The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 855: , a woman is strong enough to be ruthless

Chapter 855: Women are strong enough

"okay, I get it."

Fang Niang also understands that the most important thing now is to control the Fang family, and she must not let the Fang family's hard-earned foundation be destroyed in her hands.

“Then I’ll go back first, and you should be more careful.”


Steward Wang sent her back personally, and then discussed the matter with other stewards.

Fang Niang returned to Fang's house, her eyelids kept twitching, she always felt that a storm was coming in the past few days.

Sure enough, by the next day, some customers came to cancel their orders.

What he said was, "Miss Fang, your father is gone, and we don't know whether you can deliver the goods well. In order to prevent you from failing to deliver the goods, we have decided not to renew the contract with you."

“Since the contract is not renewed, the deposit will be returned to us.”

Fang Niang smiled coldly when she heard this, "If I remember correctly, are you Boss Huang?"

“Is Mr. Huang suffering from Alzheimer’s disease? Your order was placed last winter. Now the goods have been completed and packed in the warehouse. Can you please come with me to refund the deposit?”

“Do you think I am a woman and have not studied the Fa?”

"The goods are ready, and it's not impossible for you to return them. Let's first calculate the compensation for our goods, then add in our labor losses, plus liquidated damages. Once these three things are settled, we'll The goods are returned to you.”

Boss Huang was stunned. He didn't expect that a young girl like her could actually understand this.

But with so many people watching, he couldn't lose face, so he said harshly, "What do you know about movies, you little girl? Your father is gone, who knows if your goods are shoddy? You still want me like this?" Money, are you crazy about money?”

“Sure enough, he was born without a father. He has long hair and short knowledge, but he still has the nerve to come out and embarrass himself.”

Fang Niang clenched her fists and wanted to slap him, but she held back.

She stood up, smiling but not smiling, and said with a cold face, "Since Boss Huang is so incomprehensible, we can only go to the Yamen to resolve the case."


 She walked out first, leaving Boss Huang stunned for a moment.

Boss Huang didn't expect her to be so stubborn. He couldn't think of an explanation for the moment, but he couldn't let it go.

Fang Zheng promised him a favor. As long as he could make Fang Niang disorganized and defeated, he would be given a lot of business and he would come over to cause trouble.

Who would have known that this woman was not at all disorganized and actually wanted to go to the Yamen.

 Fortunately, Fang Zheng bought the local officials in advance, so he was not afraid even if he went there.

"Miss Fang, you are a woman, what good will it do to you to go to the Yamen? I advise you to pay me the deposit and return the goods. Let it go and I will not embarrass you."

"If you really want to go to the Yamen, I won't be polite."

Fang Niang had expected that they would come up with this move and sneered, "Boss Huang, you did something wrong. You broke the contract first and insulted me last. No matter how you calculate it, I am justified. Since I am justified, what are you afraid of?"

 “Or are you afraid to go?”

Boss Huang was naturally not afraid. He knew that there were people in the government who would definitely judge Fang Niang to lose when the time came, so he strode over and said, "Just go."

 At this time, many people had gathered around to see.

Fang Niang called a carriage and asked Boss Huang to get on the horse. "Since Boss Huang is not afraid, let's get on the carriage."

Boss Huang was stunned, "The county government is so close, what are you doing in the carriage?"

 Isn’t it just a few steps away?

Fang Niang laughed and said, "It will be too easy for you to go to the county government office. Let's go to the magistrate's place." "Since Boss Huang feels that he is right in breaking the contract, he shouldn't be afraid of going to the magistrate's place, right?"

These words were very provocative. Boss Huang said angrily, "You crazy woman, you can just go to the Yamen for a small matter. Why go to the prefect? ​​Do you think the prefect is very free?"

 He had a guilty conscience, and Fang Niang naturally saw it.

She sneered, "Boss Huang is guilty? Are you scared? You know you are being unreasonable? Otherwise, why don't you dare to go?"

"Besides, the prefect has such a good reputation. If you go to him, you will definitely be able to make a clear decision. Please come with me."

 Having said that, he forcefully asked someone to **** him into the carriage.

Boss Huang was already in the wrong. He dared not go to the magistrate. He immediately struggled, "Miss Fang, you are forcing me!"

Fang Niang sneered, "I forced you? Aren't you going to go to the Yamen? Didn't I help you? Where did the force come from?"

Just as he was talking, people from Liang and Jin came over.

“The prefect happened to be here for patrol today, why are you making so much noise here?”

As soon as Fang Niang heard that the Savior Bodhisattva had arrived, she immediately went to report to the official, "Sir, this is it. This boss Huang came to my house and ordered five thousand fans half a year ago."

“Now that all the fans have been made, he wants to break the contract, wants us to refund his deposit, and insults the girls. The girls really can’t bear it.”

"Shouldn't a businessman be trustworthy? He only temporarily breaks the contract after the goods are finished. It's okay to break the contract, but he has to compensate us for the loss of goods and labor losses, including liquidated damages."

The official received Liang Jin's instructions in advance and immediately drew his sword, "You are a bold and profiteer, you have no integrity, you have to return the goods only if they are good, what law allows you to do this!"

Boss Huang didn’t expect things to become so complicated.

Fang Zheng told him well at the beginning that as long as he could make Fang Niang get into trouble, he would give him the 5,000 fans for free without paying the balance.

Who would have thought that this woman was so difficult to deal with that she would alert the prefect.

The official caught Boss Huang and said seriously to everyone, "Get out of the way. These treacherous villains should go to the government for trial first. Miss Fang should come with us."

Fang Niang nodded, said yes, and went with them.

This move made everyone around him stunned. They secretly thought that Boss Huang is really not a good person. It is not unethical to return something after it is done.

These voices of condemnation made the bosses who had originally promised Fang Zheng to come together to create panic for Fang Niang back off.

They originally came with Boss Huang, but Boss Huang took the lead, and they followed the second and third.

Who would have known that Boss Huang not only failed to get off to a good start, but was also arrested, so naturally they would not be able to go again. In order to avoid losing credibility, don’t talk about the benefits, and the business will be gone.

 The prefect quickly ruled that Boss Huang breached the contract first and must pay liquidated damages.

 Not only the liquidated damages but also the balance must be paid.

 Including labor costs and cargo damage costs, all must be paid together.

As soon as Boss Huang saw the real deal, he became afraid and wanted to negotiate with Fang Niang, "Miss Fang, I was impulsive today."

“This way, I’ll pay you the balance, and you give me all the goods. We have some business, and I’ll come back to you for the next order.”

Fang Niang sneered, "Boss Huang, is your mind really not broken?"

"Why should I negotiate with you? As long as I don't agree, you have to pay me the balance of my payment, and you have to pay me liquidated damages and labor loss fees. With so much money, I still have the goods in my hands. It's so good. Things, why don’t I do them?”

 (End of this chapter)

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