Chapter 839 Chapter 839, avant-garde thinking

  I don’t care whether the mother’s body can bear it or not, she just wants to have children and grandchildren as soon as possible.

  If you give birth to a daughter for the first time, but you want to have a son within two months, you are afraid that if you fail to give birth to a son, you will be rejected by your husband's family.

 Fortunately, the son-in-law is not a patriarchal person, otherwise Mrs. Wu would be furious if she saw what happened to Sister Ying and Sister Yang.

She asked Sister Ying, "Over there in the capital, how will your parents-in-law react when they find out you gave birth to a daughter?"

 “Are they in a hurry for you to have a son?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "That's not true. My parents-in-law are very kind-hearted people. It's not like they don't care about their daughter."

Moreover, it had been so long since she gave birth, and the couple didn't mention having a second child at all in their letters. Instead, they were always concerned about Xiaomiguo's daily life.

Jing Shirong would send a portrait of Xiaomiguo every month, and would also write five pages long, talking about the trivial things in Xiaomiguo’s daily life.

Both Jingshi and Jingfu are very fond of Xiaomiguo, and they send good things here every now and then.

Mrs. Wu felt relieved after hearing this.

 “It’s better if they don’t urge you to have a son.”

"Even if you can't give birth to a son in the future, don't feel guilty. It's good to raise your daughter well."

Even if you don’t have a son, if you raise your daughter well, she will have a son-in-law to honor her in the future.

"okay, I get it."

What Sister Ying admires the most is Wu. Regardless of whether the child is a boy or a girl, her focus has always been on how to raise the child, rather than being picky about the child's gender.

 In her concept, as long as the children are raised well, no matter whether they are boys or girls, their future life will not be bad.

 This is also the reason why Mr. Wu can live a prosperous life.

 Because she just wants to take good care of herself and her children so that they can both make money.

 In this way, no matter whether her parents-in-law like her or not, and whether the man likes her or not, even if she is divorced, she can still live a good life.

“Mother, why do you have such advanced ideas? I’m really curious, how did your grandmother teach you?”

 After all, Wu is a native of ancient times, so it is really surprising that he can have such an ideological consciousness.

“It’s mainly the events that happened in our village that made me deeply moved.”

  Wu was only twelve years old that year, a time when he was naughty and rebellious.

Wu’s mother wouldn’t let her go out when she was a child. She hoped that she would cultivate herself at home and make her skin whiter so that she could talk to her.

But when Wu was young, she was most playful, and the family did not restrict her, allowing her to let her temper go.

 Most of the children in rural areas run outside. They don’t pay much attention to the fact that seven-year-olds are not seated at the same table, so they all go out to play together.

At that time, there was a family in the village that gave birth to thirteen daughters in a row, which attracted quite a lot of attention.

That family grew beans, and the couple were particularly good at giving birth to children. They gave birth to seven or eight children in a row, but they were all girls.

Since the children were all girls, the elders in the family would inevitably have objections and even wanted to find a concubine for their son to give birth to a son.

That woman was being scolded by her mother-in-law every day. Because she couldn't give birth to a son, she simply listened to her mother-in-law and took concubines.

Later, the concubine came in and gave birth to three children in succession, but they were still girls.

The old lady was immediately displeased. She felt that both of her children were unsatisfactory and always gave birth to girls. They were a bunch of losers.

 She was afraid that people would laugh at her if she had no grandchildren, so she had no choice but to buy an ugly girl that no one wanted to give birth to a grandson.

 The result was a daughter.

 At first, the villagers would say that the head wife could not have a son, but when two concubines gave birth to daughters, the trend changed and they began to say that the man was destined to have no children.

People are like this. If they don’t have something, they want something more. So the mother and son began to pray to gods and even took random medicines and any folk remedies. In the end, they actually ate the man to death.

The mainstay of the family was dead, and a group of women and children had no one to support them. The old lady was so angry that she looked at a room full of money-losing goods.

 After the death of mother and son, the two concubines and children were not given up, and they just packed up and ran away.


Fortunately, she cherished her life. Even when she couldn't give birth to a son, she wanted to see if other women could give birth, so she agreed to let her concubine in.

Later on, when two concubines failed to give birth to a son, she felt that it was not her problem.

 And now that the man and mother-in-law are dead, no one cares about her at all, so she doesn't have to worry about anything else.

A matchmaker came to her daughter to make an idea, saying that as long as she married her well, she would not have to worry about having a son-in-law to support her in the future.

The woman also had some thoughts, thinking that since she had no son, it would be a good idea to let her son-in-law raise him.

So she began to look for a husband for her daughter. As long as she had good character and was not so poor, she would marry her daughter off.

 Thanks to her having this thought, she didn't just focus on money, but on character.

Because her son-in-law is a good person, on the second day of the new year next year, her daughters brought her son-in-law to celebrate the New Year with her, and she enjoyed the kindness of her daughters.

 The sons-in-law are all very filial, at least they all look good on the surface.

And because there are many sons-in-law, they can sometimes help each other, which is good for the development of the family.

 After she tasted the blessing of her daughter and son-in-law, she paid more and more attention to the daughter behind her.

Whether it’s a concubine’s or her own, if they marry well, we will honor her together in the future.

 Because she married her daughter well and found her daughter as a concubine well, so every time her daughter and son-in-law came back, they brought back a lot of things.

Sometimes she brought money, sometimes food. At that time, she was only thirty-six and already began to enjoy happiness.

Now the land is no longer cultivated. It is divided evenly among the daughters, and the son-in-law is allowed to farm the land. She will have a share of the next year's food.

 Because she gave her husband's land to her son-in-law, the family members were not happy.

From their point of view, when a daughter gets married, she becomes a foreigner, and the land will naturally be recovered. How can it be given to outsiders?

The woman was not happy when she heard this, and retorted to the greedy people in the family, "My daughter has the blood of the child's father, and her father's surname is Wu, so why can't we divide the land?"

“Or are you saying that you are evil-hearted and want to embezzle our family’s land?”

She has not remarried and is staying at home. Since her parents-in-law and men are all dead, the land naturally belongs to her as well.

  But the family members insisted that they could not give it to their daughter. Unless she raised a son from a relative, the land could be left to her, otherwise the land would have to be handed over.

This woman was so angry that she had no choice but to find her daughter and son-in-law to discuss the matter.

It happened that one of the thirteen sons-in-law was admitted as a scholar and would be able to take the examination in the second year, so I went to ask him immediately.

The son-in-law had some legal knowledge, so he gave his mother-in-law an idea, "As long as we adopt one of our sisters' children, our family will be considered an heir. Naturally, those people can't compete with us for land."

Rather than helping those ill-intentioned relatives raise children and giving land to other people’s children, it is better to adopt the daughters’ children and the land will also be given to the daughters in the future.

Moreover, raising children is also helping your daughter to raise them, so it’s not a loss.

The woman thought this was a good idea, and immediately called her daughter and sons-in-law to discuss who would be willing to adopt a son.

  Although the child is adopted, the parents will still make all the decisions about the child in the future. Anyway, since he is a biological grandson, she will not treat the child badly.

 (End of this chapter)

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