The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 862: , two babies eat complementary food

Chapter 862, Two babies eat complementary food

 After taking Aishali to see the doctor, Sister Ying suggested that they go for a stroll on the street.

Now that Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin are five months old, they can start trying complementary foods.

Sister Ying took the lead and went to her own maternal and child store and bought some small bowls, small spoons, and tools for twisting fruit puree.

 “Shall we try giving them fruit puree tomorrow?”

Jinghan was also eager to give it a try, "Okay. What kind of puree should I give them to eat first?"

 “Red fruit or yellow banana?”

“Anything is fine. I’ll grind it into a paste and give it to them to taste.”

“Okay, then buy some more, I want to eat too.”

The two of them finished buying food supplements and small tableware, and then bought a lot of fruits.

Sister Ying wanted to eat watermelon, so she bought a large one and squeezed the remaining watermelon into juice, so she drank it directly as juice.

They bought some beautiful fabrics so that they could make baby skirts for the two little girls to wear.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin went to the market for the first time, looking curiously at this and that with their big eyes.

 At first I watched it quietly, but at the end I started screaming with excitement.

When Jinghan heard the cry, he thought to himself, "It's over."

Let them fall in love with shopping today. After returning home, these two girls will definitely make noises every day.

Sister Ying was dubious, "No way? Are you going to make a scene as soon as you get back?"

Jinghan's visitor told her, "Sure, once the children go out, they don't want to stay at home anymore. After they get enough sleep at night, they will make a fuss about coming out tomorrow. If you don't believe it, just wait and see."

Sister Ying was dubious, bought a lot of things, and went to the street with Jing Han to eat beef noodles before going back together.

 After returning home, the two little guys were exhausted and fell asleep after taking a bath.

 I slept very deeply this time, maybe because I was tired from playing for too long during the day.

 Sleep until the next morning.

Sister Ying is still sleeping now, but Xiaomi Guo has woken up.

When she woke up, she first looked back to see if her mother was there.

When I saw Sister Ying lying on the bed, I felt relieved.

 She babbling for a while, but when Sister Ying didn't come to hug her, she groaned and wanted to cry.

Sister Ying woke up and hugged her, lifted her clothes to feed her, and fed her on her side while she slept.

After the little honey fruit is full, it grunts and smashes it with its little mouth. Then he hugged his little feet and played babbling for a while.

She played with her little feet for a while and got bored. She turned over and wanted to play with Sister Ying, but Sister Ying was still sleeping.

 She made ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and tried to crawl, but she didn't.

 In the end, he could only roll to Sister Ying's face, and patted Sister Ying's face with his little chubby hand.

Sister Ying slept like a pig, unable to get up at all, so she turned over and continued sleeping.

Xiao Miguo saw that she actually turned her face over, and she made a couple of noises, getting angry.

 “Ah da da!”

She lay on the bed and stretched out her chubby hands to pull Sister Ying back, but her strength was too weak to pull her back.

 In the end, I could only say "Ahhh" angrily several times.

Sister Ying seemed to find it too noisy, so she clicked her tongue and went back to sleep.

Xiao Miguo was stunned for a moment when she clicked her tongue, and then glanced at her furtively, as if she felt guilty.

 She waited for a while, but didn't see her mother come back to educate her, so she felt relieved.

Since you can’t make any noise, let’s play with your little fat feet for a while.

 After playing for a while, I felt tired, so I yawned a little and fell asleep again.

  Mother and daughter were next to each other and fell asleep sweetly.

Sister Ying slept until noon.

 When I woke up, I was still in a daze.

She said "Hmm~", stretched and yawned, "Ha~ I slept really well."

 Remember to take care of the child only after you wake up.

 So I got up from the bed and found a cute little girl lying next to the pillow.

“Ah, when did I pick you up?” She didn’t even remember it.

Xiao Miguo also just woke up, opened her eyes hazily, and yawned lazily.

Sister Ying changed her diaper, took her to take a warm bath, and then fed her.

 Today I only feed half, and the remaining half is ready to be given to her as complementary food. She put the berries on the food chair and took the fruits and bowls.

Jinghan also came out with Xiao Liujin in his arms.

 “Come on, let’s get together.”

Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, let's go together."

She took the rustling apples and bananas, while Jinghan took the watermelon.

"I think watermelon will be more acceptable. Let Xiao Liujin eat this first."

Sister Ying agreed, "Okay, let's try the watermelon juice first."

 The two of them each cut some small watermelon, crushed it into juice, scooped a little with a small spoon, and handed it to Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin's mouths.

 “Come to the honey fruit and taste the watermelon juice.”

Xiao Miguo opened her mouth without understanding when she saw the spoon. Sister Ying imitated Jing Han's example, handed the spoon to her mouth, and slowly fed it to her mouth.

 It was the first time for Xiaomiguo to eat something other than milk, and her little eyebrows wrinkled.

When the sweet watermelon juice spread in her mouth, she was not used to it at first, and then she smacked her mouth as if tasting it.

This taste is incredible, I want it immediately.


 meaning to eat.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yes, I have the potential to be my mother's favorite food."

 Then feed her.

She can **** even if she doesn't know how to chew.

 The watermelon juice tasted in her mouth, and she sucked it down.

Sister Ying would not be happy if the feeding was slow.


 The next step is to look at Xiao Liujin.

 Xiao Liujin ate watermelon juice for the first time, and like Xiao Miguo, he frowned at first, wondering whether he thought he was feeding them something strange.

 As she gets used to it, she will eat it immediately.

 But she only took two bites and stopped.

Jinghan was surprised, "Why don't you take a few more bites?"

 Eating rice is like being reincarnated by a starving ghost. No matter how much you eat, you won’t let go.

 The watermelon juice is so delicious today, why don’t you order more?

Jinghan didn’t give up and continued to feed him, but Xiao Liujin didn’t catch a cold at all.

Since you don’t drink watermelon juice, try mashed banana.

 She crushed the mashed bananas and fed them to her, but when people ate them, they pushed them out with their tongues.

He waved his little hands angrily and said, "Ah!" He meant that he didn't want to eat, so don't feed me.

Jinghan's eyes widened, "You kid, don't you like eating so much?"

 This is much sweeter than milk.

Xiao Liujin didn’t catch a cold. He was babbling and twisting his body, wanting to get off the table.

Jinghan had no choice but to give up and carry her down.

As soon as she was hugged, she looked outside and wanted to go out.

Jinghan felt dizzy when he saw her posture.

“It’s very hot outside now, would you like to go out at night?”

 But people don’t know whether it’s hot or not at all. They just want to go out. If they don’t go out, they will make a lot of noises like “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.

In such a hot weather, she made Jinghan want to lose his temper because of her noise.

 “I told you it’s very hot outside, let’s go at night!”

 Look, when the weather gets hot, mothers get irritable.

   Xiao Liujin was stunned for a moment after being yelled at by her. She pouted her lips and was about to cry.

Jinghan used her hand to fan herself. She felt like she was about to explode, but she still restrained her temper and told her.

"It's very hot outside. You need to dry yourself out in the sun. I'll take you to the yard to play in the evening. I won't lie to you. Can you be obedient?"

Xiao Liujin pursed his lips, as if he understood that his mother was angry. He twitched twice and turned his head away, as if he was losing his temper with Jing Han.

It’s New Year’s Eve (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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