The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 842: , Husband has strict control

Chapter 842: Strict control by husband

Mrs. Wu touched her face and asked her, "You are so determined to have him? Do you just want to marry him? Don't you consider other young talents?"

She felt that Sister Yang still had little knowledge. If she were allowed to go to Jiangnan to meet more young talents, she might fall in love with those handsome young people.

Sister Yang tilted her head and thought for a moment, "Am I so easy to change my heart?"

Mrs. Wu smiled helplessly, "I don't know about that. After all, you haven't seen those young talents, have you?"

Sister Yang had a sudden thought, "How about I meet you?"

Perhaps if we meet a few more, we won’t like that coward Qi Yuanming anymore, huh!

  Wu rolled his eyes and felt that this opportunity was not bad.

 Firstly, we can test Sister Yang's temperament to see if she can really resist the temptation of young talents. Secondly, we can see Qi Yuanming's reaction to this matter.

If he doesn't stop Sister Yang when he sees her with other young talents, then he really needs to think about it seriously.

Sister Yang mainly wanted to see Qi Yuanming's reaction, but was not interested in young talents.

 “Then let’s go take a look tomorrow?”

There happens to be a dancing event on the street tomorrow, and all the men and women of marriageable age will come out.

 It’s also a good idea to take this opportunity to go out and relax.

When Mrs. Wu heard that the opportunity was so suitable, she immediately agreed, "Okay, let's go together tomorrow."

But I have to tell Sister Ying about this and ask her to help watch.

After hearing Wu's idea, Sister Ying naturally agreed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there to help.”

But it was inconvenient to go out and take care of the children, so Jing Shirong was also pulled over by her to help take care of the children.

Jing Shirong hasn’t been home for a long time, and he wanted to spend some time with Xiao Miguo when he came back.

So the group of people prepared to go out to play on the street the next day.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhong also wanted to go and wanted to take the three princesses with him.

 The third princess doesn’t like young people’s festivals and just wants to go home and have a few drinks.

 But Little Piggy wanted to go out and play, and kept shouting "Mom, Niang Niang~".

The third princess glanced at him and said, "It's a festival for unmarried men and women. What are you doing, little brat? It's still too early for you to want to marry a wife."

 When Young Master Zhong heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

“If your son wants to go, you can take him there. Don’t you happen to be free tomorrow?”

“Or are you saying that you won’t stay with us during the holidays?”

In this case, his eyes stared at, and the three princesses could say.

  "Oh, you. Okay, okay, I got it, I'll just go with you."

Men are troublesome. I don’t know what kind of fun he is going to join in on the festival of unmarried men and women?

Mr. Zhong gave her a snort and said, "No matter, I'm going to go anyway."

   Little Piggy and his father unite, "I want to go."

 Father and son both want to go, what else can the third princess say.

Jing Shirong looked on blankly, never expecting that in just two years, the third princess had transformed from a ruthless woman to a coward who was afraid of her husband.

Look at how cowardly she is, shrinking her neck when Young Master Zhong says something to her, she is really henpecked.

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "What's wrong with being henpecked? Are you not henpecked?"

Jing Shirong said stiffly, "I don't."

Sister Ying glared at him, "Are you sure?"

Jing Shirong changed the topic and said, "Madam, you are such a gentle person. There is no need for me to be afraid. It's too late for me to love you."

 After saying that, he picked up the back of her hand and kissed it.

Sister Ying waved him away and said, "If you don't want to kiss me, go to the other side."

Jing Shirong felt aggrieved and said, "Madam, your temper is quite unpredictable."

Just now we were affectionate and affectionate, but now we feel disgusted.

Sister Ying raised her nose and snorted at him, "I'm happy to do that. It's none of your business." Who can control post-pregnancy hormones? She couldn't control her mood swings either.

Jing Shirong remembered that her temper during pregnancy was also very changeable. She would cry whenever she wanted to, and laugh whenever she wanted to laugh. She just thought that this was a difficult and complicated disease that would be caused by giving birth to a child, so she didn't dare to say more.

lest I have to sleep naked again at night and not be allowed to be hugged or kissed, I will not be happy just thinking about it.

Sister Ying put her hands into his clothes and pinched him in a low voice, "Are you not happy anymore?" She is not beautiful yet.

Looking at the muscles in front of her that cannot be chewed, she feels aggrieved, okay?

Jing Shirong's eyes lit up, "What about tonight?" He raised his eyebrows, "Together?"

Sister Ying pinched him and said, "Fuck you, you only think about this kind of thing all day long, it's not elegant at all."

Jing Shirong leaned close to him, almost wagging his tail, "I've read a book, and it says that exercising more can help you lose weight. How about you give it a try?"

Sister Ying thought carefully, "Is it true or false?"

Although she is not fat now, her belly is indeed a little loose after giving birth, so she wants to tighten her belly.

Jing Shirong nodded, "It can tighten your abdomen, you can do it with more practice."

Sister Ying was dubious. Looking at the seriousness on his face, she always felt that he had ulterior motives.

 After the barbecue banquet was over, the third princess took Young Master Zhong and the children back.

Jinghan also hugged Xiao Liujin and put him to sleep.

Mrs. Wu held Xiaomiguo in her arms and said to Sister Ying, "I will take my grandson to bed tonight, and Sister Yang will come with us."

Sister Ying knew that her mother was giving the two of them a world, and her face turned red, "Then you and Sister Yang can talk more."

 Wu Shi nodded, "I was about to tell her."

Xiao Miguo had just finished eating, and had been rocked to sleep by Sister Ying, who then handed her to Mrs. Wu's arms.

Mrs. Wu went into the house holding Xiaomiguo, her beloved.

Sister Ying was still a little worried and asked Jing Shirong, "Will my daughter wake up at night?"

Although she has trained Xiaomi Guo to sleep at night, Xiaomi Guo is an unconventional person, so she might wake up at night.

Jing Shirong said, "It's okay. It's already past midnight when she wakes up. Just bring her over and it'll be fine."

Sister Ying glanced at him, "Can you wake up?"

 The second half of the night was when she felt sleepy, and she couldn't wake up.

Jing Shirong patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I can wake up."

Sister Ying knew that he was reliable, so she gave him the task of picking up her daughter in the middle of the night.

The two of them haven't been together for a long time. They talked first and then went to the back room.

 In the second half of the night, Jing Shirong woke up first, went to the Wu family's room, and listened for a while against the door. When he saw that the child was not crying, he felt relieved and went back to sleep.

Although the little girl didn't wake up in the middle of the night, she suddenly woke up early the next morning.

 As soon as I woke up and saw my mother, she was hungry and burst into tears.

Mrs. Wu got up early. When she saw her crying, she woke up immediately and hugged her to comfort her.

“Oh, don’t cry. Are you hungry? Grandma will take you to your mother.”

Little Miguo whimpered, and the little pacifier cried aggrievedly, "Wow~Wow~"

 It’s not a big cry, but it’s pitiful.

Wu felt distressed and immediately took her to find Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong knew that Sister Ying was still sleeping when Mrs. Wu came in.

He was also sleepy, but he still got up to pick him up.

“Mom? Are you awake?”

Mrs. Wu hummed and handed the child to him, "Let Sister Ying feed her for a while, and you can catch up on her sleep later."

 (End of this chapter)

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