Chapter 854, Fang Niang’s case

Mrs. Fang returned to the capital before, but she never came back with any news, and I don’t know how her investigation went.

 If Fang Zheng arrived at Fang’s house earlier than Fang Niang, Fang Niang might be in danger.

 Seng Ge'er came here just to check Fang Zheng's property here, and he wasn't afraid to tell her.

“Fang Zheng began to transfer the Fang family’s property a few years ago, and now most of the Fang family’s property that is sold outside has been moved here.”

 The remaining part was moved by Fangzheng to other places as a spare.

He is also cautious. Many real estate listings have Fang Niang's name written on them, so the Fang family master has no objection when he sees them.

 But this time he was a little too impatient in wanting Mr. Fang's life.

Sister Ying asked, "Why is he so impatient? Since we are already married, why can't we wait a few more years?"

As long as he and Fang Niang live a good life, won't he still be able to get the Fang family's property if the old man of the Fang family dies in the future? Do you have to be ruthless?

Brother Sen gnawed on the mutton chops and said, "Maybe Mr. Fang discovered his true purpose and was tracking him." It happened that Fang Zheng discovered this move, and that's when Mr. Fang became interested in killing him.

  A person with a wrong mind can plan to steal other people's property, or he can seek wealth and death.

Fang Zheng had a guilty conscience and was afraid that Mr. Fang would kill him if he discovered his true purpose, so he naturally wanted to strike first.

Sister Ying was nervous and excited when she heard this, "What about Fang Niang's side? Did dad go check it out?"

Brother Sen nodded, "Let's go. That Fang Niang is also very lucky, and she almost fell into Fang Zheng's hands."

 If Fang Niang really falls into Fang Zheng's hands, things could be big or small.

That kind of person doesn't care whether his father is in jail or not. He only cares about himself being free and happy outside. He doesn't care about his wife's life or death.

If it really involves his interests, maybe he can be ruthless even to Fang Niang.

Fortunately, Liang Jin arrived in time and Fang Niang was not caught by Fang Zheng's people.

Now that Mrs. Fang has returned to Fang's house safely, Mr. Fang has not been found yet. It is said that the situation is very bad and he may not be able to come back.

As soon as Fang Niang heard the news, she almost fainted.

But she can't fall down now. She still has a moaning baby in her arms, and a cowardly mother in the house. The burden of the whole family falls on her shoulders.

If she is not strong, not only Fang Zheng will come to rob the Fang family's property, but also the best relatives of the Fang family will come.

 At that time, everyone will want to deal with her, and no matter how mentally weak she is, she will only let others take advantage of her, so she must become independent.

Liang Jin actually taught her a lot of tricks. After Fang Niang heard this, her temper became much tougher.

  When those kind-hearted relatives heard that her father had died at sea, they came to show concern, but in fact they came to inquire about the Fang family's property.

Mrs. Fang has a weak temperament and has been pampered all her life. When so many relatives gathered around and spoke coldly, she was almost frightened to tears.

Fang Niang was very angry when she saw it. She spoke so forcefully to them for the first time in her life, "My father's life or death is uncertain. Is it too early for you to change your attitude?"

“Moreover, I am Didi’s upright successor to the Fang family. Now I have the final say in the Fang family. If you dare to disrespect my mother again, get out of here!”

  This was the first time for the relatives of the Fang family to see such a tough side of her, and they were a little shocked.

But because Fang Niang's image of being weak for a long time was engraved in their minds, they were just stunned for a moment, and immediately said sarcastically, "Fang Niang, your married daughter has thrown away the water. Now that you are married, why are you coming back?" ?”

"Besides, even if you are your father's daughter, can you, a woman, take care of such a big Fang family? We are here today just to help you think of something. If you are not grateful, forget it. You are not too big or too small to us. It’s really unseemly.”

Fang Niang was disgusted and said, "Who told you that I got married? I just brought a son-in-law into my family."

"Moreover, what if I get married? As long as I am my father's daughter, I am a member of the Fang family. Who do you think you are? Could it be that you are still my father's children? Are you also called daddy with me?"

This is an unpleasant thing to say, but it is also true.

The group of relatives were so angry that they said, "You!" "You don't know the heart of a good person. Let's go and leave her alone. Good intentions are not rewarded. If you have the ability, don't ask us."

 After saying that, he left angrily.

One person took the lead, and the others cursed and left.

They thought that Fang Niang, a woman with long hair and short knowledge, didn’t know how to run a business. Even if she tried to be brave, she would definitely go to them the next day.

 When the time comes for her to ask for help, they won’t be afraid that she won’t do it if they ask for it again.

So a group of people went back with peace of mind and waited for news at home.

Fang Niang has experienced so many twists and turns, and after seeing so many faces, she has clearly understood that outsiders are unreliable, and the only one she can rely on is herself. "

 She gave the child to Mrs. Fang, and then went to discuss the matter with his father's confidants.

Her father's confidants had been preparing for this day for a long time and were waiting for her to pass.

 After Fang Niang passed by, she cried as soon as she saw him, "Uncle Wang."

When Manager Wang saw her coming back safely, he shed a few tears and said, "You child, you are back."

“Uncle Wang, is my father’s side really in trouble?”

 Is there really no life left at all?

The steward's eyes turned red and he said, "I'm afraid it's going to be bad, the waves were so big that day, there's a good chance that if you fall into the sea, you won't be able to come back."

Especially because Fang Zheng was ambushed on the ship, and it was even harder to rescue them than to climb to the sky.

After hearing this, Fang Niang burst into tears and said, "Dad~~"

Steward Wang quickly covered her mouth and said, "Miss, don't cry. It's not appropriate for the master's affairs to be leaked out now, otherwise it will be bad for the family's business."

A lot of business has been negotiated and orders have been placed. If the news gets out at this time, they are afraid that the business will be ruined and the Fang family will suffer losses.

“Uncle Wang, I can only turn to you for help now. What do you think I should do?”

Steward Wang has already thought of a solution for her, "In this way, let's gather the stewards first, let them be vigilant when they should, and take stock of the money."

"If someone breaks the contract and says they no longer want the goods, you have to stand up boldly and ask them to pay liquidated damages, otherwise our family will die."

 Many orders have almost been completed. If the contract is broken at this time, their fans cannot be sold, the balance cannot be collected, and the workers are still owed money, the Fang family will soon go bankrupt.

 So at this time, Fang Niang can only be tough and not let go of any softness.

 Fang Niang nodded understandingly.

"Okay, I understand. You go and take a look at the order first. If someone breaks the contract, I will make them pay!"

Steward Wang was very pleased to see that she was more sensible. "Okay, then you have to control the Fang family and help your father guard the Fang family."

Fang Niang’s eyes turned red, “I will do it.”

"By the way, Uncle Wang, Fang Zheng is back. I was almost arrested by him last time. You have to be careful about him."

 Uncle Wang learned from Fang Niang that Fang Zheng’s purpose of forging his identity, and that he was suspected of harming Mr. Fang, made Fang Zheng grit his teeth.

"Don't worry, I have sent experts to surround him. It would be best if we can successfully catch him. If not, we will put him aside and deal with the Fang family's affairs first."

 (End of this chapter)

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