her at a short distance.

He came over respectfully, holding large and small bags in his hand, and handed them over respectfully, "Mother-in-law, these are the snacks recommended to me by Sister Yang. My son-in-law thought that you also like snacks, so he went to bring some. You can try them. ?”

  Wu Shi:.? ?

Where did I go now and my mother-in-law was called?

Sister Yang and Sister Ying were even more surprised and their eyes widened.

Only Jinghan snorted and laughed.

Qi Yuanming reacted belatedly, "I"

But think about it, it’s not wrong to call her that way. Anyway, when he gets married to Sister Yang in the future, Mrs. Wu will be his mother-in-law, so calling her early and late is the same.

Mrs. Wu's lips twitched and she corrected him, "You and Sister Yang are not married yet, so it's too early to call me mother-in-law. You'd better call me Mrs. Liang."

 Mrs. Liang immediately distanced the two of them.

Qi Yuanming was timid and worried that Mr. Wu would not like him, so his big head suddenly had an idea and knelt in front of Mr. Wu.

"Aunt Liang, I really like Sister Yang. When I become Sister Yang's husband-in-law in the future, I will listen to Sister Yang's advice on everything. And like A Jing, I will never take concubines, nor do I want to communicate with others. There is only one mistress in the house, Sister Yang."

 These words were taught to him by Jing Shirong. Of course he would do it.

 Because he also likes the monogamous model at home. If there is more than one, he feels that the backyard will be noisy, so it is better to just have Yang Jie'er.

   Wu still liked what he said.

  After all, nowadays there are too few men in large families with only one woman.

 (End of this chapter)

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