Chapter 864: Encountering Seng Geer by chance

Sister Ying also laughed, "If you are timid, then be timid. At least if you are timid, you can be more careful."

Jinghan said, "But no. She is timid, but not cautious. She was frightened the first time, but she didn't remember the second time, so she still wanted to see it."

With this kind of timidity and a short memory, he will only be a bad character with a short memory in the future.

Jinghan has already begun to worry about this girl's life when she grows up.

 “It’s better to be Xiaomiguo. She’s so strong and won’t cry even if she doesn’t want to.”

Sister Ying lowered her head and looked at the little girl in her arms. Seeing that she no longer had a frightened expression, she thought she had adapted.

She was also curious, so she held Xiaomi Guo in front of the lamb again. She saw her big eyes looking at the lamb with gleaming eyes, obviously not afraid.

It seems that her daughter is really brave.

 You may be scared at first because you have never seen it before, but after you get used to it, you will feel that there is nothing to be afraid of.

I don’t know who this temperament follows. It may follow her, or it may follow her father.

But this is fine, there are benefits to being bold.

 After seeing the cows, I went to see the chickens.

 But the chicken coop was so smelly that both adults and children frowned, so it ended midway.

 After seeing these animals, Sister Ying took them to the teahouse to drink tea.

The children came to the teahouse for the first time and were very curious. They looked at this and that.

Sister Ying lowered her head and looked at Xiao Miguo’s curious face, and felt that it was still necessary to take her child out for a walk.

 Let them see the world from an early age, which is quite beneficial to their growth.

They chose a private room on the second floor and heard the storyteller talking about the case in the brothel.

“By the way, the brothel madam was originally a young lady from a wealthy family, but she was deceived by a heartless man, which led to the destruction of her family.”

“Later, she met someone with evil intentions, which broke her heart. She lost her virginity and money, which made her hate the man she hated so much.”

“She was indeed responsible for the murders we saw before. She was caught yesterday and the evidence is conclusive.”

 Sister Ying knew about this, but this was the first time Jinghan and Aisali heard about it.

Asari said in surprise, "I didn't expect this to happen like this? I thought those people died accidentally."

Jinghan also said, "Yes, after all, those people are not good people. Everyone clapped and applauded when they died. No one suspected murder at all."

I didn’t expect that those accidental deaths were actually planned by the madam.

 “Then what happened to her?”

 The spectators who were watching were also curious and asked the storyteller, asking him to clarify their doubts.

 The storyteller stroked his goatee to calm them down.

 “Listen to me and tell me slowly.”

"Originally, there was no evidence for this matter. Thanks to a detective sent by the imperial court, the matter was found out."

 Everyone is curious, "Detective? Where is he? Why haven't I seen him before?"

 After all, this is a small town, and no one has ever heard of a detective.

 Asari was also curious, "What kind of detective? I haven't heard of it either."

Sister Ying snickered in her heart. The detective was her brother, but she didn't want to reveal it.

 Sen Geer always does his errands in secret, so it’s better to keep a low profile.

Originally, the third princess wanted to wait for the Yamen to see if the Yamen could find out the truth of the case.

As expected, the Yamen couldn't find anything and only found some clues. It can be seen that they are still too busy on weekdays and can't investigate even a small case. What else do you expect them to investigate?

 The third princess saw that their abilities were so weak, so she didn’t wait any longer and asked Brother Seng to deal with it directly.

 Sen Geer has a resolute and resolute character. He decided the case in one fell swoop and made the truth known to the public.

 The madam and his party were sentenced, and the case was closed.

The third princess admired Seng Geer's ability and wanted to take him into her account. It’s a pity that Brother Sen’s ambition is not here, he just wants to be a detective.

The third princess can't keep anyone, so let him do as he pleases.

After finishing this matter, Brother Sen went to sort out the property that Fang Zheng left here.

 After doing this, he was ready to go back.

It just so happened that he came into the teahouse to drink tea today. Sister Ying saw him upstairs and went down to ask him to come up.

 “Brother Sen, why are you here?” You’re not going home either, you bastard.

Brother Sen took a sip of tea and coughed, "I just came back from work. I'm very thirsty. I want to have a cup of tea and rest. I'll go back to you soon."

Sister Ying said oh and believed him for once, "Okay, then you go upstairs, let's go upstairs to drink, and I'll order some side dishes for you to try."

Brother Sen opened his mouth to say no, but Sister Ying had already stuffed the sweet fruit into his arms, and then went to order food.

 Brother Sen has not seen his niece for a long time, and Xiaomi Guo may not have seen his uncle for a long time.

The nephew and uncle stared at each other with their eyes wide open.

Brother Sen was afraid that she would cry, so he carefully coaxed her, "Miguo, I am your uncle. This is going to be outside, so don't cry?"

 If he starts crying, he really doesn’t know how to comfort her.

 Fortunately, Xiao Miguo didn't cry. She looked at him lazily for a while and saw that he looked a bit like her own mother, so she stopped crying. The little chubby hand grabbed his hair and pulled it.

Brother Sen made a hissing sound and said to her, "It was so strong that I almost pulled out uncle's hair."

Xiao Miguo smiled, as if she was having a great time.

 Sen Geer carried her upstairs. As soon as he got upstairs, he saw Jing Han and Aisali.

Asari blushed when she saw such a handsome man for the first time after her marriage.

"Who is this?"

Jinghan introduced them, "Brother Sen, this is Aisali, a friend we made locally."

 “Aisali, this is Brother Seng, sister Ying’s younger brother.”

Asari blushed and said, "Oh my God, this is so handsome. He is even prettier than our local Balang."

 If she hadn’t gotten married early, she would definitely have fallen in love with Seng Geer.

 Seng Ge'er's ears were red and he was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect the woman here to be so bold.

Jinghan couldn't help but laugh when he saw that he was so easily shy, "How about it? Did your kid fall in love with any beautiful girl when you came here?"

 Seng Geer shook his head, "I didn't read those."

 He is a hard-working person. When he is busy, he always dives in and doesn't look at any pretty girls.

Jing Han laughed loudly, "It stands to reason that you are at your prime of life at this age. There are so many beautiful girls on the street here, and you actually ignore them?" There was no one left.

 Brother Sen smiled helplessly, feeling that adults seemed to think that young men would like to look at beautiful girls. It was really a stereotype.

 When he looks at people on the street, he usually looks at who the criminal is.

   Not looking at the commenting girl.

Moreover, he has no desires and desires. He has seen many beautiful girls, but none of them made his heart beat.

Jing Han has convinced him. He is so mature at a young age. What will he do in the future?

“Then are you going back to Jiangnan after your work?”

 Sen Geer nodded, "Yes, I might have to go back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

There is no fixed place where he handles cases. He follows the prisoner wherever he escapes, and cannot return home more than once a year.

I wish you all good luck in the new year (^O^)



 (End of this chapter)

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