The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 837: , intending to test Qi Yuanming

Chapter 837, intending to test Qi Yuanming

 Most men in ordinary families only marry one and have no concubines. They will only take one unless the wife cannot give birth.

 But most wealthy families have a common roommate and concubines.

Although Qi Yuanming's family is not considered noble, they are still officials.

Logically speaking, at his age, he should have a roommate, but Sister Yang told her that Qi Yuanming never had a roommate in the capital, and he was still a boy.

 There is no common room or concubine, so the house is quite clean.

Mrs. Wu herself could not tolerate concubines, so she naturally did not want her daughter to marry a man who had many concubines.

 Qi Yuanming waited for Wu's words without even daring to speak out.

 Including Sister Yang, they were also waiting cautiously.

Mrs. Wu looked at Sister Yang and then at Qi Yuanming, and she felt happy when she saw that they both had expressions on their faces that were afraid of her disapproval.

 But you still have to put on a show.

 “You get up first, this matter is not urgent, we can discuss it later.”

Qi Yuanming was stunned, obviously he didn't expect Wu's answer.

He raised his head and took a cautious look at Mrs. Wu. Seeing her cold and indifferent face, he thought she was dissatisfied with him, and he felt a little panicked.

"Aunt Liang, what did I do wrong? As long as you tell me, I will correct it. Please give me a chance to perform!"

A Jing said that if you want to marry a beautiful woman, you must have a golden city and a golden stone.

As long as the mother-in-law asks, he is willing to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Seeing the sincerity on his face, Mrs. Wu deliberately teased him, "Are you willing to do whatever I ask you to do?"

Qi Yuanming said sincerely, "Yes. As long as you say it, I will do it."

Mrs. Wu suppressed a smile in her heart and pretended to be serious on her face, "Okay, then you can leave my house, Sister Yang, and stop pestering her. Can you do it?"

Qi Yuanming.

“Aunt Liang, just give me a chance. I will really treat Sister Yang well. Please believe me.”

But Mrs. Wu said, "Who can't talk nonsense? Besides, you are so much older than our sister Yang, you are not a good match for her at all."

“If you really want to be good for her, wouldn’t it be better to let her choose someone younger and more promising than you?”

“Or do you just want to have her selfishly, without considering her at all, only caring about your own feelings?”

 The last sentence was so heart-wrenching that Qi Yuanming was indeed heartbroken.


His face turned pale, he glanced at Sister Yang, and immediately felt inferior.

 That's right, he is neither young nor outstanding. He has an unkempt beard and does look older standing next to Sister Yang.

 Compared to those young and promising young men, he is like an old cow eating young grass, and he feels like he is harming little girls.

Thinking about it this way, Qi Yuanming lost confidence.

 “Sister Yang, I” looked like I had stage fright and wanted to give up.

Sister Yang suddenly became angry when she saw how easily he wavered in his determination to be with her.

“What are you doing? If you don’t want to continue, get out of here!”

 After saying that, he pushed him out angrily, closed the door with a "bang", and cut off Qi Yuanming from the outside.

 “Sister Yang?”

Qi Yuanming panicked and hurriedly knocked on the door, "Sister Yang, please open the door, Sister Yang?"

Sister Yang said angrily, "Open whatever you want, get out of my way."

She was really **** off. She promised to be with her forever, but her mother persuaded her to back out after just a few words. With such a little determination, they would be together for the rest of their lives. Bah, you are a coward.

Qi Yuanming also knew that she was angry and wanted to comfort her, but thinking about Wu's words, he got stage fright again.

 He lowered his head, looked at the closed door, and walked away dejectedly.

Sister Yang waited for a while and was surprised to see that there was no sound outside the door.

 “Qi Yuanming?”

“Qi Yuanming?” But no one responded.

She seemed to have thought of something and quickly opened the door. Sure enough, she was gone.

Sister Yang opened her mouth wide with a look of disbelief.

 “Qi Yuanming?!”

 She even chased him out, but there was no sign of him on the road.

Sister Yang was angry and sad. She came back gasping for breath and closed the door again with a "bang" sound.

Mrs. Wu saw that she was angry and asked her, "He left?" Just left like that?

Sister Yang glanced at Mr. Wu with a complaining look, wanting to cry but also angry, "Why are you talking about him like that~ He's not that bad."

Wu Shi laughed angrily, "Am I wrong?"

Compared with young talents, Qi Yuanming is indeed not young.

Sister Yang almost cried angrily, "Then he's not old either. He's the same age as my brother-in-law, maybe younger than him."

He is just unshaven and has not had time to shave, and his face is more mature, which makes him look older.

If he shaved cleanly and changed his clothes to the style of a pretty boy, he would be a few years younger.

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "If you want to chase me, you can go and no one will stop you."

Sister Yang’s eyes were red, “Me.”

If Mrs. Wu hadn't said this, she might have chased him.

 But Mrs. Wu said that she didn’t want to go.

He also snorted, "Whoever wants to go can go! Anyway, I don't care."

She was still angry with Qi Yuanming, angry that he was not strong-willed and ran away after just a few words from his mother-in-law.

Then if his parents-in-law said anything to him in the future, wouldn't he just leave her and leave? Can't you survive that day?

Sister Yang returned to the room angrily and didn't even want to eat dinner.

Wu didn't call her, and sat down to chat with Jinghan and the others.

"You are Sister Han, right? Thanks to you this year, if it weren't for you, Sister Ying would be in such a panic."

Jinghan waved his hands hurriedly, "No, no, everything is fate. We happened to come here, and we were pregnant at the same time as Sister Ying, and we happened to be born at the same time. I never thought that everything would be such a coincidence."

Mrs. Wu also said, "It's a coincidence. She is also lucky to meet you."

With Jinghan here, Sister Ying can ask her anything she doesn’t understand. It’s not an exaggeration to say she’s lucky.

Jinghan felt that Mrs. Wu was kind and beautiful. It was no wonder that Sister Ying was so pretty. It turned out that she had followed Mrs. Wu.

“There will be a barbecue banquet later. Sister Ying said that you like to eat barbecue. Eat more later.”

  Wu Shi smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you are determined."

She didn’t want to trouble the children, but they were so enthusiastic that she was too embarrassed to refuse.

“By the way, will Brother Yun come back tonight?”

Since Jinghan regards her as an elder, she naturally treats them as her little nephew.

Jinghan smiled and said, "He may not be back when he is free. Let's see later."

 The time of a businessman is not fixed, and she cannot guarantee it.

Mrs. Wu knew that Murong Yun was busy, so she naturally did not dare to rush him for fear of causing trouble to others.

 She turned to ask Sister Ying, "Isn't A Jing here yet?"

Sister Ying stood up and went upstairs to take a look, "Didn't Brother Qi just say that he would rush over? I think I can get there later."

Originally, Mr. Wu didn't want them to be in such a hurry, for fear of delaying their business.

However, Jing Shirong still felt that he should rush over to greet his mother-in-law, and she had to express her feelings.

 After all, people came all the way to see them, and it would be unreasonable not to come and see them.

The barbecue grill in the courtyard has been set up, and Xiao Zi excitedly lit the fire with Nuer.

 (End of this chapter)

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