Chapter 848: Jealousy

Seeing someone competing in the ring, many spectators ran over to watch the excitement.

Sister Ying and Mrs. Wu walked over to take a look.

On the ring, Qi Yuanming and Shamusak were fighting fiercely.

Qi Yuanming didn’t expect that the opponent was really good at martial arts despite his age.

 Since the opponent is good at martial arts, he won't be polite.

"watch out!"

 He struck with one hand, trying to knock the opponent unconscious.

But Shamushak reacted quickly, turned around and dodged, and even kicked him back from behind.

Qi Yuanming naturally dodged. Although his martial arts skills were high, he did not underestimate the enemy.

Shamusak’s martial arts skills were so high at a young age, and his fighting ability was quickly aroused.

He is heroic and energetic in the ring, and his every move reveals the temperament of a man.

Many girls were fascinated and cheered for him loudly in the audience, "Come on, hero, come on!"

Seeing that he was so strong, Shamushak could only use all his strength.

The two of them fought with each other's fists and kicks, competing for strength.

Qi Yuanming didn't expect that the other party's reaction ability was so good at such a young age, but compared to him, it was still lagging behind.

He had no intention of letting him go, so he used his big fist to hit Shamushak directly in the face.

Shamushak was startled and quickly turned around to avoid it. Qi Yuanming was waiting for him to dodge and kicked with a spinning leg, immediately knocking Shamushak to the ground.

  Immediately, he sat on Shamusak and clamped his arms so that he could not move.

Shamusak twisted his body, but couldn't move. "Let go of me!"

Qi Yuanming naturally would not let go of him. He had restrained himself by not flattening his face with his fist. Otherwise, with the strength of his fist, he would have killed the opponent in minutes.

Sister Yang also saw that Qi Yuanming was not serious, otherwise it would be bad to kill someone.

She saw that Shamusak was restrained on the ground and could not move, so she hurriedly rescued him, "Okay, let him go quickly, don't break his arm."

Qi Yuanming felt unhappy when he saw that she actually defended Shamushak, and deliberately broke Shamushak's arm in front of Sister Yang. The pain caused Shamushak to scream, "Ah! My arm is going to be broken." ”

Sister Yang was horrified and ran over, "You're crazy, let go."

 She pushed Qi Yuanming away and said in a serious tone, "I'll let you get up!"

The first time Qi Yuanming was hurt by her, it was because of another man, and the corners of his eyes suddenly turned red with anger.

 He didn't get up until he had to, and looked at Sister Yang with a stubborn look on his face.

 “Did you like him so quickly? What’s so good about him?”

Sister Yang was also angry, "He is determined and likes me when he says he likes me. He won't be like you, who likes me sometimes and doesn't like me sometimes, and runs away whenever he wants."

Qi Yuanming was choked by her retort, "I"

“I will never run away again, Sister Yang, believe me.”

Sister Yang shook his hand away and said, "This is not the first time you have abandoned me. I can no longer trust you."

 After saying that, he jumped off the ring, not wanting to see him again.

Qi Yuanming panicked and hurriedly chased after him.

Shamusak looked at their figures running away and moved his arms. He was glad that the other party did not use his strength, otherwise his arm would have been broken.

After reading it, Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying shook their heads and went back together.

 After returning home, they sat in the yard for a while and chatted.

Sister Ying asked, "How should we deal with this matter now?"

The two people were separated and combined, and they were all confused when they saw each other.

  Wu was very calm, "Let nature take its course."

The third princess and the others sat for a while and then went back. Jinghan also took the three children back to the house to sleep.

Sister Ying was worried about Sister Yang and asked Jing Shirong to bring her back.

Jing Shirong hummed and went out to find Sister Yang and the others. At this time, Sister Yang ran to the lake and wanted to be quiet here.

Qi Yuanming came over and wanted to talk to her, but she ignored him.

 “You go, I want to be alone.”

She has never liked other men. The only one she likes makes her mood rise and fall, and her original coolness is gone.

She is in a bad mood now and doesn't want to talk to anyone. She just wants to be alone.

Qi Yuanming seemed to really know that he was wrong. He didn't dare to disturb her or go far away, so he stood behind her and stayed with her.

When Jing Shirong came over, he saw that the two of them were not talking, sitting one behind the other by the lake, and could only stare from a distance.

 It wasn’t until late at night that Sister Yang stood up to go back.

Qi Yuanming has been following her, but this time he said nothing and left.

Sister Yang walked halfway before turning her head and said to him, "Don't come to me during this period. I want to be alone."

Qi Yuanming didn't agree or refuse, he just looked at her quietly.

Sister Yang didn't need his answer and strode home quickly.

Once she got home, she stopped sleeping with Mr. Wu and slept in a room by herself.

Qi Yuanming stayed with her on the roof.

After Jing Shirong saw it, he went back and told Sister Ying.

 “They won’t break up just like that, right?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "Not necessarily."

Young people don’t always fall in love like that, on and off.

Sister Yang is in a bad mood right now, and she might want to break up with Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming must have understood what she meant, and naturally he did not dare to leave easily.

Jing Shirong looked frightened, but still sincerely hoped that they could be together.

 Otherwise, with Qi Yuanming's temperament, he probably wouldn't be able to get out.

Sister Ying was very open-minded and said, "Let nature take its course."

 Young people always need more experiences to understand what they really want.

 On the second day.

Sister Yang went back to the herb shed.

Mrs. Wu wanted to go over and have a look, so Sister Ying put Xiaomiguo in the stroller, pushed her, and took Ms. Wu to the herb shed.

It was the first time that Mrs. Wu saw such a large field of herbal medicines. She couldn't help but be surprised, "Did Sister Yang grow these?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, she is indeed very talented in herbal medicine."

Mrs. Wu knew that Sister Yang liked to grow herbs, but she didn't expect that she could grow them so well.

She felt proud of Sister Yang in her heart, with a smile on her face, "I heard from Brother Rong that all the gold sore medicine in the military camp was made by Sister Yang?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, that girl is very capable. Even the military doctors praise her."

 Wu Shi and Yourong Yan, "It's rare that she has done anything useful."

 Being able to make gold sore medicine for the military camp can be regarded as doing something useful for the country.

Sister Ying saw the proud expression on her face and smiled, "Then will you still support her in doing this in the future?"

 Wu was in a dilemma, "I want to support her, but I'm afraid her husband's family won't agree."

 After all, the border is so far away. Unless her husband comes here, no one will allow her to come out.

 But if she marries a herbalist, or maybe the other person can empathize with her and support her.

Sister Ying nodded, "I'm afraid that she suddenly can't think about getting married, and then it will be useless for us to persuade her."

That girl is also having thoughts from time to time. After all the trouble last night, who knows if she will suddenly feel that men are troublesome and want to be single again.

 (End of this chapter)

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