Chapter 853, Brother Seng is back

“Including those women in brothels, they have all been bullied by unfaithful men, so they commit crimes in groups.”

The madam was also smart and used every opportunity to create a crime, so even the government couldn't find any evidence.

This time it was mainly Seng Geer who came, and he easily guessed that there was something wrong with the brothel after a few days of observation.

Sister Ying was suspicious, "How did Brother Sen find out there was something wrong with that brothel?"

 After all, few people would associate this kind of case with a brothel.

And the old bustard doesn’t look like he’s capable of killing anyone.

However, Sister Ying did see her look at a woman at the scene of the frightened horse that day, and she was deeply impressed by this.

Jing Shirong told her, "The old bustard's name is Mrs. Yuan. She seems to be from the Central Plains. She was once the daughter of a merchant family."

 Later, because he misjudged the person, he led a wolf into the house, causing the family to be destroyed and everyone to die.

Later, a man helped her when she was in trouble. She thought she had met a savior and was extremely grateful. However, she did not expect that the man was actually spying on her only financial situation.

 Several times later, she encountered men with evil intentions.

 Because she was deceived again and again, she no longer believed in men, and even hated men.

She came here several times and met several women who were also hurt, so she gathered them together and finally opened a brothel to take in those poor women who were persecuted by men.

Sister Ying asked, "Why not open a textile yard instead of a brothel?"

Jing Shirong, “It snowed heavily here in the past few years, the weather was bad, and the cotton and wool harvests were not good. It was difficult for them to find work.”

 In the end, I had no choice but to open a brothel.

Sister Ying suddenly thought, "So the woman and child who were sold by the gambler before were sold to her brothel?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. It was her fault that the man fell into the river and died after getting drunk."

Sister Ying clicked her tongue, "It's cruel enough. It's pretty powerful."

That man was a gambler and loved to drink. If he died drunk and fell into the river, it would not be a pity for others, and the government would not even bother to investigate.

 “How did Sengol discover it?”

Jing Shirong smiled happily when he mentioned his brother-in-law, "That boy is very smart. He didn't check it when he came here. He went directly to the restaurant and booked a private room on the top floor. After a few days of observation, he found that there was something wrong with the brothel."

 It’s no wonder that the emperor suddenly sent people to follow Brother Seng. It turned out that he was interested in this boy.

Sister Ying frowned and said, "Then after this matter is exposed, will the madam and the women in the brothel be imprisoned?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes."

In front of the law, no matter how pitiful your life experience is, you will be punished for murder and crime.

 But the third princess sent people to investigate and found that all the men who died were innocent, so she delayed exposing the matter.

Sister Ying was puzzled, "What does the third princess want to do?"

Is it possible that you want to let the old bustard go a little further?

Jing Shirong shook his head, "She is the most law-abiding person. It's impossible to let her go, but she should be given a lenient sentence."

 The main thing is that she wants to see if the Yamen has found anything? Want to see what the yamen's ultimate capabilities are.

If the bunch of drunkards couldn't find anything, she was going to replace the entire yamen.

She has also sent the letter from the emperor and is waiting for the emperor to send someone over.

Jing Shirong said, "I may go to the Yamen to help out. I will give some training to the new Yamen servants."

 He found that what he was doing most now was training new people, and he couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Sister Ying felt that he was very suitable for this job.

 “I think your teaching is very good and well-trained.”

Jing Shirong raised his chin happily, "Okay, if the lady says yes, I will teach you."

Xiao Miguo woke up from hunger and groaned. Jing Shirong skillfully picked her out.

 As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her biological father. She was stunned for a moment, then grinned happily.

Jing Shirong looked fatherly, "Hey, do you still remember me this time?"

Sister Ying also smiled, "She has a better memory now." Before, she could forget something after just one day, but now she can remember it for several days.

 “She’s turned over now and is numb. I’ll show you later.”

Jing Shirong was curious, "Really? Let's check it out later."

Sister Ying first fed her, played with her for a while, then put her on the bed and asked her to perform a show for Jing Shirong.

 “Come, daughter, turn over for your father.”

Xiao Miguo made a little noise, kicked her short legs, turned her little body, and immediately turned over.

She was lying on the bed, her little head raised and her big round eyes looking at her parents.

Jing Shirong was amazed by it and went over to tease her, "Do it again."

 After that, lay her down and let her continue turning.

Xiao Miguo hummed, turned her butt, and easily turned over.

Jing Shirong happily picked her up and taught her how to speak, "Come on, call me daddy, daddy~ daddy~"

Xiao Miguo’s eyes were serious, and she hummed twice, obviously making a fuss.

Jing Shirong was ashamed, "Why don't you hug me back? Did you do it on purpose?"

Sister Ying laughed so hard, "Who knew you? I wouldn't even hold her in my arms anyway."

However, Jing Shirong had to pull her back even if he didn't hug her back.

I don’t know, but I thought her father had a toilet body. He would have stinky bowel movements every time he held the child.

Jing Shirong shook his head helplessly, "That's all, as long as I am your biological father, I will shovel shit."

 After a while, he washed the child and returned to the military camp.

 But Seng Ge'er didn't come back for a long time and came back miraculously in the evening.

As soon as he came in, Sister Ying was happy and said, "You're here, my mother and Sister Yang went back to Jiangnan in the morning."

 Seng Geer hummed, "I know."

Sister Ying asked him to wash up first and asked the kitchen to serve him food.

 Sen Geer went to wash up, and when he came out, the table was already full of food.

 “Sit down quickly, these are your favorite meat dishes.”

 There are grilled sausages, fried bacon, and grilled lamb chops on the table, which are all Seng'er's favorite foods. He just likes to eat meat.

When Brother Sen saw the delicious food on the table, he felt that it was good to go home.

No matter which home he returns to, as long as his relatives are there, he will never be hungry.

Sister Ying retorted, "What you said is wrong. As long as there are women around, you won't go hungry. How can a man take care of you so considerately?"

  It means that he should find a wife who is willing to take care of his belly, and stop being indifferent to girls all the time.

Brother Sen clicked his tongue and looked at her with a look of resentment, "My mother said that about me, and you say that about me too. I don't have a habit of sleeve cutting."

Tiantian said that he doesn’t like women, but only likes men.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Oh, don't be upset, I'm just kidding you."

 Actually, Sister Ying won't interfere much whether he looks for her or not, as long as he is happy.

 But she is happily married, and being married is better than being single, so she also wants her brother to have a taste of the happiness of marriage.

 If her marriage is not happy, how can she let her brother fall into the trap?

 Sen Ge'er knew that she was kind-hearted and would not take it at ease, so he picked up chopsticks and started eating.

Sister Ying held the Xiaomi fruit and watched him eat it while chatting with him, "Have you finished investigating Fang Niang's case?"

 (End of this chapter)

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