The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 858: , teach children to call them mother

Chapter 858: Teach your children to call them mother

 “Okay, I heard that Asari is not pregnant yet, let her come and hold the baby and feel pregnant.”

“Okay, then I’ll send someone to tell her.”

Jinghan said, "By the way, we haven't given anything to the neighbors yet after giving birth, so we might as well buy something to give as gifts."

They have been busy these past few months and have no time to prepare these things. Now that their children are older, they finally have time to buy some things.

Sister Ying thought for a while, "Then let's buy some snacks. Let's give snacks to the previous neighbors."

 In her hometown, a girl would be given buns when she gave birth, but there were no buns with sweet fillings here, so they would be given snacks instead.

 Send a wave where I lived before, and a wave where I live now.

 Hand out some candies or other small gifts.

Jinghan nodded, "Okay, that's it."

Sister Ying, "The little skirt I bought before should be wearable. Let's try it on the two little girls."


 Xiao Liujin is much bigger now. He is only five months old and already has long legs.

Xiao Miguo is okay, her height and weight are about the same as a normal baby, neither fat nor thin.

 His facial features are very prominent and three-dimensional, like a mixed-race baby.

 Some neighbors could not even tell that she was a Han child, thinking that she was just a local beauty.

Jinghan looked at Xiao Miguo’s beautiful big eyes and was very envious.

“Your Miguo has really beautiful eyes, with double eyelids and long eyelashes. I’m envious of them.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Your little Liujin is not bad either. She has white skin and a small cherry mouth. She is super cute, okay?"

 Perhaps it’s because after becoming a mother, everyone’s children are cute.

Sister Ying sometimes plays with her little Liujin, and she thinks the little Liujin is so fleshy and cute.

Especially Xiao Liujin is very funny, and she will laugh non-stop whenever I tease her.

Jinghan sometimes gets jealous and says sourly, "I usually tease her, but she laughs a few times perfunctorily. Why do you laugh so happily?"

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "No way, it's obviously because you teased her too many times and tired her out that she stopped laughing."

 Otherwise, Xiao Liujin still loves to laugh.

Jinghan coughed with a guilty conscience, "Yes, yes? But I only teased you two or three times." It was obviously six or seven times.

Sister Ying did not listen to her false report, "Not only did you tease Xiao Liujin, but you also teased Xiao Miguo seven or eight times. You teased both children so hard that they didn't even have the energy to laugh. You still have the nerve to say it."

Jinghan stuck out his tongue and said, "Okay~ It was my fault~"

Having given birth to three children, her temperament has become more lively and childlike.

“The weather is so hot today, shall we let the child soak in the water later?”

There is no lifebuoy here, otherwise you can give your children a swim.

Hearing her thoughts, Jinghan snorted, "Are they the only ones still swimming? It's almost like feeding fishes."

Sister Ying.

“Okay, let them soak in the water.”

Jinghan frowned, "My little Liujin doesn't like bathing very much. She screams every time she goes into the water, as if it's killing her. This is really difficult to handle."

Sister Ying was suspicious, "Why? I thought she would like to play in water."

Jinghan was also puzzled, "I guess she's like her father, who doesn't like water."

Murong Yun was a little afraid of water because he was choked by water when he was a child.

However, he has a strong will. Although he is afraid of water, he is still tenacious and learns how to swim in water.

He is a good student and has never been seen swimming.

Xiao Liujin is probably like him. He howls when he gets in the water, like a drowned dog.

“I usually have a loud voice, but when something happens, I act like a coward. I really don’t know who I am like.”

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Neither you nor my cousin-in-law seem to be timid people, so whose courage is she like?"

Jinghan laughed and said, "I guess he is like my dad. My dad is quite timid. There are so many uncles in the family, but he is the most greedy and fearful of death. My mother laughs at him. I guess Xiao Liujin is as brave as her grandfather."

On weekdays, he would look at Chirping, but whenever something happened, he would huddle up like a coward and almost call for help, which made Jinghan almost die laughing. Murong Yun was even more speechless, "Both of her brothers are timid on the outside, but in fact they are very bold and rebellious. How can she be a tigress on the outside but a little mouse on the inside?"

 He doesn’t like that his daughter is so timid. What should he do if he is bullied in the future?

Jinghan said, "She is still young. Maybe she is timid now. She will be fine when she gets older."

Murong Yun was deeply doubtful, "Really? Can it be better even if it's older?"

Jinghan nodded confidently, "I will, don't worry."

 The fact is that one day in the future, a certain little Liujin will become a paper tiger when he grows up.

Facing the robber, he cursed with his arms akimbo, but as soon as he drew his knife, he immediately hid behind Xiao Miguo, crying and begging for help.

 Xiao Miguo looked at her with disgust.

Let’s not mention those first and continue reading below.

Sister Ying went and asked her servants to boil some warm water. It doesn’t have to be very hot, just lukewarm.

They prepared a large basin and filled it halfway with water, only reaching the baby's belly.

Sister Ying tested the water temperature, put the little honey fruit down, and supported her.

“Come on, baby, try the water temperature, are you comfortable?”

Xiao Miguo felt the water temperature first, and after getting used to it, she immediately patted the water splash with her chubby hands and said, "Ah~"

Such a word suddenly popped up out of nowhere, and Sister Ying was very excited, "What are you talking about? Are you talking to me again?"

Xiao Miguo looked at the scene of her mother being stunned with her big eyes, tilted her head, with a question mark on her face, "Da?"

  Another word was spoken, which made Sister Ying very excited.

 “Oh, it’s great, my dear baby is starting to learn pronunciation.”

 “Come on, come on, call me mother first.”


 He turned his head and continued to pat the water splash, pretending not to hear.

Sister Ying refused to give up and continued to brainwash her, "Call me mother~, mother~ mother~"

  Small honey fruit;

 Ignore it, just pretend that you can't hear it, and continue playing in the water.

Sister Ying did not believe in evil and continued to brainwash her in her ears, "Mother~mother~mother~"


"I said, she is only five months old, so it is too early to call her mother."

“And you look a little strange to her mother.”

Sister Ying tilted her head and said, "Will you?"

She continued to lie next to Xiao Miguo’s ear, “Mother~mother~mother~”


 In this case, I will try it too.

She also lay down in front of Xiao Liujin and began to teach her, "Xiao Liujin, call me mother."

Xiao Liujin raised his eyebrows and looked at her, his eyes seeming to say, "Are you stupid? I'm only five months old, what do you call me?"

Jinghan encouraged her, "You are the third treasure. The third treasure is generally smarter than the second and third treasures. How can you lag behind? Hurry up and call me mother. Prove to your brother that you are the smartest. Hurry up."

  Small six pounds;

 I abstain.

Jinghan did not give up and continued to approach her, following Sister Ying's brainwashing style: "Xiao Liujin, call me mother quickly. I'll give you something to eat. Call me quickly."

“Come and tell me, mother~mother~mother~”

Sister Ying also said, "Xiao Miguo, come and tell me, mother~mother~mother~"

 The two children almost cried out of fright, and shouted angrily, "Dad~"

  Jinghan & Sister Ying;

Unexpectedly, I really wanted my daughter to be called mother, but instead they called me father?

  Although the pronunciation is not very accurate, it still has that daddy meaning.

I'm really jealous of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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