The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 861: , take Aishali to see a doctor

 Chapter 861, Taking Asari to see a doctor

 “Not even fruit wine!”

Mr. Zhong corrected her righteously, "For the sake of my daughter, you can only drink alcohol after giving birth. You can't touch a drop now!"

"If there is any problem with the child in the future, you will cry."

 The third princess was not that selfish after all, so she could only keep her mouth shut.

"Okay, if you don't want to drink, you won't drink. Then find me something to drink. I want to satisfy my craving."

 She drinks a little wine every time she has dinner, but she can't drink it during pregnancy this time, which really makes her unhappy.

 When I was pregnant with Piggy, I didn’t want to drink it because I felt uncomfortable.

It's a pity to eat delicious food nowadays but not be able to drink it.

But you can drink it after giving birth. She won’t feed her anyway, so she should just endure it.

Mr. Zhong found her some rock sugar water to quench her thirst, and she didn’t want to think about anything else.

 Because it was Jinghan's birthday, Sister Ying made a small cake herself.

The servants take turns to beat the egg liquid, otherwise their hands will be broken.

Sister Ying makes fruit cake. Because the fruits here are particularly sweet, the fruit cake she made is very successful.

 Jing Han and the others all felt magical when they saw the fruit cake for the first time.

“Sister Ying, what is this?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "This is the same as longevity noodles. If you eat it, you will live a long life. Let's eat one piece each."

 Speaking, he put small candles on the cake and asked Jinghan to close his eyes and make a wish.

Jinghan looked confused, but still closed his eyes and made a wish.

 She made a wish that everyone around her would be safe and healthy, and she would blow out the candles after making the wish.

Sister Ying taught Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan a birthday song in advance, and the two brothers started singing, "Happy birthday to my mother~Happy birthday to my mother~"

 “I wish my mother good health~I wish my mother a happy birthday~”

It was a very simple tune, but Jing Han was very moved when he heard it.

 “You brat, it’s rare for you to be so heart-warming, it moved me so much.”

 She and the children blew out the candles and felt very happy.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, let's share the cake with everyone."

Jinghan took the knife and gave each person a piece.

 Brother Zheng, Brother Yuan, and Xiao Zhuzhu all ate cake for the first time. When they took a bite, it was sweet and glutinous, especially delicious.

“Cousin, the cake is delicious~~”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "If you like to eat more, there is still more."

 It was also the first time for Mr. Zhong to make this kind of soft pastry, and he thought it was very good.

On the contrary, the third princess thought it was delicious after the first bite, but immediately got tired of it after the second bite. She gave a handful to Mr. Zhong and asked him to finish it.

Mr. Zhong was used to giving him things she didn’t want, so he took them and started eating.

 The little pigs also eat sweetly.

 Including Asari, they also enjoyed the meal very happily.

 The third princess had eaten and drank enough, wiped her mouth and left.

Mr. Zhong saw that she still had such good character, so he stood up and told Sister Ying, "She is sleepy, so we will go back first and meet again when we have time."

 Speaking, he handed a gift to Jinghan, "I made the bracelet with my own hands. I hope you won't dislike it."

Jinghan smiled and said, "I don't mind it, I'll wear it tomorrow."

Sister Ying also laughed and said, “I’ll give you one on my birthday next time too.”

Mr. Zhong laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'll be with you."

The third princess saw that they all had bracelets and glared at Mr. Zhong, "Why don't I have one?"

Mr. Zhong said to her, "You don't wear women's things. Why do you need a bracelet?"

 Let alone wearing bracelets, she has always worn men's clothes so far, never women's clothes.

Had he not had a child with her, he would have thought she was a man.

Even others thought she was a man and never regarded her as a woman.

When he said this, the third princess had a bad look on her face and left with a snort. Young Master Zhong hurriedly chased her, then turned around and shouted, "Sister Ying, Jinghan, I'll leave first."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Go ahead and keep an eye on the third princess."

Mr. Zhong sighed and hurriedly chased after him.

He may not be free recently. Although the third princess's pregnancy is delicious, she has a very weird temper and can change her mood every now and then.

  I was fine just now, but now I am angry and have to be coaxed.

But she is also easy to coax, just a few words of coaxing will be enough.

 But it is a real problem when it comes to drinking.

In addition to delivering food to her every day, he also has to keep an eye on her and not allow her to drink, which is even more tiring than him being pregnant.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were both delighted, "Young Master Zhong and the Third Princess are a perfect match."

Asari also smiled, "Yes, my legs were so frightened when I saw the Third Princess for the first time, but I'm not afraid anymore when Young Master Zhong is here."

 Because Young Master Zhong is around, the third princess has a good temper and listens to almost everything she says, so her intimidation is halved and she is not so scary to ordinary people like them.

Sister Ying is also full and ready to leave after drinking the sweet soup.

 The three of them sleep together in a big room at night.

 On the second day.

After Sister Ying got up, Jinghan also got up.

 Today I am taking Aisali to see a gynecologist, and I have to leave right after dinner.

They set off in a carriage and asked people all the way before they found the hospital.

 Perhaps women are very secretive about medical treatment, so this medical clinic is very secretive.

After arriving at the place, they reported their names and the medicine boy took them in.

 You can smell the herbal smell in the house as soon as you enter the house.

There are several medicine boys taking medicine in the lobby, and doctors are seen in another small room.

Sister Ying took Aishali in, and after giving the name of the old military doctor, the other party raised her head and looked at them.

“It’s rare that the old man can introduce people here.”

Sister Ying saw that the other party was a middle-aged woman, with a fat body and a somewhat serious face.

 Asari was a little nervous and told her about her delay in getting pregnant.

The female doctor took her pulse and asked Sister Ying and the others to go out and wait.

After waiting for a while, the female doctor prescribed medicine for Aishali, "Drink these first, and don't have **** before you finish drinking the medicine."

"Come here after you finish drinking the medicine and let me have a look. You can have **** again when I tell you."

"If you don't follow my instructions and you can't get pregnant, don't come to me again."

Her tone was serious, and Aisali didn't dare not listen, "Yes, I will do it."

Sister Ying doesn’t think the other party is a liar. After all, he was introduced by an old military doctor, so he should be somewhat reliable.

 When she went back, Aishali carried a full supply of medicine and was ready to go back.

Sister Ying told her, "Be sure to remember what the doctor said and don't give up halfway."

Asari nodded, "I will. It just so happens that Brother Kuroki won't be back for a month or two."

Heimu happened to be out, so she felt much less worried.

As for whether she would be criticized for taking the medicine back, she thought about it and decided to go back to her parents' home first.

So she turned around and went to live with her parents' house.

 Since her mother is here, her parents-in-law will not come to ask for help.

Jinghan asked, "Is this reliable? Is that female doctor really that amazing?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know about that, but it doesn't hurt to try."

Because the female doctor didn't let her take random medicines, unlike some quack doctors who would make women take ants, centipedes, and all kinds of harmful things.

 But not the female doctor.

 The medicine she prescribed was similar to ovulation medicine, or to help with pregnancy.

This method is much more reliable than drinking fragrant gray water, so there’s no harm in giving it a try.

 (End of this chapter)

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