Chapter 851, Mrs. Qi went to Jiangnan

The emperor touched his goatee and felt a little unhappy, "Why did this kid find it by himself?"

  Earlier, he wanted to marry Jing Shirong, but Jing Shirong found one by himself.

Now he wants to grant a marriage to Qi Yuanming, and Qi Yuanming has also found one by himself.

These two brats have agreed upon this, right?

Even the candidates are from the same company? Or sisters?

“What’s so special about those Liang sisters? They led their brothers to marry Liang girls.”

The **** replied, "I heard from the informant that the Liang sisters are both as beautiful as heavenly beings. It is normal for General Qi to be tempted."

 Since ancient times, heroes have struggled with beauty.

 Those who can take the initiative to ask their parents to propose marriage in person show that the bride has a high importance in the hearts of men.

The emperor snorted unhappily, "I am just being sentimental."

 Both times, I had good intentions and wanted to find them a family with a good reputation, but the two brats found it themselves.

“How is it over there at the border? Is there anything unusual?”

The personal **** replied, "Everything is normal. Our food and grass are fertile and our soldiers and horses are strong. Those small neighboring countries dare not do anything."

 Speaking of the strength of the troops and horses, the emperor nodded with satisfaction, "Where is the third princess? She hasn't sent me a letter for a long time."

 In the past, letters between father and daughter were business matters.

Now that the country is at peace and the people are at peace, that stinky girl actually doesn't even have a letter from home, and she is just a blank slate.

The personal **** replied, "I heard that the third princess has a very good relationship with her husband-in-law, and they are thinking of having a second child. I think they should be able to add another young master in the coming year."

 The emperor was surprised, "Has the girl figured it out? Doesn't she object to having children?"

  When I asked her to give birth to a child before, she had a stinky face.

Now that you are a mother, you probably have a little more maternal love, right?

The personal **** said, " is said that the prince-in-law is the one who takes care of the young master. The third princess is only responsible for the birth. She never takes care of the child, nor does she hold the child, let alone feed the child."


So she regards the Prince Consort as her mother-in-law?

Personal eunuch

 This, he didn’t dare to say.

The emperor was speechless, "I have never seen this kind of princess. I can't find this kind of princess in any country I go to."

 She treats her husband as a fertility tool and ignores the child after it is born. Who can be like her?

 “Let her come back during the Chinese New Year, and remember to take the child with you.”

 It has been so long since his grandson was born that he has not seen it yet.

That stinky girl didn’t know how to send a portrait back.

Jing Shirong sends a portrait to her family every month, but she is like a dead fish, with no sense of filial piety.

The personal **** wanted to laugh when he heard this, but he didn't dare.

 It was the emperor who personally wrote and asked the third princess to bring the child back during the New Year.

Now that the third princess is married and has a son, and her mentality has stabilized, the emperor doesn't complain so much about her.

 Including matters in the capital, the three princesses gradually stopped interfering.

As long as the emperor is not partial and does not harm the prince, the three princesses basically don't care about it and let the prince take charge of it himself.

 The prince is not stupid, he is capable, and his mother-in-law's family is also very powerful. I think the future will be much easier.

As for the second prince, although his mother’s family is powerful, the queen is unpopular, and the emperor will inevitably anger him.

 Furthermore, the prince is indeed smarter than the other princes, and the emperor has a balance in his mind.

 Let’s talk about Qi Yuanming.

 After he learned that his parents had gone to Jiangnan, he immediately went to tell Mrs. Wu about it.

When Mrs. Wu learned that Mrs. Qi and his wife were going to Jiangnan to propose marriage, she clicked her tongue, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

She, the wife of the house, is not at home, so she neglects the guests.

Qi Yuanming said, "How about I send you back?" As long as Mr. Wu and Sister Yang are sent back, then the two families will be engaged, and he can marry Sister Yang.

Wu Shi glanced at him, "Strengthen your faith this time? Stop being a coward?"

Qi Yuanming blushed, but nodded firmly, "I will not back down anymore, and no one can break us up in the future. I will not leave Sister Yang and run away again."

Mrs. Wu nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, then you can send us back tomorrow."

Since the marriage is about to be finalized, it is better to go back quickly, lest Mrs. Qi and his wife have no one to entertain them at home.

Although Mrs. Liang is good at entertaining, she is definitely lacking in wedding matters.

 After all, the Qi family is also an official family, and the etiquette at weddings must be much more than that of ordinary people.

Mrs. Liang has never arranged her granddaughter’s marriage, so she has to go back.

Mrs. Wu told Sister Ying about this, "I have to leave tomorrow, otherwise I won't be able to make it in time."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then you go back first, and I will go back to see you when I have time."

Ship transportation is now popular, and it is much faster than walking on mountain roads before, but Wu is afraid of seasickness.

Mrs. Wu waved her hand and said with a smile, "I don't get seasick. I take a boat to your aunt's house every day at home and I have already practiced it."

 Having said that, he quickly packed up his two clothes and wrapped them up.

Sister Ying couldn't let her go, so she hugged her waist and rested her head on Wu's arms, "I can't let you go~"

Mrs. Wu was reluctant to leave her and touched her head, "You are now an adult and have a career. You have your own life to live, and your mother has to go back and take care of your father. We are all doing well, and we can get together when we have time."

Sister Ying knew what she said was right, and nodded with a sour nose, "Okay."

Mrs. Wu looked at the little honey fruit in the cradle with great reluctance, "I really want to take the little baby with me."

“I don’t know if the immortals are pregnant or not. I haven’t received any letters from them for a long time.”

 Kang Geer has now taken the immortal to take office. The two families are not far apart and have been in constant contact in the south of the Yangtze River.

 But now that Wu has come out, he has not received any letters from them.

"I have to go see them when I get back. The two children are young and probably don't understand."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then you go back and see them."

“By the way, have you told Sister Yang about this?”

Wu Shi shook his head, "Not yet. Brother Ming is going to talk about it now. I don't know how the girl will react?"

Sister Yang used to dislike Qi Yuanming. In the past ten days and a half, she has been even more indifferent to Qi Yuanming. Mrs. Wu and the others no longer know what she is thinking.

But they didn’t ask, which made her feel even worse.

At this moment, Qi Yuanming went over to talk to Sister Yang about this matter, and he said it carefully.

“Ahem, Sister Yang, what about that? My parents went to Jiangnan.”

Sister Yang was stunned at first, "Going to Jiangnan? Why are you going to Jiangnan?"

Qi Yuanming lowered his head, looked at her carefully, and said with a guilty conscience, "I wrote a letter before asking them to go to Jiangnan to propose marriage. Now they have prepared all the wedding items and went to Jiangnan with the marriage proposal."

 Sister Yang.

 “Why didn’t you tell me in advance?”

Qi Yuanming crossed his little fingers and looked at her fearfully, "I'm afraid you won't agree."

 Sister Yang.

 “Then what if I don’t agree?”

Qi Yuanming bit his lip, "Then go back to Jiangnan and tell my parents."

Sister Yang. “Are you fat?”

Qi Yuanming begged for mercy, "I didn't, I'm not, I just want to be with you."

Sister Yang snorted at him, "It's your business if you want to, I don't want to do it yet."

Qi Yuanming was not persuaded by her anymore, and stuck to it like a **** plaster, "My mother likes you, she likes you very much. Can I take you back tomorrow?"

 (End of this chapter)

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