The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 850: , the emperor wants to grant a marriage

Chapter 850: The emperor wants to grant a marriage

 She was also in a very depressed mood at first, but after a few days of relaxation, her mood has recovered.

Seeing Qi Yuanming following her firmly day by day, she also figured it out.

  Isn’t that just timid? It’s okay if he is timid and she is bold.

 From now on, she will be the boss, so she can direct him and not let him listen to others.

 It's just that it's one thing to figure it out, but on the surface, I don't want to talk to him so quickly.

So she continued to give him a cold look, trying to see if he would not be able to help but leave.

After trying for several days, Qi Yuanming followed her firmly, holding back his urge to urinate, and refused to leave no matter what.

When Sister Yang was weeding, he was doing the weeding. When Sister Ying stopped to rest, he fanned her.

The weather has been hot recently, and the medicine shed is extremely hot. Sister Yang only dares to go in in the evening when it is not so hot, otherwise she will suffer from heat stroke.

When she was drinking water, Qi Yuanming didn't dare to ask for water, so she threw the water bag at him with a cold face and said coldly, "Drink."

Qi Yuanming obediently obeyed whatever she said.

 He finished drinking the water and continued to fan her.

Sister Yang saw a strange expression on his face, as if he was holding back his urine, and was speechless. "If you want to pee, go and pee. What if you can't hold it in?"

Qi Yuanming blushed, but remained determined.

In the end, Sister Yang couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Go if you are told!"

Qi Yuanming felt refreshed and his eyes lit up after being yelled at by her. He happily said "Alas" and left immediately.

His gloomy mood suddenly improved because of Sister Yang's lion's roar from the east of the river. After settling the matter of going to the hut, he followed Sister Yang in a hurry when he came back.

While she was sleepy, he secretly ran to buy watermelon, and after buying it, he put it in the river to freeze.

 When Sister Yang wakes up, she immediately goes to the river to fish for ice watermelon, then cuts it and puts it on a plate for Sister Yang to eat.

In the past ten days and a half, Sister Yang had been angry with him enough. She finally looked at him a little more favorably while eating cold watermelon.

 “Eat the half quickly so it doesn’t go to waste.”

Watermelons should not be left out for too long in summer, as they will go rancid after one night.

Qi Yuanming now completely listens to her and eats whatever she says.

 The remaining half of the watermelon went into his stomach.

  After eating the watermelon, it was getting dark and he still didn’t leave.

Sister Yang finally couldn't help but asked him, "The third princess has sent people to urge you several times. You are absent from your post without permission."

How could Qi Yuanming care about this? He had been so loyal to his duties before and got nothing in return. Now that the woman he loved no longer wanted him, what else could he do?

 “Those are not important, I just want you now.”

He looked sincere. Sister Yang believed that what he said was true, but she didn't want him to leave the business at hand. She asked him, "Okay, you go back first. We still need you at the military camp."

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "No, I'm afraid you'll go back to Jiangnan if I leave."

Sister Yang was very happy, "Can't I go back to Jiangnan? If I really want to go back, how dare you stop me?"

Qi Yuanming naturally didn't dare, but he would go back with her.

Sister Yang was really convinced by him, "Okay, okay, stop whining and hurry back to the military camp. It's none of your business if I go back, so don't hang around in front of me."

Although Qi Yuanming was hurt, he was determined not to leave.

He pouted, but his face was stubborn, and he would not leave unless he said so.

Sister Yang was convinced by him, "You don't even listen to what I say?"

Qi Yuanming pursed his lips and shook his head, "I will listen to everything except asking me to leave."

 His will was weak before, but now he will not leave no matter who drives him away.

His will is firm now, and even if the emperor decrees a marriage, he and Sister Yang cannot be separated.

Just as he was talking, the eagle flew over.

 Qi Yuanming took the letter from Feiying's leg and almost fell over.

Confidants in the capital sent him a message, saying that the emperor wanted to match him, and it seemed that the person he was tying was the granddaughter of the chief minister's family. Qi Yuanming almost fell down, thinking that his crow's mouth would mean whatever he said.

Sister Yang saw his strange expression and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Now Qi Yuanming didn't know how to tell her.

If I said that, she would probably be angry.

  I have just coaxed her a little bit, how can I make her angry?

 If you get angry again, you won’t be able to coax him.

So he tried his best to return his expression to normal and told her without changing his face, "There's something going on in the capital. I have to find someone to deal with it. You go to bed first and I'll be back when I'm done."

Sister Yang hummed and said worriedly, "It's not a big deal, right?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head. "No, don't worry, I'll take care of it and be back soon."

 After saying that, he lowered his head, kissed her on the hair, and quickly rode away.

The letter said that the emperor had this idea, but had not yet taken action. He had to quickly ask his parents if they had arrived in Jiangnan.

 It would be fine if his parents came out.

 As long as the emperor went to his home and could not see the head of the family, he would know that they came to Jiangnan to propose marriage.

 At that time, the emperor will not mention this matter again, so as not to make the chief minister's family look bad.

 The first priority is to reply to my parents.

 He wrote the letter and asked Feiying to hurry up, "Go to Jiangnan and find my mother. Remember, this is Jiangnan."

Feiying knew about Jiangnan and went there immediately.

After doing this, Qi Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little uneasy and hurriedly went to the military camp to find Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong saw him coming in a hurry and asked strangely, "What's wrong? Why are you willing to come back? What happened?"

Qi Yuanming looked outside and saw no one, so he told him, "Your Majesty wants to help me. She is the granddaughter of the chief minister's family, but I'm scared to death."

 If this happened, he would have no choice but to disobey the order.

Jing Shirong asked quickly, "Have your parents gone to Jiangnan?"

Qi Yuanming's father is about to resign and take care of his old age. Now that he has free time, he should go to Jiangnan with Mrs. Qi.

Qi Yuanming is also looking forward to it, "I asked them to go to Jiangnan to propose marriage before. They said they would prepare a big gift and bring it there, so I think I should go."

 They were afraid that they would receive the emperor's letter later.

Jing Shirong told him not to panic, "I'm going to send a message and ask people at the dock to ask if your parents have taken the boat."

With him helping you, Qi Yuanming will feel relieved.

 “Okay, then you can help me ask.”

Jing Shirong quickly went to deliver the message, and received the secret message five days later. As expected, Mrs. Qi and his wife boarded the boat and sailed to the south of the Yangtze River.

 According to the distance, the two of them should be on the road.

 Previously, in order to prepare for the wedding, they had been busy at home for a long time before they had time to leave.

Now that they got on the boat and went to the south of the Yangtze River, Qi Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief.

 “It’s okay, okay, if they slow down any longer, my life will be gone.”

Fortunately, Mrs. Qi and Mr. Qi boarded the boat with the marriage proposal early, and when the emperor sent someone to come, they were in vain.

The **** returned and replied, "Your Majesty, Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi have gone down to Jiangnan to propose marriage to General Qi. They said they left ten days ago."

 The emperor was stunned, "Going to Jiangnan to propose marriage? To whom should I propose marriage?"

 He had never heard that Qi Yuanming had a girl he liked before.

 The **** replied, "Lushun is Master Jing's sister-in-law."

 “That’s the girl who helps grow herbs in the military camp.”

 (End of this chapter)

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