The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 849: , Sister Yang wants to give up

Chapter 849, Sister Yang wants to give up

Wu Shi was stunned, "No way?"

Just because of Qi Yuanming, the six roots were purified? Never want to get married again?

If this is the case, are they doing bad things with good intentions?

She just wanted Qi Yuanming to be strong-willed, but she didn't expect Sister Yang to leave the show?

Sister Ying was also troubled, "I don't think this matter can be rushed. Let them think about it first."

 It is not good if outsiders interfere too much. It is better to let them figure it out on their own.

Wu thought the same way, "Then let's do this for now."

When Sister Yang saw them coming, she thought they would ask her something, but she didn't expect them to ask anything at all.

Mrs. Wu not only didn’t ask anything, but also went over to help her **** the grass.

Sister Yang was very surprised to see her hoeing movements so neatly, "You still do this?"

Mrs. Wu proudly said, "That's because when I was a child, I was an expert at farming."

The Wu family raises pigs, and the pigs in the family eat vegetables every day, so the Wu family’s vegetable growing land is much expanded, and all the children in the family can grow vegetables.

  Wu has been growing vegetables since he was a child, and he can survive on anything he grows.

Sister Yang admired her and said, "Maybe my ability to grow herbs is something I inherited from you."

 She didn’t inherit the ability to cook, but she was very talented in planting.

 On the contrary, Sister Ying can cook, but she is not very talented in planting.

  Wu raised his head and smiled, "As long as you have a living skill, I don't expect you to be perfect."

 The mother and daughter chatted for a long time and hoeed together for a while, and then it was time for dinner.

 The hand-picked rice for dinner was made by Wu and the cook together.

 The three of them sat on the floor, eating and chatting.

Sister Yang was curious about why they didn't ask about Qi Yuanming, so she couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you ask about me and Qi Yuanming?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Then do you want to say it?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "I want to say it, but I don't want to."

 She felt suddenly depressed last night, and she didn’t know what was wrong with her. She just suddenly felt that the world was not worth it.

 But when I woke up in the morning and planted herbs, I felt that life was actually pretty okay, and there was no need to worry about a small thing.

 But she really wanted to calm down about Qi Yuanming's matter and see if it was still necessary to proceed.

 There is no third party between them, there are only their own problems.

 As for the solution, it’s not that it’s not easy to solve.

 But she just felt tired and annoyed, wanted to be quiet, and didn't want to mention it for the time being.

Sister Ying nodded to Mrs. Wu, understanding what she meant.

“Don’t worry, if you don’t tell us, we won’t ask. Just be happy.”

Sister Yang didn't expect that they would understand her, even her mother didn't ask, and she was instantly moved.


Mrs. Wu smiled helplessly, "Mom, what's so touching about this? If you don't like it, I won't force you."

 Even though the marriage is an important matter that is ordered by the parents and arranged by the matchmaker, she still puts the child's preference first and will not selfishly force the child for her own sake.

Sister Yang sighed and said, "Don't rush to get married now, wait until I figure it out."

 When Qi Yuanming on the roof heard this, he felt a great crisis and felt as if he was about to be abandoned.

He wanted to go down and apologize to Sister Yang, but after thinking about it, he felt that going down now would be counterproductive, so he could only continue squatting.

Seeing that his vacation was almost over, he didn't dare to go back. He was afraid that if he left, Sister Yang would misunderstand that he ran away again and would completely abandon him, so he could only continue to squat.

Jing Shirong had to go back, so he called him before leaving.

 But Qi Yuanming refused to leave no matter what, and even started a fight with Jing Shirong.

The two were playing table tennis on the roof, and everyone in the house heard it. They came out to watch together and saw people fighting on the roof. They couldn't help but wonder, "What are they fighting for?"

Sister Yang looked confused, "I don't know."

Sister Ying was even more confused and shouted towards the roof, "Mr. sir? What are you doing?"

Jing Shirong answered her while beating him, "This guy refuses to go back to the military camp. I have to beat him back."

Qi Yuanming was not happy for him to speak out and angrily told him to shut up.

The two have equal martial arts skills, and they fight equally well.

In the end, Sister Yang couldn't stand it anymore and asked Qi Yuanming to leave quickly, "Go back, you don't need to watch here."

In Qi Yuanming's ears, these words meant that Sister Yang was driving him away and that he was no longer needed.

Qi Yuanming's eyes turned red and he immediately flew over and landed in front of Sister Yang.

He was a big man, and his eyes suddenly turned red with tears in them, as if he was very sad.

“Sister Yang, I know I was wrong, don’t let me go”

 He hugged Sister Yang and cried hard.

Jing Shirong has never seen the boy cry in his entire life. He was crying so hard today, obviously he was really sad.

 He did not cry out, but tears fell one drop at a time, and his shoulders twitched.

Sister Yang didn’t want to see him at first, but he cried so pitifully that she suddenly softened her heart.

But she still pushed him away, "You should go back to the military camp first, and I will talk to you when I figure it out."

Qi Yuanming didn't dare to leave. He was afraid that Sister Yang would talk about formally breaking up with him. He was afraid and he didn't want to.

So he hugged Sister Yang and apologized while sniffling, "I know I was wrong. I won't be a coward anymore. I like you, I like you, I like you, and I will only like you in this life."

“I don’t want to be separated from you. I want to marry you. I want to be with you forever. We can’t be separated by anyone.”

“Sister Yang, please give me another chance, I beg you.”

Sister Yang saw his tears falling drop by drop and said cruelly, "Go back first and let me think about it."

Qi Yuanming still refused to leave. He jumped to the roof and hid on the roof.

Seeing him like this, Jing Shirong shook his head and sighed, so he could only go back and ask for leave for him.

Qi Yuanming has been loyal to his duties for so many years, but this is the first time he doesn't want to be an errand, and no one can persuade him.

Even if the third princess gets angry, he doesn't care. He only has Sister Yang in his eyes now, and he is afraid that Sister Yang won't want him.

Now he doesn't want to be a general anymore. He stays on Sister Yang's roof every day and refuses to answer anyone's call.

Sister Yang kept him cold for several days and refused to look at him. He was not discouraged and kept following her to protect her.

 In just five days, he became extremely thin.

 But she remembered to shave her beard, fearing that it would affect her appetite if it was too ugly.

Ten days and a half have passed in a row like this. Not only the third princess can't stand it, but Sister Yang can't stand it anymore.

  She thought that if she treated him so coldly, he would give up automatically.

Who knew he would be so determined this time, following her all the time and refusing to leave even if she said she didn't want to.

His personality seemed to have suddenly changed. He was no longer as playful and smiling as before, but became taciturn.

Although he is taciturn, his will has become very firm.

He finally knew what he wanted, no longer had stage fright, and always stood firmly behind Sister Yang.

 Sister Yang did think about breaking up with him at first, because she didn't like being confused by her emotions and making herself changeable.

 But as the days passed, she also figured out that this matter was not a big deal.

 When a man and a woman are together, there are always many strange emotions, some good and some bad.

 (End of this chapter)

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