Chapter 860, Asari is infertile

Jinghan and Sister Ying were both sour. They clicked their tongues and said, "Okay, okay, we show off our affection every day, and we are all tired of it."

Mr. Zhong laughed and said, "I know, I know, I just blurted it out accidentally."

 The next day, Asari also came.

 Today the family has prepared a roasted whole lamb, and it has already started to be roasted.

 Asari has not been out for a long time, and her face is a little pale when she comes out today.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked confused and asked her, "What's wrong? Are you so pale?"

Azalie sighed and asked her servants to go out. She went into the room and talked to Sister Ying Jinghan.

“Well, it’s been so long since I married into the Kuroki family that my stomach has been quiet. Now my parents-in-law and sisters-in-law have some objections to me.”

Her mother-in-law would occasionally look at her belly with a resentful look on her face, as if she was accusing her belly of being so unsatisfactory.

 Including her father-in-law, they also looked unhappy.

Although they didn't say it out loud, it was clearly shown in their actions, making it difficult for people to pretend not to see it.

Especially those sisters-in-law who sometimes have strange tempers, which makes her feel very uncomfortable.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? I could have shown it to Sister Yang when she was here, but now that she's gone, it's going to be difficult."

Asari was stunned, "She actually left?"

 This is terrible.

Originally, she wanted to show Sister Yang in the name of coming out today, but she didn't expect that Sister Yang would actually leave.

 “What should I do now?”

 Before, she wanted to save face and didn't want her in-laws to think there was something wrong with her, so she couldn't bear to go see a doctor. She was afraid that when she came out, her in-laws would think there was something wrong with her, so she went out to see a doctor.

Now that she finally came out, Sister Yang actually returned to Jiangnan. Aishali was suddenly deflated, with a look of despair on her face.

 “It’s done, I’m done.”

Seeing her helpless look, Sister Ying sighed, "Actually, you haven't been married for a long time. Some people don't get pregnant for three years after getting married. It's only been one year for you, so you might get pregnant next year. First of all, Don't be discouraged."

But Aisali thinks it is impossible, "Brother Kuroki's cousin got married half a year later than us, and his wife is already pregnant. Now I am the only one in the family who is not pregnant, and everyone is laughing at me."

 After all, all the daughters-in-law are pregnant, and she is the only one who is infertile, so she will naturally be criticized.

Sister Ying helped her think of a solution, "Otherwise, I'll talk to Young Master Zhong later and ask if I can call the military doctor out and let him take a look at you."

The military doctor is also very skilled. Sister Yang once praised him as being as good as he was in ancient times.

If you can get him to help with the diagnosis, there should still be hope.

 Asari’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

 She is just an ordinary citizen, with at most a little money, but unable to get a call from a military doctor.

 Now that Sister Ying is helping, things may turn around.

So she looked at Sister Ying expectantly and said, "Okay, you can help me ask. As long as the military doctor is free, I will run out immediately."

Originally, her parents-in-law didn't like her to show up in public, but Heimu doted on her and didn't restrain her on weekdays.

However, Kuroki has been on business recently and is not at home, so her life is a little harder.

  It would be nice to have a child and you can take care of the child at home, so you won’t be bored.

 But she has no children and has nothing to do, so her parents-in-law naturally have some objections to her.

Because the two families are on good terms, her parents-in-law will not embarrass her too much, but their attitude will definitely be colder.

Aissary couldn't stand this kind of cold shoulder and wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible so that she could move out in the future. She no longer wanted to live with her parents-in-law and sister-in-law.

Soon after Master Zhong arrived, Sister Ying went to ask for Aisha Li.

After hearing this, Young Master Zhong nodded, "Okay, I'll ask you about it later."

He is also a father, and he feels pity when he sees others being infertile, so he will help as much as he can.

When the third princess heard about this, she said she would go back and ask the military doctor if he was free.

The military doctor has been going out to inspect Yang Jie'er's herbal field from time to time recently, and sometimes he has no time. But the third princess asked, he can spare some time.

Ashari was particularly happy. When the military doctor arrived, she quickly sat over and saluted first, and then sat down to check his pulse.

 “Can you please help me take a look.”

 The military doctor carefully checked her pulse and then asked her about the couple's sexual intercourse.

 Although Asari was shy, she said it all.

 “Brother Kuroki is more clingy, sometimes I have been.”

“Do you feel pain in your left and right abdomen? Or are you experiencing irregular menstruation?”

Asari shook her head, "That's not true, my menstruation has always been accurate. I don't have any pain in my abdomen."

Since the menstrual period is accurate and there are no abnormalities in the abdomen, it may be that the couple is too diligent and the pregnancy is slower.

 The military doctor suggested, "You should separate for a while and try taking a long diaphragm."

He said, "I'm not very good at gynecology, but I know a good friend who is in the alley of the market. I can introduce you to there."

He has been looking at skin and flesh wounds all year round. Gynecology is rarely involved, so he still lets a professional look at her.

 Asari nodded, "Okay, I'm really sorry to trouble you."

 The military doctor shook his head, left her an address, and went back first.

Sister Ying quickly brought him roast lamb and wine that had been packaged in advance and delivered them to his door.

 She couldn't be rude to someone who came here specially.

The military doctor laughed when he saw all the etiquette. "After Sister Yang left, that girl kept me busy. When will she come back?"

Sister Ying thought about it and said, "I guess I have to wait until she gets married."

If she still wants to come over, she must get married and come with Qi Yuanming.

The military doctor stroked his goatee and smiled, "Fortunately, she has trained a group of medicine boys, so they can help."

 “Then I’ll go back first. Thank you for the good wine and food.”

Sister Ying waved her hand, "No, please walk slower. I'll send you something delicious next time."

 “Okay. Then I’m leaving.”

 After the military doctor left, Asari's mood calmed down.

She said to Sister Ying, "I won't go back tonight. Can you accompany me to see the gynecologist tomorrow?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, we will go with you."

 With them by their side, Asari relaxes.

 They all enjoyed the roast lamb they had in the evening.

Mr. Zhong cut a large piece of mutton for the third princess and sprinkled it with chili powder.

 The third princess ate heartily and had a great appetite. She even wanted to drink.

Mr. Zhong hurriedly stopped him, "What are you doing? Even if you eat spicy food, you still drink? You don't want the child anymore?"

 The third princess had forgotten that she was pregnant, so she took back her hand.

There is no way, who allowed her to eat and sleep this time, and there was nothing wrong with her at all. She didn't even feel pregnant.

But it’s really not pleasant to eat mutton without drinking alcohol.

She took a furtive look at the wine and still wanted to drink it.

Mr. Zhong slapped her hand away and said, "Just give me a little bit. My daughter is still in your belly. Do you want to harm her?"

The third princess said, "How could I do that?"

“Then I won’t drink anything white, but some fruit wine?”

Countdown to the New Year~(▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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