Chapter 847, Competition in the Arena

Sister Yang felt happy when she saw that he was standing behind her resolutely and no longer acted like a coward like before.

 But she did not show a happy expression, fearing that Qi Yuanming would only be firm for a quarter of an hour and change again, so she did not speak.

She didn’t speak, and neither did Wu. The group of people looked at each other and tacitly ignored Qi Yuanming and treated Qi Yuanming as a transparent person.

Qi Yuanming was excluded by them and felt bitter in his heart, but he was determined not to leave.

Wu also wanted him to strengthen his mind. He looked at Sister Yang and told her to wait and see.

Sister Yang blinked and said she understood.

 Soon the sun will slowly set and the bonfire party will begin.

 Many young unmarried men and women are coming out shyly at this moment.

The boys were better and braver, and took the initiative to help warm the fire.

 The girls put fruits on the plate.

 After a while, some older women began to sing and the boys began to play instruments.

 When someone sings, someone dances.

 The girls first learned to sing the chorus and then slowly entered the dance floor.

As soon as they entered the dance floor, the boys saw the opportunity and invited the girls to dance.

Seeing how lively the atmosphere was, Sister Ying deliberately asked Sister Yang in front of Qi Yuanming, "Sister Yang, would you like to go down and dance too? It's so lively."

Sister Yang knew what she meant and sighed, "Okay."

As he spoke, he stood up with his long skirt fluttering, quickly passed by Qi Yuanming, and came downstairs like a butterfly.

Qi Yuanming watched her leave him with his own eyes. He couldn't help but stand up and tried to grab the hem of her skirt but failed.

Seeing Sister Yang going downstairs and heading straight to the dance floor, Qi Yuanming hurriedly chased after her.

But Sister Yang deliberately avoided him, and in the blink of an eye she entered the middle of the dance floor.

She is tall and has bright eyes. In addition, she was specially dressed tonight. As soon as she arrived in the center of the dance floor, she attracted a large number of young men.

 The young men saw how beautiful she was, and they all took the initiative to come over and dance with her.

“Sister, my name is Shamusak, what is your name?”

 “Just call me Sister Yang~”

When the other party heard that it was a Chinese name, he smiled slightly and said, "It turns out she is a sister from far away. My parents are very kind and treat my sisters-in-law very tenderly. If you marry me, my mother will love you very much in the future."

Sister Yang noticed that he was handsome and tall, and he had a sincere face, not a joke.

She glanced at Qi Yuanming behind her from the corner of her eye. She knew that he must be having a hard time right now without even looking.

 Qi Yuanming's tall figure stood out in the middle of the dance floor. Many girls liked his strong body and felt that he could protect others, so they went over to strike up a conversation with her.

 “Hello, brother~”

Qi Yuanming seemed not to hear, and kept staring at Sister Yang and the handsome young man with his big eyes.

He saw Sister Yang smiling brightly at the young man from a distance, and felt sour in his heart. He secretly thought, what's so good about that brat?

But relying on her youth, they disappear to girls, who?

 He sneaked over sourly and stood behind Sister Yang, glaring at the young man fiercely with his big eyes, hoping that he would leave on his own initiative.

 But the young man obviously didn't want to leave. He felt that Sister Yang was very attractive to him and he wanted to pursue her. How could he leave?

So he ignored Qi Yuanming and extended his hand to Sister Yang, "Can I ask you to dance?"

Sister Yang looked back and saw Qi Yuanming standing over. She deliberately ignored him and nodded to the young man, "Okay."

She handed her hand to the young man. Qi Yuanming almost couldn't help but want to swat their intertwined hands away, but was a step too late because he was already far away. From a distance, the two of them were holding hands and dancing, their bodies still so close, and Sister Yang was smiling so happily that Qi Yuanming's fists were almost crushed.

Sister Yang could feel his anger from a distance. She snorted and muttered, "Be angry. Let's see if you want to give me up to someone else."

Shamusak saw that she kept looking towards Qi Yuanming and asked her, "Is that person your sweetheart?"

Sister Yang raised her eyes and looked at him, "Yeah, don't you mind?"

Shamusak shook his head, "You are so beautiful, it is normal to have suitors, but I think I am not bad at all, and I am a good match for you. Can you give me a chance so that I can pursue you with him?"

 As long as she is willing to give him a chance, he will definitely be able to catch her.

His eyes were bright and upright, and his figure and temperament were excellent. Sister Yang shook her head sadly, "I still like him better, but he is too timid. I want to cure him. If he lets me go so easily again, he will lose me. ”

Although Shamushak felt it was a pity, he still wanted to help her, "Then let me help you?"

Sister Yang was suspicious, "How do you want to help?"

Shamusak came closer to her, suddenly put his big hands on her waist, then turned his back to Qi Yuanming, covered Sister Yang, and pretended to kiss Sister Yang by borrowing his seat.

Sister Yang was stunned, "What are you going to do?"

Shamushak told her, "Test his reaction for you."

Sister Yang also wanted to see Qi Yuanming's reaction, so she didn't move.

Qi Yuanming saw from a distance that Shamusak was holding Sister Yang's waist and lowering his head to kiss Sister Yang. The jealousy in his heart could no longer be suppressed. He rushed over and took Sister Yang out of Shamusake's arms. Pull it out.

He was relatively restrained and tightened his fists tightly, but did not hit Shamushak.

Shamusak was not convinced by him and grabbed Sister Yang's hand, "What are you doing? This is my future wife, please let go, uncle!"

This last sentence hurt the uncle's heart. Qi Yuanming felt inferior, lowered his head and glanced at his beard, but still firmly grabbed Sister Yang's hand and did not let go.

"What's wrong, uncle? Uncle eats more salt than you. What do you have, you brat? Do you have the ability to show off?"

The other party is a common person. He cannot hit him without reason, but he can still make a gesture.

Shamusak also wanted to fight for it, so he agreed, "Okay, let's get on the ring."

 At this time of year, there are always several men who fall in love with the same woman, and there is a competition.

This year, the ring has also been set up. There are not many people fighting yet, so there is just room for them.

 Qi Yuanming jumped onto the ring with Sister Yang.

 He asked Sister Yang to sit on a chair nearby, put her gauze on, and then walked out to wait for Shamusak.

Shamusak also jumped onto the ring with ease, lifted up the hem of his trousers, and gestured to him with a "please~" gesture.

Qi Yuanming was already a master, but when dealing with a young boy, he was simply bullying the young.

So he put one hand on his back and planned to give him one hand.

 “I’ll give you three moves.”

Shamusak didn't need this kind of insult, "Don't underestimate me, my martial arts skills are not low."

Despite his young age, his martial arts skills are very high.

Qi Yuanming didn't see any difference in him, but since the other party said so, he wouldn't give in.

 “Then let’s get started.”

The two of them fisted each other and started to exchange blows.

Qi Yuanming first explored the opponent's approach to see if the opponent was really capable.

 (End of this chapter)

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