The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 859: , the third princess is pregnant with a second child

Chapter 859: The third princess is pregnant with her second child

Jing Han said angrily, "What's the use of raising a child? I shovel her **** and feed her milk day and night, and I don't just recognize her as my father. Humph, you little white-eyed wolf, you have no conscience."

Sister Ying was also very angry, "It's just that, it's useless to take them from early to late every day. I won't take them anymore~"

Jinghan nodded, "That's right, I won't take it with me."

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin looked at each other, not knowing what had happened to their mother.

 Still patting Xiao Shuishui.

 Xiao Liujin was originally afraid of sitting in the water. After all, this bathtub was much larger than the one she usually bathed in. She had a bit of a deep sea phobia.

When she first entered the water, she was about to struggle, but Jing Han said, "You see, my little Mi Guo is so powerful, I'm not afraid at all. Our little six pounds are not afraid either, right?"

The baby, who is only five months old, seems to miraculously understand it.

  Just now I was scared to death of the water, but now I was willing to go down.

Even though he went down, his little fat feet couldn’t help but stand up and wanted to run.

Jinghan continued to use provocation, "Oh, look at how powerful Xiaomiguo is. She doesn't even get up. She's sitting so well."

  Small six pounds;

OK, she continued to sit back.

  Although I am still unable to sit firmly, it will be no problem if an adult holds me.

Xiao Liujin actually sat down obediently and didn't move, as if he wanted to save face.

Her little round face looked at Xiaomiguo. Seeing Xiaomiguo patting the water with her hand, she also patted the water.

 Seeing her say something, she would also say something too, like a little follower.

Jing Han lamented, "She won't become Xiaomi Guo's follower in the future, right?"

He is the kind of **** under his command.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Why are you talking about her like that? What a bitch, our little Miguo can't bear to do it."

Hearing this, Xiao Miguo raised the corners of her lips evilly and snorted like a big sister.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were surprised, and then laughed.

“These two little girls are amazing. From now on they will definitely be the ones to kill off the street bullies one after another.”

Xiao Liujin is responsible for leading the battle. If he loses, he hides behind Xiao Miguo and acts like a coward.

 Xiao Miguo is responsible for the martial arts skills, the kind of person who wipes Xiao Liujin’s butt.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Have you ever said that about your daughter?"

 What did you say about Xiao Liujin?

Jinghan laughed loudly, "I think it's very possible, hahaha."

 It’s interesting to think about it.

Sister Ying glanced at her and said, "It's interesting. If they really cause trouble in the future, you will cry."

She still hopes that her daughter can be a good little fairy at home.

It's best not to go out and be a demon king, otherwise she will faint from anger.

However, judging from her calm temperament, her daughter was probably not a showy person, so she felt relieved when she thought about it.

They held Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin and soaked them in the water for a while before wiping them clean and changing into clean clothes.

 I put some moisturizing cream on the two little girls. The two little girls were already yawning sleepily.

 The two of them each held the child and coaxed it for a while, then went to bed to sleep.

 At night, Mr. Zhong came over with his children.

With joy on his face, he told Sister Ying and Jing Han in a low voice, "I'm telling you something, but don't whisper it."

Jinghan and Sister Ying looked at each other and guessed, "The third princess is here again?"

Mr. Zhong was taken aback for a moment, then clicked his tongue in displeasure, "How did you know?"

 He also wanted to give them a surprise, how could he give them a surprise like this?

Sister Ying and Jing Han said, "Is this true? Oh my god, congratulations, congratulations so much."

Zhong Da was happy when he saw their surprised faces. "Hey, I'm in good health. She can get pregnant even if I ask her to. I'm so good."

 Looking at this confident person, it amused both Sister Ying and Jing Han.

“Is this confirmed? Have you seen the doctor?”

Mr. Zhong nodded, "I've had the military doctor check it out, and I'm sure it's there. But the third princess wants to keep it a secret."

 After all, she had let a lot of things go after giving birth before, and this time she didn’t want others to know.

Sister Ying said worriedly, "She vomited so badly last time, what about this time?"

If the vomiting is still so severe, I can’t hide it even if I want to.

Mr. Zhong told them in a low voice, "This time is also miraculous. She didn't vomit or faint. It's so different from the first child."

Not only do I not have morning sickness, but my food tastes delicious, especially spicy food.

“By the way, do you still have some chili peppers here? Give me some, and I’ll take them back and fry them for her to eat with chili peppers and vinegar pork.”

 “She likes spicy food lately, she can’t eat anything spicy.”

 When she was pregnant with Piggy, she would vomit almost anything she ate, and she could only feed her porridge afterwards.

This fetus is easy to maintain. It eats whatever it takes to make up for it. It doesn't vomit at all, but it has a great appetite.

Moreover, she went to the military camp as usual every day and was not pregnant at all, which was such a surprise.

 “This child is so loving. I am touched by how much he loves his mother.”

Sister Ying and Jing Han wished them well, "That's great. You will also have two children in the future. You are really awesome."

Mr. Zhong also felt very proud, "Yeah, originally we only wanted one, but after raising Piglet, I felt that children are quite cute. It's okay to raise one. We might as well raise another one, and the family would be happy." lively."

 The key is that the third princess's body can bear it, otherwise he would not want to take the risk.

Now the third princess goes to patrol the military camp every day, and there is nothing strange at all. Now the only people who know about it are their husband and wife and the military doctor.

 The remaining ones are Sister Ying and Jing Han.

Mr. Zhong has already regarded Sister Ying and Jing Han as best friends, so he naturally wants to share them with them.

“I want to learn how to cook spicy dishes now. The third princess wants to eat spicy food recently. Sister Ying, please teach me.”

Sister Ying hummed, "Okay, I'll write you some spicy dishes later and you can try them all."

Seeing that other people were having their second child, she felt a little envious for no reason.

 In fact, after giving birth to Miguo, she thought the baby was quite cute.

 In the past, I might have been worried that I wouldn’t be able to take care of two children, it would be too noisy, or the love would be uneven.

 But now that I am raising her, I feel that one child is better than two children. It seems that I can have a second child.

Jing Han clicked his tongue and said, "You see, this is the influence of others."

“You saw someone had a second child, did you want it too?”

Sister Ying laughed, "Isn't that because my little Miguo is cute?"

If it wasn't cute and tortured her like a little devil, she might just stop having one child and wouldn't even think about having a second child.

But I just thought about this idea at this time. If I really wanted to give birth to her, I wouldn't want to do it so soon.

 Let’s raise the little honey fruit first, so don’t rush it so quickly.

Jinghan said to Mr. Zhong, "We want to set up a table for Xiaoliujin and Xiaomiguo. Can the three of us have a roasted whole lamb meal together?"

It is said that the main dish for happy events here is roasted whole lamb, so they will also have one.

Mr. Zhong was in a good mood, so he said, "Okay, let's bake it. Just add some chili powder for the third princess, she likes it."

 Looking at his little daughter-in-law’s appearance, she looks like the third princess, and she doesn’t stop talking about her words.

 (End of this chapter)

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