Chapter 863, Xiao Liujin is timid

Jinghan was very happy.

He said to Sister Ying, "Look at her mouth. It's so pouty that it could hang a bottle of oil."

How can a baby who is just over five months old be so weird?

She has been acting silly and cute for more than five months. Why does she have so many inner dramas?

Sister Ying also laughed, "Xiao Miguo was about to cry just now, but suddenly she stopped when you roared like a lion from the east of the river, which shows that she still has eyesight. I was laughing so hard, hahaha."

Jinghan also smiled, "These two little girls are so clever and clever. It's hard to fool them now."

It was okay to coax them before, but now it’s difficult to coax them.

 But Hedong Lion's Roar is still useful.

Just now, Xiao Liujin was clamoring to go out, but after being beaten up, he actually behaved and stopped screaming.

 But this kind of silence is only temporary, she will definitely go out after a while.

As long as it’s not midday, Jinghan is still willing to push her out for a walk when the sun is out.

 At night, when the sun was not so bright, Sister Ying and Jinghan continued to prepare fruit puree for them.

At night, the banana mud was crushed. Xiaomi fruit was tasted first. Sure enough, I frowned first. After adaptation, I was willing to eat a few more mouthfuls.

 Xiao Liujin only took two bites and then stopped eating.

After dinner, Sister Ying and Jing Han pushed the stroller and took them out for a walk.

Sister Ying asked Xiao Miguo, "Do you want to play with Brother Piggy, or do you want to play on the street?"

 She wanted to test Xiaomiguo's cognitive ability to see if she could understand.

“To play with Brother Pig, you go this way, and to play on the street, you go this way. Which way are you going?”

Xiao Miguo heard Xiaozhuzhu's name and made two ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, looking at Sister Ying with her big round eyes, wanting to find Xiaozhuzhu.

Sister Ying smiled and tempted her, "But there are many interesting toys on the street? There are also fragrant barbecues. Do you want to go and smell them?"

With these words, Xiao Miguo became confused. She tilted her head and said "Da?", not knowing where to go.

Jinghan also asked Xiao Liujin if he wanted to see Piggy or play on the street.

 It doesn’t matter where Xiao Liujin goes, it has to be outside anyway.

Jinghan was helpless and complained to Sister Ying. "She's so stupid~"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Don't say that."

 “How about we go to Asari’s house? We haven’t been there for a long time.”

Jinghan said, "Okay, it's not far, so just walk over."

 The two of them pushed the stroller to Asari's house.

 After Asari returned to her parents’ home, she started taking medicine.

Her mother was also worried that she would not be able to give birth, so she kept supervising her taking medicine.

As soon as Aisali finished drinking the medicine, she heard that Sister Ying and the others were coming, and she happily came out to pick them up.

 “Are you here?”

“Hey, Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin are here too?”

 Asari happily hugged Xiaomi Guo and then hugged Xiao Liujin, with envy in her eyes.

 “I really want a baby of my own, I really want to have one.”

Sister Ying comforted her, "It will happen. Maybe it will be fine after taking the medicine, and you will be able to have one by then."

Asari is also looking forward to it, "I will stay at my parents' house this month and take good care of my health. I will go back when Brother Kuroki comes back to pick me up."

She has already written to Heimu, and Heimu agreed.

Although her husband's family has objections, the two families are well-matched and they will not make trouble out of face.

As soon as Asali returned to her parents’ home, she felt very good.

“I didn’t feel that before. After I got married, I felt that my parents’ family was so good. I didn’t even want to go back.”

 When I went to my husband’s house and compared it to my mother’s house, the difference was huge.

Jinghan nodded, "Well, if you have parents who love you at home, you will naturally like to come back." If you are not welcomed by your husband's family, you will naturally not want to treat him.

Sister Ying doesn't have this problem. Her parents-in-law are still very kind and don't interfere too much in their lives, so they can live anywhere.

Jinghan clicked her tongue twice and said sourly, "You only have one mother-in-law among hundreds of mother-in-laws, so don't irritate us."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "My fault, I won't say it anymore. Let's go out for a walk on the street and buy some roast chicken."

Asari liked to play with them, and immediately responded, "Okay, let's go together."

 “I haven’t eaten roast chicken for a long time.”

 “Then let’s go.”

So the three of them went to the street to buy roast chicken to eat.

When I arrived at the roasted chicken stall, I saw a lot of people queuing up to buy it. It is said that this roasted chicken stall is very popular.

Sister Ying went to order five and then waited in line.

They paid the money in advance, and while waiting, they went to drink some sweet corn soup, bought toys for Xiao Miguo and the others, and when they came back, the roast chicken was ready.

The three of them shared two, and the remaining three were sent to the military camp and Master Zhong.

 Asari had a great time and asked them to continue playing out tomorrow.

Sister Ying thought that she needed to be in a good mood during pregnancy, so she could go out to play with her. It just so happened that she could also take the children out to relax, in case the two little ones didn't like staying at home.

 The next day, after the sun went down, they met again.

 I am going to the farm today to see how the cattle and sheep are doing.

 The cattle and sheep are now being watched by professional personnel, who were specially trained by the third princess.

 Before going out, Sister Ying applied mosquito repellent ointment to the two children, and asked Jinghan Aishali to apply it too.

 The farm is full of life in summer, the vast grasslands are green and the air is particularly good.

It was the first time that Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin saw such a green grassland, and their round faces were stunned.

 I yelled "Ahhhhhh" several times, looking very excited.

Sister Ying called a carriage and took them to the center of the grassland.

After getting off the carriage, I stood on the grass with the cool wind blowing on my face. I smelled the fresh smell of the grass in my nose and felt that my soul was about to be sublimated.

After a while, cattle, sheep and horses came towards them.

The cattle, sheep and horses here are not afraid of people, because they are fed artificially when the grassland is not fertile, so when they see people, they think there is something delicious to eat, so they all come around.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were stunned for the first time when they saw cattle, sheep and horses at such a close distance.

  Xiao Liujin was timid and cried out of fright. He opened his pacifier and cried "Wow~~".

 The one who was crying screamed so loudly that he scared away the cattle, sheep and horses.

Xiao Miguo originally wanted to cry, but seeing the ugly look on her face, she held it back.

Sister Ying almost died laughing, and deliberately teased her, "Niu Niu is coming, are you afraid?"

Xiao Miguo snorted and said she wasn't afraid, but I just wasn't afraid.

Sister Ying was also bad, and she deliberately held her close to the sheep. Xiao Miguo was so frightened that she buried her head in her arms, but she refused to cry.

Sister Ying laughed heartily and thought her daughter's behavior was so funny.

Jinghan also tried it, holding Xiao Liujin close to the sheep. Xiao Liujin was so frightened that he cried loudly and almost made the sheep faint.

Jinghan clicked his tongue twice, disgusted, "You are too timid."

 “Look at that little Miguo, she didn’t cry even once.”

Xiao Liujin didn't care. He buried his head in Jinghan's arms and continued to cry.

 She was going to cry when she was wronged anyway, and she had to cry hard, otherwise she wouldn't stop.

Jinghan finally gave up, "I praised her in vain. I also said she would be better when she got older. It seems she is timid."

Happy New Year, my dears (///▽///) May you have good luck in the Year of the Tiger



 (End of this chapter)

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