Chapter 852, drowning case

As long as we go to Jiangnan, with her impeccable tongue, she will definitely be able to talk about the marriage.

 At that time, he will be able to marry Sister Yang.

Thinking about Qi Yuanming, he was very happy and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

Seeing his expression, Sister Yang didn't know what he was thinking, so she snorted, "Go to the other side, whoever wants to marry you."

"When I return to the south of the Yangtze River, I will find a young and talented man to get married. When the time comes, the husband and wife will be in love and the piano and the harp will play in harmony."

"As for you, just go back to the army camp and be your old bachelor."

Qi Yuanming.

He took a deep breath and told himself that he was the one who did not get angry or angry. Now that he knew he was wrong, he could not make the same mistake again.

He hugged Sister Yang's waist, lowered his head and pressed it down, blocking her mouth.


 But Qi Yuanming was extremely determined and refused to let go of her mouth no matter what.

 Sister Yang was unwilling to be dominated by him and focused on counterattack.

Qi Yuanming blushed. He didn't expect her to be so domineering.

He simply let go and let her be the boss.

 After a while, the two of them separated out of breath.

Qi Yuan Mingfang looked at her with a blushing face, "Shall I help you pack your things? Tomorrow we will leave the city first. After leaving the city, we will have to walk some distance to the dock and then take a boat."

 There is no sea here, so we have to walk a long way to the pier.

 But once you get on the boat, it won’t be so bumpy.

Sister Yang wiped her mouth and said, "Okay, I'll go clean it up."

Qi Yuanming saw her wiping her mouth and was unhappy, "Don't wipe it."

Sister Yang blushed and glared at him, "I want you to take care of it."

The two of them went to pack their luggage noisily, and Mrs. Wu also packed it.

 She came empty-handed, but returned with a lot.

They are all souvenirs that Sister Ying plans to bring to her family.

“These cotton clothes are very warm. They can be worn by grandma and dad in winter. They are very warm.”

“I also have these pieces for Xianxian, my two cousins ​​​​and my second aunt.”

“There are also these tonics, which are all ground by Sister Yang. Occasionally, they are added to the chicken soup to nourish the body.”

  “There’s more.”

She gave a lot of explanations, which made Mr. Wu very happy.

"Okay, okay, how can you say it better than me? I can't even remember it."

 So many things would be heavy to carry back.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "No, you can make a carriage and then turn it into a boat. It's not heavy."

 The only pity is, "Xiao Miguo is still young, otherwise I would have taken her back with you."

She has never taken a baby on a long journey, fearing that the baby might get sick during the journey. Otherwise, she really wants to take the baby back to see her biological father and grandmother.

Mrs. Wu knew her filial piety, so she still persuaded her to leave, "Goodbye, she is so young, and the weather outside is so hot, so be careful not to expose her to the heat."

Sister Ying nodded, "I'm afraid of this too."

It’s really very sunny outside now. Most people feel like they’re going to get sunburned if they walk in the sun for a long time, let alone babies who are only a few months old.

Xiao Miguo listened to their casual chatter, listening to their conversation with her big eyes wide open.

Mrs. Wu hugged her reluctantly, "Grandma's sweetheart, I really can't bear to be separated from you." Unfortunately, she has to leave tomorrow, and she doesn't know when we will meet again in the future.

Xiao Miguo was babbling, as if talking to her.

Mrs. Wu lovingly kissed Xiao Miguo’s chubby hand, and the more she looked at her, the more reluctant she was to leave her.

Sister Ying smiled, "You were reluctant to let me go before, but now you don't care about me and just focus on Xiaomi Guo."

 Wu Shi was happy, "You have too many, how big is the little honey fruit?"

 It hurts ten times more to have a kiss from another generation, so naturally you can’t let go. Mother and daughter slept together at night, and woke up early the next morning.

To avoid being exposed to the sun, they wanted to leave early in the morning and hit the road before the sun came out.

Sister Ying rubbed her eyes and followed them, holding Xiaomiguo in her arms and sending them to the door.

Mrs. Wu lowered her head and kissed Xiao Miguo, who was still sleeping, and told them, "Go back to sleep. We are leaving. I will send you a letter when we get home."

Sister Ying nodded and asked Qi Yuanming to protect them.

Qi Yuanming hummed, "Don't worry, eldest sister, I will protect them."

Sister Ying.

 “Sister? Who do you call eldest sister?”

 She is a few years younger than him.

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly, "When I get married to Sister Yang, you will be my eldest sister."

Sister Ying.

 I feel like being called old, and I don’t really like this title.

Qi Yuanming covered his mouth and snickered, "For A Jing's sake, just be nice to me."

“When we become relatives in the future, I will definitely honor you.”

Sister Ying laughed angrily at him, "Go, go, drive, it's greasy."

Qi Yuanming laughed, got into the carriage, and was ready to set off.

    Mrs. Wu and Sister Yang opened the car curtains and waved to them.

Sister Ying held the child in her arms and watched them go away before going back to catch up on her sleep.

 In the evening, Jing Shirong came back to check on her and was relieved to see that she was in good spirits after sleeping well.

Sister Ying saw that he came back specially and smiled, "What? Are you worried that I will cry?"

 You might have cried a few years ago, but now you are used to it.

Jing Shirong saw that she was fine, so he had a meal with her and was about to leave.

 While drinking the soup, he said, "Seng Ge'er has found out the results of the case. Do you want to hear it?"

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "What's the matter?"

 While accompanying Mr. Wu these days, I have forgotten what happened in the town.

Jing Shirong knew that she would forget, so he told her, "It was the accidental death of many men at the market."

“Now the truth has been found out, but the third princess has not yet ordered the truth of the case to be made public.”

Sister Ying was curious, "Who is the murderer?"

 “Are all those heartless people really murdered?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. They were all murdered."

Those heartless people looked like they died accidentally, but in fact they were murdered.

 Those who conspired to murder were also very smart. They calculated the time every time and always created accidents for the unfaithful man at the time and place when he was drinking or traveling far away.

 Drunk people can cause them to fall to death or slip and fall into the river.

 Those who are in debt can have them steal things and then be beaten to death.

The young man who got the girl pregnant but pushed her into the river was also frightened and fell into the river to death.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue twice, her scalp numb, "I heard that he couldn't get up after falling into the river. Was he **** with something heavy?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No. Someone was lurking in the water beforehand and dragged him and the horse down."

Sister Ying, "You mean they still have a gang?"

“Yes, there is a gang, can you guess who it is?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know, I haven't paid much attention to it recently."

Jing Shirong drank a glass of wine and said, "It's the beautiful old bustard from before."

Sister Ying's eyes widened, "It's really her? How could she do that?"

That madam seemed quite kind to others, so why did he murder these heartless people?

Jing Shirong told her, "According to Brother Sen's investigation, the other party should be a woman who has been hurt by men three or four times, so she has a special hatred for heartless men."

 (End of this chapter)

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