The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 844: , don’t let you feel like a mother-in-law.

Chapter 844: You are not allowed to feel like a mother-in-law

Sister Ying took the child out of the vegetable basket and smelled her body. It smelled like carrots.

Xiao Miguo also woke up just in time, looking at her with big round eyes.

Once she realized that the person in front of her was her own mother, Xiao Miguo immediately grinned, "Yeah~~"

 It’s been more than four months since I’ve been able to pronounce the mother’s voice, but I’m already very good at umming.

Sister Ying smiled and said to Xiao Miguo, "Daughter, are you awake?"

 Xiao Miguo was obviously very happy when she smelled her mother's scent.


 The small nose made a humming sound, which was very strange to Sister Ying, "Call mom~mom~"

The little guy didn't understand, but he imitated her vocalizations and screamed "hmm" for a while.

Jing Shirong listened to their conversation and tilted his head and asked, "How can you call me grandma? Only old women are called this."

Sister Ying.

“They are talking about mom, not your grandma.”

Jing Shirong tilted his head and said, "Isn't it the same?" It seems that the daughter-in-law has been stupid for three years after being pregnant, and her brain has become stupid.

Sister Ying. "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you. Get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, and go eat later."

Jing Shirong said oh, got up, changed clothes, and took a shower.

 When I came back, I hugged Xiaomiguo and said, "Can daddy take you with me today?"

Xiao Miguo kicked her little fat legs and kicked her steamed buns directly into her father's face, as if in protest.

Jing Shirong hugged her chubby feet and kissed her, "The protest is ineffective. Dad will take you today and let your mother rest for a day."

Sister Ying laughed, "I like this sentence,"

“Then take her with you, I’m going to eat.”

Jing Shirong hummed and followed Xiaomiguo in his arms.

It was rare for Sister Ying to have breakfast without holding her daughter in her arms, so she began to eat and drink freely.

Jing Shirong asked her to eat less, "Don't you have to eat less and eat more frequently? Be careful to hold on until you can."

Sister Ying waved her hand, "No, what do I, the big eater, have to be afraid of?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I drank a large bowl of soy milk and paired it with steamed buns.

Jing Shirong looked at her and said, "Eat slowly, don't eat too much." He was afraid that she would overeat.

Sister Ying waved her hands domineeringly, "I said it's okay."

As soon as I finished speaking, my stomach swelled.

Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong asked her, "What's wrong? Do you still want to drink?"

Sister Ying’s face twisted and she cried, “Brother Rong, I’m full.”

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “What did you say just now? Don’t eat so much at once.”

 Originally, the steamed buns would swell when mixed with soy milk, so she drank two large bowls of them in one go to avoid stomach bloating.

Sister Ying cried and said, "I feel so uncomfortable. Please help me rub it."

 Her meals before were all in small portions, eight meals a day, but they were all small, so she was afraid of overeating.

Jing Shirong was at home today and didn't have to take care of the children, so she was a little bit wild.

Unexpectedly, after not playing for a long time, my stomach suddenly became uncomfortable.

Jing Shirong saw her tearful eyes and was angry and funny, "You."

 He asked Xiao Zi to get some snack powder, then he sat down with the child in his arms and rubbed her belly with one hand.

 “Is this better?”

 He rubbed her belly clockwise to see if it felt better.

Sister Ying shook her head, "I still support it."

Jing Shirong sighed, "Then go and spit out everything you just drank."

It might feel better if you spit it out.

Sister Ying shook her head, "It would be a waste to spit it out." Besides, vomiting was uncomfortable. Jing Shirong. “Now that I’m done with it, it’s better to spit it out than hold it to death.”

As he was talking, Sister Ying felt a little nauseous and immediately ran to the side to vomit.


 With the sound of gurgling, I actually vomited a lot.

Jing Shirong shook her head and hurriedly came over to give her a pat on the back.

Sister Ying whined, "I'm going to change the bowl next time. The bowl here is too big."

That bowl is like a basin. I was so full after drinking two bowls.

Jing Shirong. “I didn’t even let you drink two bowls.”

With tears in her eyes, Sister Ying scolded him, "You are still talking about me~, you don't think I feel uncomfortable."

Jing Shirong wanted to say something, but then swallowed it back, "Don't be so impulsive next time."

Sister Ying also knew that she was wrong and said, "I know."

She felt much better after vomiting, but felt suffocated again. She had eaten a lot before, so why couldn't she just drink two bowls this time?

 I felt depressed and wanted to hug my daughter.

 “Daughter, come and give me a hug.”

Xiao Miguo originally wanted to give her a hug, but as soon as she got close to her mother, she smelled a stinking smell. She immediately turned her head and tightly held Jing Shirong's neck with her little hands, refusing to let Sister Ying hold her.

 Sister Ying.…

“Little girl, what’s wrong with you? I’m your dearest mother. How can you dislike me?”

 She smelled her body, and there was indeed a sour smell after vomiting.

Xiao Miguo has a sharp nose. She secretly turned her little head to take a look at her mother. When she saw that she was still looking at him, she quickly buried her head in her father's arms, fearing that she would be vomited if her mother took him over.

Sister Ying saw how clever she was and insisted on hugging her.

“Come here, my mother won’t think my son is ugly, and my son won’t think my mother is smelly!”

“Hurry up, let me hug you, and share the difficulties with my mother.”

 As he said that, his big hands were about to pick up the little honey fruit.

Xiao Miguo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, her little fat legs locked tightly on Jing Shirong, and her little fat hands hugged her father's neck tightly, fearing that her smelly mother would take her away.

Sister Ying saw her hanging on Jing Shirong like a koala, and she became playful and hugged her over.

Xiao Miguo was suddenly taken away, with her big eyes wide open and a look of horror on her face.

Seeing her little expression, Sister Ying wanted to laugh, "How was it? Aren't you happy to be back in your mother's arms?"

 After saying that, he went over to kiss her.

As soon as Xiao Miguo smelled the sour smell on her face, her round face couldn't help but vomited, and she almost spit out the milk.

Sister Ying burst into laughter seeing her daughter’s funny expression.

In the end, Jing Shirong couldn't bear it anymore and hugged his daughter over, "You'd better go and wash it off, it smells sour."

Sister Ying snorted at him, put her hands on her hips and said to the father and daughter, "You two are the reality. Normally, you hug me and kiss me when I smell good. Now I smell sour and sour, so you don't want me. It's too heartless." ”

"I don't care, you two kiss me, otherwise this matter will not be over."

She became very playful, but Jing Shirong and Xiao Miguo thought she was serious, and their faces suddenly turned bitter.

Sister Ying laughed and deliberately leaned over, "Let me think about it, which one should I kiss first?"

She came to Jing Shirong with a sour breath. Jing Shirong's eyes widened at first, but then returned to normal, fearing that she would catch him.

Xiao Miguo is young and doesn’t know how to hide her thoughts. As soon as Sister Ying comes closer to her, she immediately turns her head as fast as she can.

Sister Ying almost died laughing, and she deliberately wanted to kiss her, "Come on, honey, give me a kiss, or else you won't have milk to eat at night."

Xiao Miguo understood what Nai meant. She turned around carefully at first, and then when she saw her mother gasping for breath, she immediately turned around again, groaning and burying herself in Jing Shirong's arms, and almost shouted for help.

Sister Ying couldn’t stop laughing, and Xiao Zi also laughed at the side.

 (End of this chapter)

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