The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 856: , Fang Niang has become smarter

Chapter 856, Fang Niang became smarter

 Boss Huang did not expect that she suddenly became smart.

I still remember meeting Fang Niang once a few years ago. At that time, she was still a timid woman with long hair and short knowledge.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a few years, she has transformed into a ruthless character.

"You really don't want to negotiate with me? If you are willing to let me go once, I will tell you the purpose of what I did today and who is the person behind me."

Fang Niang chuckled and said, "No need. I just want to breathe out. Who dares you to scold me?"

“As for reconciliation, you’d better go to the Yamen.”

 Boss Huang, “You.”

Fang Niang snorted coldly, turned around and left.

 From this moment on, she will no longer let mermaids take advantage of her. If anyone bullies her, she will take revenge.

 No one should ever think of bullying her or the Fang family again!

Boss Huang saw her being so cruel and wanted to scold her, but he was forced to pay the fine.

Because of this, other profiteers who wanted to take advantage of the chaos did not dare to act.

I was afraid that Fang Niang would be crazy and told them. At that time, the stealing chicken would not be eclipsed.

 With this as a deterrent, other merchants who want to return goods will not dare to come again.

 The Fang family was clean for a few days.

When Fang Zheng heard the news, he was a little surprised and asked his confidants, "Is this really the case that was solved by Madam Fang?"

“Yes, it’s that woman who is in charge.”

 This is strange, Fang Zheng doesn’t really believe that Fang Niang has this ability.

Based on his understanding of Fang’s wife, that woman is weak and cannot take care of herself, and has never dealt with business matters. How does she know about liquidated damages?

 He guessed, "It was probably the old man's confidants who helped her in this matter."

 Otherwise, given Fang Niang’s abilities, he still didn’t believe she had such courage.

The confidant replied, "Now that the Fang family is not in chaos, how can we take action?"

Originally, their intention was to have people go to the Fang family to cause trouble, so that Fang's mother and daughter could be in chaos, so that they could be defeated.

 But it seems that Fang’s mother has changed her temper. She is not afraid of relatives making trouble, and she is also very calm when guests make trouble. This is completely beyond Fang Zheng’s budget.

Thinking about it now, there is no other way.

 “Go, send someone to find an opportunity to steal the child out.”

 He could not give Fang Niang the opportunity to become powerful. He had to kill the opportunity before she had the chance and never allow her to grow.

Since she pretended to be calm, she stole her child out.

 Let’s see how she remains calm when the child is gone.

The confidant wondered, "The Fang family has been guarded recently. It seems that Manager Wang hired experts from outside to guard the Fang family's yard day and night. It is difficult for our people to sneak in."

Fang Zheng frowned, "That old guy is still so nosy."

“Since he wants to stand in my way, kill him.”

He believed that as long as Manager Wang died and Fang Niang had no backbone, she would surely fall in a few days.

“Yes, little one, let’s go.”

They wanted to send someone to assassinate Manager Wang, but Manager Wang had already been on guard against Fang Zheng. He always brought experts with him when he went out every day, so Fang Zheng had no chance to take action.

Fang Zheng was so angry that he didn't expect that the Fang family would become so difficult to deal with after not seeing each other for a few months.

He can't catch Fang Niang, Fang Niang, the children, and even the manager Wang can't kill her.

This matter suddenly became so difficult, which made him very irritable.

“Since they are not going out, let’s spread the news that Old Man Fang’s body has been found and ask Madam Fang to pick it up.”

 As long as a fake corpse is produced, Ms. Fang will not go out if she doesn’t believe it.

 As soon as she goes out, he will take her back. As long as he catches her, he can enter the Fang family smoothly, even if the old stewards of the Fang family don't listen to him.

 “Go, spread the news now, I don’t believe Fang Niang will not come out.”

 “Yes, the little one will go right away.”

the next day.

The housekeeper heard the news outside and immediately came back to report it.

“Miss, it’s bad, there are rumors that the master’s body was found at the pier. Do you want to go and take a look?”

Fang Niang frowned, "Who spread the news?"

 She has been sending people to keep an eye on the dock. If there is any news about her father, it is impossible that the news will not come back.

 Now that the news has come back from outside, I don’t know if it was Founder’s method?

 Last night, Manager Wang said that someone attacked him, and it should be a man named Fang Zheng.

If you are a square person, the news may be false.

Since it was a lie, she couldn't go out and take risks, otherwise she would be kidnapped by Fang Zheng, and that would be the end of it.

So she sat calmly at home and did not dare to go out.

Fang Zheng was very irritated when he saw that she didn't come out, "Who is helping her? You can't even be fooled by asking her to be so calm?"

 He thought that Fang Niang was helped by a master, so she became so wise.

 Otherwise, with her worries about her father, she would definitely come out as soon as she heard the news.

 But two days have passed, and she is still sitting in the house, with no trace of her coming out.

Fang Zheng doesn’t believe in evil, “Since we can’t let her out about her father’s affairs, let Boss Sun go to her house with the order to cause trouble.”

As long as there is a problem with the goods, Fang Niang must solve it.

 It will be easy to tie her up then.

“Yes, let’s do it now.”

 Among the partners of the Fang family, there are a small number of Founders.

Those people all listen to Fang Zheng's instructions and have cooperated with the Fang family for a long time.

As soon as Fang Zheng spoke, they immediately thought of a good idea and went to Fang's house to find Fang Niang.

“Miss Fang, the three thousand fans you gave me last month were infested with insects. You have to solve this problem for me, otherwise all my goods will be lost.”

Fang Niang looked at the middle-aged man in front of her and was slightly impressed.

 Because this person was introduced to her father by Fang Zheng, she had an impression of him.

 She was now not sure whether the other party was called by Fang Zheng, and she was somewhat suspicious of his intentions.

But they came under the guise of cargo bugs, so she couldn't really ignore it. She could only look at the housekeeper and say, "Boss Sun, wait a moment. I'll give you a reply after I see the order record."

Steward Wang quickly brought over the order booklet. Boss Sun’s goods were indeed issued to him last month.

 The final payment has been made, and the goods have just been shipped. If there is really a moth, it can indeed be blamed on the Fang family.

 Nowadays, outside businessmen are keeping an eye on the Fang family. Fang Niang couldn't let the reputation of the Fang family's goods be tarnished, so she stood up and asked him, "Our goods were indeed fine when delivered. Could it be that you didn't store them properly?"

The other party did not make any noise, and only replied seriously, "Our Sun family has been cooperating with your family for three years. The fans were well preserved before, so why did they get worms in just one month?"

"I now seriously suspect that your family did not pack the box properly when shipping, which is why the fan was infested with insects."

Since the shipment took only one month, it might be a problem with the Fang family's loading. Fang Niang knew this and could only go with him to take a look.

“In that case, let me go with Boss Sun to have a look.”

 The housekeeper was a little worried, "Miss?"

Fang Niang shook her head at him, "It's okay. If it's the Fang family's problem, we should give them a solution."

Although she is not involved in business, she is very professional in making fans and how to preserve them.

 Because her father taught her how to make fans since she was a child. These are her specialties. You can know what the problem is just by going over there.

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 (End of this chapter)

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