The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 845: , teach Qi Yuanming a lesson

Chapter 845: Teach Qi Yuanming a lesson

“Miss, please don’t bully my uncle and young lady, you are too bad.”

At this time Mrs. Wu came out and also said to her, "It stinks so much, hurry up and wash up."

Sister Ying stuck out her tongue, "I know."

 She went into the house to wash herself, while Mrs. Wu came over to hold Xiaomi Guo.

 “Dear baby, are you awake? Do you still remember grandma?”

Xiao Miguo was babbling, as if he remembered her.

Mrs. Wu was happy when she saw that she didn't reject him, "Can I hold her for a while, grandma?"

Xiao Miguo had no objection, so Mrs. Wu hugged her and sat down to eat.

 She asked Jing Shirong, "Eat quickly, it will cool down in a while."

Jing Shirong said respectfully, "Yes, you can eat too."

 After a while, Sister Yang and Jing Han also came out.

  Brother Yuan and Brother Zheng ran out to play with Xiao Miguo for a while as usual, and then walked over to Mrs. Wu and acted coquettishly, "Hey, mother-in-law~"

 The two brats rarely act coquettishly, but seeing how much Mrs. Wu loves her children, they really want to be loved by her.

Mrs. Wu smiled lovingly, "Okay, okay, my mother-in-law will feed you."

 She handed the little honey fruit to Jing Shirong, took a bowl and a spoon for herself, and fed Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan a spoonful of egg custard.

   Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan lined up and took a bite each, very well-behaved.

Jinghan couldn't help but laugh or cry, but he didn't say anything to them.

The children want to be loved by their elders, and her parents are not here, so it would be good to let Mrs. Wu pamper the children.

Mrs. Wu is fond of children. After feeding Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan, she wiped their mouths with a handkerchief. Both children's faces were clean after eating.

Mrs. Wu stood up and took them to rinse their mouths, teaching them, "You must rinse your mouth after eating so that your teeth will not hurt."

 Then show them an example.

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan liked her very much and followed her instructions.

Jinghan almost wanted to burst into tears. No matter how he taught them how to rinse their mouths, these two boys refused to listen.

Today, Mrs. Wu gave them a demonstration, and they immediately followed it. It was really a double standard.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Children are all like this. Sometimes they do it on purpose, but they are clear in their hearts. When you teach them, don't give up too early. You must persist in brainwashing them. As time goes by, they will do it."

 Good habits must be persisted, and parents must persist day after day to be effective.

Jinghan’s biggest shortcoming is his impatience and bad temper, otherwise he wouldn’t be the tigress the children call him.

 But she felt that what Wu said today was quite right, so she would stick to education next time.

The group had dinner, and in the evening, Mr. Zhong and his family came.

 There is a Bonfire Festival in the evening, which is a disguised blind date festival.

Young men and women in the town will come out to sing and dance to find their sweethearts.

Mrs. Wu wanted to take Sister Yang out, but Sister Yang dressed up before going out.

They wear local costumes at night, and the long and fluttering gauze skirts look particularly exotic.

Sister Yang, however, kept looking outside absentmindedly.

She asked Jing Shirong, "Brother-in-law, have you told Qi Yuanming about this matter today?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "I'm going to deliver the message to him. We'll see if he comes or not."

That boy was not determined, and Jing Shirong was angry that he would not fight.

 I hope he can strengthen his heart at night and not waver in the future.

Sister Yang sighed, feeling gloomy because she was afraid that he wouldn't come.

Mrs. Wu asked her, "What will you do if he doesn't come?" Qi Yuanming is honest and honest, kind and just, but emotionally he is timid and cowardly. He can easily be swayed by others and leave as soon as he is told. It's very bad.

Sister Yang was also very sad, "Why is he so easy to be persuaded to quit? Isn't he usually quite confident?"

 Why are you so unsure of yourself as soon as you get to her? Just saying a few words to him can scare him away and even give him the idea of ​​separation.

Sister Yang doesn't like that he is always so easily swayed, and hopes to make it clear to him tonight.

 If he is still so unsteady, he might as well break up.

 At worst, she will go back to Jiangnan and never come back. He can marry whomever he likes.

At this time, Qi Yuanming was sitting in a restaurant drinking.

Jing Shirong sent him a message last night, saying that Sister Yang was going to a bonfire party to see young talents tonight, and asked him to come back quickly.

 He rushed over as soon as he got the news.

I found the location of the restaurant early to see what she was doing.

 But I still felt unsure, fearing that she would get angry again if she saw him.

Jing Shirong guessed that he would go to the restaurant as soon as he came over, and immediately went there with the child in his arms.

He carried the child up to the third floor, and sure enough he saw Qi Yuanming's figure at the window.

Looking at the seven or eight wine jars on the wine table, you can tell that he drank a lot.

Jing Shirong was angry at her for not arguing, "You don't want to be with Sister Yang that much? Would you rather drink alone than go to her?"

They have known each other for so many years, and this is the first time Jing Shirong knows that Qi Yuanming can be so timid when it comes to feelings.

"What are you afraid of? If you like it, chase it. When you catch it, hold it tightly in your hand and don't give it to anyone. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Seeing the angry look on his face, Qi Yuanming knew that he was useless and became even more frustrated.

 “It’s my fault, I’m not good enough for her, she’s too good, I.”

 He didn’t know what was wrong with him.

 I am usually so confident and flamboyant, but I don’t know why when I came to Sister Yang’s place, I felt that I was an old cow eating young grass and was not good enough for her.

Especially when his future mother-in-law says that they are not a good match, he will immediately feel inferior and feel that he is particularly bad, which is why his mother-in-law dislikes him.

Jing Shirong couldn't stand it anymore when he saw how depressed he was, so he kicked him away.

“If the mother-in-law says she doesn’t agree, then you just let it go? What do you think of Sister Yang? If you like her, chase her. If you feel inferior, just leave her. Do you think she won’t be hurt?!”

Qi Yuanming was kicked to the ground and told that he was ashamed.


Jing Shirong was still angry, "I've told you what you want several times. If you like it, hold it tightly and never let go. Once you let go, Sister Yang will get hurt. Don't you understand?"

Qi Yuanming vaguely understands, but is also a little unsure.

 “But, I am much older than her.”

Jing Shirong kicked me again, "You're only eight or nine years older, not twenty. Besides, others don't mind, so what do you mind?"

“Since you like Sister Yang, shouldn’t you listen to her in everything? Why should you listen to others?”

"You are living with Sister Yang, not with anyone else, so you can't take Sister Yang's words seriously in everything? Why would you change your mind after someone says a few words! Have you ever considered that Sister Yang will die after you leave? How are you feeling?"


Qi Yuanming opened his mouth, knowing that he was indeed not a man.

He ran away only caring about his own inferiority, without considering Sister Yang's mood after he left. He was wrong.

 The more Jing Shirong looked at him, the angrier he became.

“If you are wrong, admit it. If you want to be with her, stay with her forever. No one will tell you to separate. Don’t just listen to the wind and rain. If you throw her away at every turn, I will be angry!”

 (End of this chapter)

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