The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 857: , forgetful after giving birth

Chapter 857: Forgetfulness after giving birth

The housekeeper knew that she had to go, so he had no choice but to inform the steward Wang.

 Happily, Fang Niang had a master by her side so that she could be more courageous.

She took people with her to the dock with Boss Sun.

Boss Sun is not a fool and will not kidnap her in public. He will definitely let her board the ship to inspect the goods first and then kidnap her on her way back. That way the government won't be able to rely on him.

Fang Niang went on the boat with him first to see those moth-worm fans.

Boss Sun ordered these folding fans made of bamboo and paper. If they are not stored properly, insects will indeed grow on them.

But the Fang family wrapped them all when they were shipped. It seemed that Boss Sun Fan had unwrapped the ink paper, which caused the insects to infest.

Fang Niang frowned and told him, "Boss Sun, this is not the first time you have bought a fan from our family. The bilge of the boat is so damp, how can you remove the ink paper wrapping the fan?"

“We have packed them before shipment. If you unpack the regenerating worms privately, it’s your own problem.”

“What we can do now is to take the fan and dry it for a while to remove the insects, and then wrap the fan well when putting it away. Don’t put it on the bottom of the boat anymore.”

 Boss Sun naturally knew that what she said was right.

The main purpose of calling her out today was to facilitate Fang Zhengxing, and nothing else mattered.

So he hummed and said, "What Miss Fang said is that the new servant may have made a mistake. I will have the fan taken care of in a moment, so I'd like to ask you to make this trip."

Fang Niang felt strange when she saw that he didn't get angry and had a good attitude, as if he admitted his mistake.

I wonder why Boss Sun asked her to come out?

Until she left, Boss Sun didn't see her off, acting as if she just left.

  She felt strange and became more vigilant on the way back.

Sure enough, when she reached the alley, a group of men in black suddenly rushed out.

Fang Niang’s eyes widened in vain, “Not good.”

 Should be a square person.

 Fortunately, she brought a master with her.

So the two parties started fighting.

Fang Niang stood aside and hid, fearing that she would be affected.

Fang Zheng had been waiting aside, and he was going to catch her when he saw the right moment.

Fang Niang was startled. She didn’t expect Fang Zheng to be waiting for her here.

She screamed in fear, and just when Fang Zheng was about to grab her arm, another group of people came out from the dark and rushed towards Fang Zheng to kill them.

 It turned out that they were people sent by Liang Jin.

 Fangzheng was seeking wealth and killing people, so Liang Jin would not let him go.

Especially the county government was bribed by Fang Zheng. In recent years, Fang Zheng had colluded with corrupt officials and made a lot of dirty money.

 In addition, in order to deceive Mr. Fang, Fang Zheng actually killed the real Fang Zheng’s mother.

As the investigation continues, one evil thing is implicated one after another.

Liang Jin had long guessed that Fang Zheng would kidnap Fang Niang, and had been secretly watching Fang Zheng's traces for a long time.

As expected, Fang Zheng appeared when Fang Niang came out today.

Fang Zheng didn’t expect that there was a group of people ambushing him secretly. He panicked and wanted to retreat immediately.

But it was too late. Just as he was about to escape, an iron net fell from the sky and was trapped.

"take away!"

 After catching him, the officials took the people away and left.

When Fang Niang saw that he was caught, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was almost, almost, in the hands of Fang Zheng.

 It's good that she's fine, otherwise the Fang family will be almost doomed.

Sister Ying was frightened when she heard this. She lowered her head to look at Xiaomi Guo and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her yawning.

He said to Brother Sen, "It's really embarrassing. I'm afraid that Fang Niang will end badly."

Brother Sen shook his head, "Dad will take care of it. It is said that your friend has become very powerful now and is already the head of the Fang family."

As for Fang Zheng, he was also arrested. When the evidence of murder and wealth was obtained, he was sentenced. Sister Ying asked, "Has Madam Fang gone to see him?"

Brother Sen nodded, "Yes, but she can carry it clearly and is not soft-hearted."

  Although he is the one who sleeps with him, he is also the enemy who killed his father.

Mr. Fang’s body has been recovered and it is confirmed that he was murdered. The murderer is Fang Zheng.

Now that the evidence is conclusive, Fang Niang will naturally not relent.

 As for the Fang family’s business, Fang Niang has already begun to take over.

 She is not stupid, she also knows the making of fans very well, and she can take over the work very quickly.

“According to dad, Madam Fang also sent you something, and it will probably arrive in a few months.”

Sister Ying nodded, "She is interested."

Now that Fang Niang has a good ending, Sister Ying is relieved.

 After Seng Geer finished eating, he was ready to go out.

Sister Ying asked, "Are you still leaving in the middle of the night?"

Brother Sen grunted, "If you still have something to do, take the child to bed first."

 He is becoming more and more like a mature man now and feels that he can stand alone.

After Brother Sen left, Sister Ying went back to sleep with Xiaomiguo in her arms.

I had agreed to give Xiaomi Guo a hundred days, but when Mrs. Wu came here and took her out to play every day, she forgot about it.

They say she was stupid after being pregnant for three years. She didn't feel stupid, but her memory loss was really obvious.

 The things you have to do in the morning are forgotten in the blink of an eye.

 Now that Xiaomi Guo has not passed her hundredth day, she can only make up for the banquet, and have a good and lively meal.

 Let’s have a big one when she turns one year old.

Jinghan also laughed after hearing this, "Look at me, you have forgotten and I have forgotten. My little Liujin is not even over a hundred days old. Look at how bad our memories are."

Sister Ying was also helpless, "I don't know what's wrong, my memory has been so bad recently."

 She originally had a photographic memory, but she could not escape the fate of memory loss after giving birth.

Jinghan felt the same way, "I was like this when I was the eldest child. Now that I have my little one, my memory is even worse."

 At least he remembered to do things when he was born.

 Now that I have given birth to a baby, I can hardly do anything. Because she couldn't remember it at all.

No matter what Murong Yun told her, she remembered it well one moment and forgot it the next moment.

Murong Yun also discovered this phenomenon, and secretly took medicine from Sister Yang, hoping to cure her forgetfulness.

Sister Yang said that the woman's body was damaged after giving birth, so she was naturally not as good as the girl.

Since she can’t remember, don’t let her remember so much.

 Three children are busy enough to take care of, so I can’t remember anything else.

Unless she doesn't take care of the children and concentrates on doing business, there will be a dilemma between taking care of the children and doing things.

Murong Yun seemed to understand, so he didn't tell Jing Han anything important.

Jinghan occasionally took her sons to look at the account books, but she could only watch from the sidelines when they were studying. She felt tired after doing too much and could no longer take care of her two sons.

"I am satisfied now that I can carry Xiaoliujin. Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan still have to help me now."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "There are so many children like this. When you are busy, your brain becomes confused and a mess."

Jinghan said, "Then let's organize a party and get some delicious food to make it lively."

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, your birthday is coming soon. I'll do it then and take the children to eat something delicious."

Jinghan laughed and said, "Then let's ask Mr. Zhong to join us."

 “And Alyssa is also calling over.”

 (End of this chapter)

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