Chapter 843, Men taking care of children

“Okay, I’ll carry you over, and you can go back and catch up on your sleep.”

It's still dark outside, and it's still early at first glance.

  Wu yawned and went back to sleep.

Jing Shirong held his daughter in his arms and saw her crying softly, which was completely different from the usual ghost cries and wolf howls.

He kissed his daughter's chubby hand and laughed at her, "Why didn't you cry loudly? Why did you cry so quietly? It's not like you."

Xiao Miguo was originally upset that she couldn't see her mother when she got up early in the morning. However, her father told her this and she burst into tears immediately.

 “Whoa!! Whoa!!”

This cry is okay, it can be heard outside the door.

Jing Shirong was startled and apologized quickly, "It's dad's fault. It's dad's fault. I won't talk about you anymore. Stop crying."

 His wife will beat him if she hears it.

He hurried to the bedside with Xiaomi Guo in his arms, untied the clothes bag of a certain cow with ease, skillfully placed Xiaomi Guo beside the bed, and asked Sister Ying to feed her.

Sister Ying was asleep in a daze. When she heard the cry, she closed her eyes and started feeding her daughter. Apparently, she had done this action thousands of times.

Jing Shirong was waiting aside, fearing that she would fall asleep and press down on her, crushing her daughter into a meat cake.

 After feeding the left side, he still knows to switch sides.

Xiao Miguo stopped crying when she smelled the familiar scent of her mother. Her whole little head was buried in Sister Ying's arms, feeling full of security.

Jing Shirong sat on the edge of the bed and watched, his heart almost melted. His wife and child are so cute~

After Xiaomiguo was full, Jing Shirong picked her up and burped her.

The little guy twisted his little body and wanted to go back to eat his pacifier. He opened his pacifier and made two sounds.

Jing Shirong looked at her little pacifier and not a single tooth in her mouth, and deliberately teased her, "Toothless child, look who I am?"

Xiao Miguo looked at him innocently and ignorantly with her big eyes, as if she was wondering who he was.

Babies have short memories. Jing Shirong was away for ten days and a half, and she had long forgotten that she had such a great father.

 But the feeling of familiarity was still there. Being held by Jing Shirong, she did not cry, but stared straight at Jing Shirong with her big eyes.

Jing Shirong was very relieved to see that she was not crying.

 Normally, she would not be happy if other people wanted to hug her.

Even when Sister Yang hugged her, the little girl made a few babbles and protested with her aunt.

  Today, I have been hugged by him for so long and I still don’t cry. This shows that the one who is my biological child is my biological child.

Jing Shirong was smiling happily when he saw Xiao Miguo's expression suddenly serious, her eyebrows red and wrinkled, as if she was exerting herself.

Jing Shirong thought to himself, "Isn't it right?"


 Sure enough, I heard a fart sound, followed by the smell of baby poop.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “You are really my good daughter.”

Just after he bullied her, he immediately came back with revenge, "She is exactly like your mother. She uses a soft knife to retaliate. Dad is willing to defeat her."

Xiao Miguo felt comfortable after having a bowel movement. She hummed twice and signaled to the **** scooper to clean it up after her.

Jing Shirong covered her nose and wanted to vomit while cleaning up the little guy.

 The washed little honey fruit is another sweet-smelling baby.

Jing Shirong washed her hair and her body was wet, so he could only hold her and put her in the cradle, ready to change her hair.

 But as soon as he left, Xiao Miguo immediately started to grunt, not wanting to let him go.

Jing Shirong could only sit down and rock the cradle, "Go to sleep quickly. Your mother will talk to me if you can't sleep well."

 But Xiao Miguo's eyes widened, obviously not wanting to sleep.

She is almost five months old, and she is no longer the baby who can sleep all day during confinement. Nowadays, when I wake up, I have to play for a while before I feel sleepy. I will no longer sleep so well.

Jing Shirong rocked the cradle for a while and she didn't fall asleep. She frowned and looked at him, as if asking him why he still didn't hug her?

Jing Shirong had no choice but to take her back to bed, hoping that she would sleep with Sister Ying. But as soon as the little guy was put on the bed, she immediately curled her lips and looked like she was about to cry.

Jing Shirong was startled and hurriedly picked her up.

 As soon as I hugged her, she immediately stopped crying.

Jing Shirong didn't believe this evil, so he continued to put her down gently, wanting to see her reaction.

But Miguo is obviously a smart baby. She doesn’t cry until her back touches the bed board. Once her back touches the bed board, she immediately curls her lips and starts crying when she opens her mouth.

Jing Shirong tried several times and found that the little girl was too smart, so he could only hold her and take off the wet coat with one hand.

“Okay, I won’t wash it off, can we sleep for a while?”

Xiao Miguo was not happy. Once Jing Shirong lay down, she groaned.

In the end, Jing Shirong had no choice but to put her in the cradle, take her to the yard, and show her how to practice swordplay.

 He practiced with the sword for a long time, and Xiao Miguo watched with gusto.

 It wasn’t until I got tired of looking at the back that I yawned a little.

Jing Shirong saw that she was sleepy and quickly hugged her to comfort her.

 After coaxing her for a while, she finally fell asleep slowly.

Jing Shirong saw that she was sleeping deeply, and there was no response to her pinching her little face. Then she took a long breath and lamented that it was too tiring to take care of the child. It was no wonder that Sister Ying had lost weight. It turned out that she was taking care of the child.

Xiao Zi got up at this time and saw that he was so tired, she smiled and said, "This is still good. Our little lady has always been well-behaved. Except for crying during confinement, she is fine at other times."

  It would be tiring to carry a baby with a very bad temper.

Jing Shirong held the child in his arms and lamented that taking care of children was such a hard job. Fortunately, Jinghan was able to take care of three of them, which was awesome.

He carried the child and went back to sleep. This time, the family of three slept in the same bed.

In order to prevent his mother from crossing her legs while sleeping, Jing Shirong directly put the child on his side. He slept in the middle, Sister Ying slept outside, and Xiao Miguo slept inside.

 He sleeps conscientiously, does not cross his legs, and cannot hurt the child.

 But after thinking about it, just in case, it would be most conservative to put the child in the vegetable basket directly in the bed.

With the protection of the vegetable basket, Jing Shirong fell asleep contentedly.

 I slept until noon.

After Sister Ying got up, she moved her sore body and looked at the bed. Sure enough, there was a handsome guy sleeping.

 She lowered her head and kissed her husband, then got out of bed to look at the cradle, only to find that there was no child in the cradle.

 She was startled at first, and then remembered that the child slept with Mr. Wu last night.

So she walked quietly to find Mrs. Wu, but Mrs. Wu said that the child had been brought back to her in the morning.

Sister Ying was stunned, "Bring it back? Why don't I remember it?"

Mr. Wu was ashamed, "Go back and ask your son-in-law. Brother Rong will definitely know."

The daughter is pregnant and stupid for three years, but the son-in-law will never be stupid.

Sister Ying sighed and hurriedly went in to find Jing Shirong, "Mr. sir, sir!"

Jing Shirong opened his eyes in a daze, his voice hoarse, "What's wrong?"

Sister Ying was worried, "Where is the child? Where did you put it?"

Jing Shirong looked back at the bed and held out the vegetable basket to her, "Here it is."

Sister Ying.

 “You put your child in the vegetable basket?”

Jing Shirong nodded innocently, "Yes, this way she won't be crushed."

Sister Ying.

This is not a bad idea

 It's just a little weird, it feels like a purchased daughter.

 (End of this chapter)

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