Chapter 838, The Way of a Charioteer

When Mrs. Wu saw the loving figures of Xiao Zi and Nuer, she asked Sister Ying, "Is that the man Xiao Zi married?" He was not tall, but he looked quite easy-going.

Sister Ying nodded, "His name is Nuer. He works for the third princess. He is quite kind."

Mrs. Wu nodded with satisfaction, "Xiao Zi is very lucky. She can marry a good man, and her life will be good in the future."

Sister Ying was amused and said to her, "You are very kind to Nuer, but you are so cruel to Brother Qi. This is unfair."

Mrs. Wu gave her a cute look, "How can this be the same? Brother Ming has nothing to do at his age. He looks as stupid as a big fool. Who knows if he can be the head of the family after he gets married."

 Unlike that Noor, he looks mature and steady.

Sister Ying felt ashamed and said something for Qi Yuanming, "Brother Qi is not that stupid. He only acts honest and honest in front of us. In fact, he is very smart."

Qi Yuanming is just careless and looks like a stupid guy.

 But he is not that stupid when it comes to serious matters, he is still very clever. How come his mother said he is like a fool.

But the Qi Yuanming that Wu has come into contact with is very stupid, and the stereotype is that he is not very smart.

"You see, I just said something to him, and he was shaken. If his will is so unstable, how can he stay with Sister Yang for a long time in the future?"

If a man does not have a firm belief and just runs away after being spoken to a few words, how will Sister Yang live in the future?

If he ran away without confidence, would Sister Yang and the child chase after him?

Thinking about Wu’s family makes me feel overwhelmed, and I feel more and more that this pair may not be suitable.

Sister Ying sighed a little when she remembered that Qi Yuanming had such a lack of confidence many times.

Sister Yang didn’t say no to him before, so he thought he would never bother Sister Yang again and make her sick.

If she hadn't sent someone to call, I don't know what would have happened.

This time Mrs. Wu said something about her and Sister Yang not being a good match, and he ran away again!

From this point of view, the boy is indeed not determined, and he is very unsure about Sister Yang. This is indeed a problem.

Wu Shi sighed, it wasn't that she really didn't like Qi Yuanming, she just wanted him to think clearly about whether he wanted to be with Sister Yang?

 Or does he have the confidence to protect Sister Yang for the rest of his life? This is what Wu wants to see.

 But the boy ran away in such a dejected manner, how could Mrs. Wu feel confident about handing Sister Yang over to him.

Sister Ying understood her mother's intention and did not argue with her about it. She said, "You sit down for a while, and I will go and feed Xiaomi Guo."

 Looking at the time, the little girl should be awake.

 Wu stood up and said, "I'll go take a look too."

 Mother and daughter entered the house together. As soon as they entered, Xiaomi Guo slowly opened her eyes and double eyelids. She was in a daze for a while, then when she came to her senses, she started to turn her head to look for her mother.

Sister Ying deliberately hid behind Mrs. Wu to prevent her from seeing her.

Xiao Miguo searched for a while, but couldn't find her mother. She began to curl her lips and groan, looking like she was about to cry.

  Wu’s beloved girl immediately came over and said, “Xiao Miguo won’t cry if she doesn’t want to. Grandma is here.”

 Speaking, he picked up Xiaomi Guo.

Xiao Miguo was held in Wu's arms. She shuddered first, then stopped and looked at Wu's chin.

From the perspective of a baby, Wu’s chin has no fat at all and is well-defined, a bit like her mother’s.

She hummed and twisted her limp little body, feeling a little hungry.

Wu Shi smiled and said, "Are you hungry? Can grandma feed you goat milk?"

Xiao Miguo curled her lips, still wanting her mother, but she kept holding back from crying until Sister Ying jumped out from behind Mrs. Wu and tried to surprise her.

                              will will~)

As soon as Xiao Miguo saw her, she smiled in surprise, and then she felt aggrieved, "Wow~Wow~"

 I cried so much that I was so sad. Mr. Wu glared at her and said, "I will bully her."

Sister Ying laughed loudly, took the little honey fruit, said a few words to her, and then sat down to feed her.

 As soon as Xiaomiguo eats milk, she feels at ease. While eating, I was waving my little fat feet of steamed buns, very happy.

Mrs. Wu saw her bulging cheeks as she ate, and the more she looked at her, the cuter she became.

 “She’s so cute, but not as chubby as when you were a kid.”

Sister Ying didn’t believe it, “Was I that fat when I was a child?”

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Yes. When you were a child, your cheeks were as plump as white steamed buns. Especially when you ate steamed buns, you always had meat.

Xiao Miguo listened to their conversation while eating, looking at them with big dark eyes, and her little carrot legs swayed, so leisurely.

Mrs. Wu saw how curious she was. The more she looked at her, the more curious she became. She moved over to play with her.

 “What are you looking at? Where are you looking at grandma? Can grandma give me a hug?”

Xiao Miguo saw her reaching out and immediately buried her head in Sister Ying's arms, as if she didn't want to.

Mrs. Wu laughed loudly and was in a good mood.

She asked Sister Ying, "Do you have enough milk? Is it enough to feed her? I think she eats a lot."

Sister Ying nodded, "That's enough. I eat eight meals a day. I eat well and drink well every day. I have enough water."

 Plus she feeds both sides to her, and the little girl is always fed.

Mrs. Wu looked outside and asked her in a low voice, "Are you having **** with your son-in-law? It's not good to have **** so soon after giving birth. It's not good for your health."

Sister Ying's face turned red, "No, don't ask these questions, it's so embarrassing."

Mrs. Wu clicked her tongue, "You were born to me. Why are you so shy with me? Mother is teaching you."

Sister Ying shook her head, "Really not. I just gave birth and didn't feel recovered, so I asked him to go out and get busy."

Xiao Miguo is now more than four months old, and both of them are still sleeping.

 Occasionally he acts like a monster to gain some advantages, but nothing else.

Mrs. Wu nodded, relieved, "That's good. But now that you are well, you don't need to keep him cold anymore. Men need to appease their appetite, but not too much."

 She has been with Liang Jin for so many years, and she has managed her husband well, so naturally she wants to give her daughter some guidance.

Sister Ying also wanted to learn how to get along with husband and wife, so she blushed and asked her for advice.

    Mrs. Wu has given birth to four children. She has long since transformed from a shy girl into a tigress. There is no such thing as shyness anymore.

She carefully taught Sister Ying many ways to be a husband, and even gave some advice on things in the house.

"You don't have to worry about having a second child now. Wait until this one is older and have another baby, so you don't have the energy to take care of her."

  Furthermore, continuous birth is not good for the body’s recovery, so it can be slowed down.

Sister Ying thought the same way, "I'm not in a hurry to have a second child. With Xiaomiguo, I'll be satisfied."

The same goes for Jing Shirong. The two of them have a daughter, and their beloved one feels the same pain, but they are not in the mood to have a second child right away.

 And if you have a second child, it is inevitable that you will not take into account the eldest child in some aspects. The balance between the two children is not that simple.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "You young people think too much. It's not like the people in the past who just gave birth to the first child and immediately wanted the second one."

  Are you going on holiday?



 (End of this chapter)

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