Chapter 846, Testing Qi Yuanming

Looking at Jing Shi Rong's anger, I came out.

 He was really angry, angry that Qi Yuan Ming was a coward, and ran away as soon as he asked.

 He is usually so high-spirited and elated, but why is he so useless when it comes to emotional matters? It makes him angry.

 Originally I thought he would be able to remain unchanged, but who knew the contrast would be so huge and such a waste.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he kicked Qi Yuanming again, "If you are so undecided, I will ask my mother-in-law to take Sister Yang away and return to Jiangnan. You will never see each other again in the future."

"Since you are so useless, go back and ask your father-in-law to find a match for her and let her marry another man. Then you can be a monk for the rest of your life."

Qi Yuanming's face turned pale and blue after being scolded by him, and he felt extremely regretful.

“No, I don’t want Sister Yang to return to Jiangnan, I want to marry her.”

Jing Shirong sat down with the child in his arms and gave him a cold look, "Marry her? You asked your parents to go to Jiangnan to propose marriage before, but you abandoned her yesterday. Do you think you want to marry her?"

"Who knows if you said you wanted to marry her today, but you will change your mind tomorrow? Your sister Dangyang's heart is made of iron, and it won't hurt?"

"I think it would be better for her to go back to Jiangnan and spend her whole life with young talents."

 He just wants to stimulate him and see if this brat is still a coward.

Whenever Qi Yuanming thinks of Sister Yang marrying someone else, his heart feels like it has been torn apart, and he is so painful that he can't breathe.

"It was my fault. I should not have wavered in my resolve or felt inferior. I wanted to marry her and be with her forever."

Jing Shirong glanced at him coldly, "What if your future mother-in-law doesn't agree?"

Qi Yuanming choked, "Me."

Jing Shirong looked at him condescendingly, "Think about it carefully and then answer it clearly."

Qi Yuanming still wanted to be with Sister Yang in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said firmly, "I will beg Aunt Liang until she is satisfied."

 “What if my father-in-law disagrees?”

Qi Yuanming felt a chill in his heart, wondering why his marriage was so difficult.

But he gritted his teeth and persisted, "I will continue to beg and ask for the consent of all of them. I am determined on this matter. This time I will never leave Sister Yang again."

Jing Shirong saw that he had made some progress and wanted to test him, "In that case, my mother-in-law will be here soon. You can tell her yourself."


Qi Yuanming was timid for a moment, then said firmly, "Okay, I'll tell her."

 After a while, Mrs. Wu came up with Sister Yang and her children.

 Because the bonfire night has not started yet, I wanted to come up to the restaurant and sit for a while.

As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Qi Yuanming being kicked to the ground by Jing Shirong.

Sister Yang felt relieved when she saw him in such a mess. She grunted angrily and didn't even bother to look at him.

Mrs. Wu was even more angry, secretly wondering why this kid was so cowardly and ran away after saying just a few words. He really had no determination at all.

They went to sit at the next table, and no one spoke to Qi Yuanming.

 Only Sister Ying came over, lowered her head in Jing Shirong's ear, and asked him, "Did you hit him?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Well, it won't take a few hits to get angry."

Brothers have been together for more than 20 years and rarely fight on weekdays, but today they really couldn't stand it.

Jing Shirong is more mature than Qi Yuanming and has always regarded him as his younger brother. However, this kid's recent behavior is indeed a coward. It makes him hate iron but not steel. He can't do it without giving him a lesson.

Sister Ying nodded in relief, "That's good, then you give me a good beating and we'll go to that table."

“Hmm.” Jing Shirong held the children in his arms and asked the waiter to serve them tea.

Qi Yuanming was still sitting on the ground, looking at Sister Yang cautiously with his big eyes, hoping that she would take a look at him.

 But Sister Yang never gave him a look.

Jing Shirong took the opportunity to say, "You see, if you are separated from her in the future, you will be a stranger. She will not look at you again, and will only be surrounded by other men. You will never be able to enter her world." "

Qi Yuanming's heart ached, the corners of his eyes were sore, and he almost wanted to cry.

"It is my fault."

 Actually, he didn't go far last night and was hiding on their roof, but he couldn't bear to leave Sister Yang.

 But he has not appeared for a long time, which is also criticized.

At this moment, Wu and his party were all like strangers. No one looked at him, as if they didn't know him.

He thought about Jing Shirong's words. If he and Sister Yang were really separated, it might be like this in the future. They would see each other as passers-by, not saying hello to each other, not even looking at each other. Just thinking about it made him so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

 “Ajing, please help me.”

He looked at Jing Shirong with tearful eyes, feeling so vulnerable for the first time.

Jing Shirong sighed and said to him, "This is your own emotional problem. You must be determined, otherwise no one can help you."

“Or do you want to watch Sister Yang leave and never come back again?”

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "No. I don't want to."

 He wants to marry her and be with her forever.

“Then go for it yourself, don’t just talk with your words here, use actual actions.”

Qi Yuanming hummed, stood up with firm eyes, and walked over to Sister Yang's table.

He first paid homage to Mrs. Wu and knelt down on one knee, "Aunt Liang, I was wrong yesterday. I shouldn't have run away so cowardly. I won't run away again in the future. Please give me a chance. I want to Marry Sister Yang."

Mrs. Wu wanted to test him, "You said you can't run, so you won't run? Didn't you run away yesterday? How can I trust you?"

"Besides, we are going back in a few days. Since your will is so unsteady, you don't have to worry about it after we leave."

Qi Yuanming's eyes widened, his face full of shock, "Are you leaving?"

 Why so suddenly?

Mrs. Wu looked at his expression and said, "Sister Yang is about to be married, so naturally I will take her back. Then I will arrange a good marriage for her in Jiangnan. I hope her marriage will be harmonious and beautiful."

Whenever Qi Yuanming thinks about Sister Yang marrying someone else, his heart twists, "No, she can't marry someone else."

He remembered what Jing Shirong had just said, that if you like someone, you must be strong-willed, and you cannot act like a coward at every turn.

So he knelt down on one knee, with his body straight, and clasped his fists at Mrs. Wu, saying, "Aunt Liang, I was wrong before. I didn't have a strong will. I shouldn't be easily influenced by others, and I will never do it again in the future." Got it."

"I want to marry Sister Yang and be with her for the rest of my life. No matter who comes to break us up in the future, I will protect her and never listen to other people's opinions. I will stay with her until the end." Don’t be a coward and leave him behind.”

Wu felt that he was very satisfied with this realization, but it was still not enough.

He only has the will now. What if he changes again after a while?

She had to think about how to make him more determined, so she did not agree immediately, but said, "Let's see, I'm still worried about your ability to leave as soon as you say it."

 After saying that, he waved to him and told him to go away.

Qi Yuanming felt very sad when he saw that she didn't trust him. He wanted to leave, but he thought that it was his easy leaving that caused today's situation, so he was determined not to leave.

  Just stay by their side.

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 (End of this chapter)

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