The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 866: , haven’t gone shopping alone for a long time

Chapter 866: Haven’t gone shopping alone for a long time

Jing Shirong was also very happy to see Brother Sen and sat down to chat with him.

 “Have you finished everything?”

 Brother Sen nodded and poured a glass of wine for him and Murong Yun, "Yes, it's all done. I'll probably go back tomorrow."

 He always comes and goes in a hurry, and Jing Shirong is used to it.

“Okay, let Sister Ying prepare some dry food for you that night.”

 Seng Geer nodded, "Okay."

The three men sat down to eat and talk, and there were many topics to talk about.

Sister Ying and others sat aside and listened to the gossip.

Asari asked in a low voice, "Do you need me to go back first?"

 After all, she wasn’t very familiar with Jing Shirong and Murong Yun, so she wasn’t sure if she could listen to this.

Sister Ying saw that she was uncomfortable and sent her entourage to take her back.

 “Then let’s make an appointment next time.”

Ashari hummed, waved to them and went back.

Sister Ying stuffed the small honey fruit into Jing Shirong’s arms and poured herself some rock sugar water to drink.

Jinghan didn’t hold the child either, and gave it to Murong Yun.

It was rare for the two women to be empty-handed, so they decided to go downstairs to buy new clothes together.

 “Let’s go and try on ready-made clothes. It’s so hot lately that I want to wear something thinner.”

Jinghan said, "I also think that you can't wear something so thin when you go out, but you can still wear it at home."

“Then let’s buy dark ones. The dark colors are not see-through, so it’s okay to just wear one.”

 She has homemade underwear that is not see-through at all, and she also taught Jing Han to make several pieces.

 Have some underwear that is not see-through, no matter how thin you wear it, it will not be see-through.

  "You keep an eye on the children. They will fall asleep in a while. Just give them some coaxing. Let's go buy clothes."

 The two men saw that they were in great interest, so naturally they did not dare to shirk it.

 “Okay, you go and come back quickly.”

They see that the child is okay for a while, but they are afraid that the child will look for his mother and they don’t know what to do.

Jinghan looked at them and said, "Why don't you just look after the child? If there is any difficulty, just let me look after it."

Murong Yuntou asked, "Can you take those two sons away?"

  It would be too much for him to carry one, but he also carries three.

Jing Han didn't want it, "We women are buying clothes, what are you doing with these two brats here? You all follow your father and are not allowed to go downstairs. If you go downstairs and are snatched away by a kidnapper, you will have no parents. Remember." No?"

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were frightened, and naturally they did not dare to go downstairs.

“I know, we’re not going, we’re just going to help mom keep an eye on dad here.”

Jinghan felt relieved after explaining.

Sister Ying also said, "Don't feed her random things, it will cause her diarrhea, remember?"

Jing Shi nodded, "I understand, you can rest assured."

After the two of them finished explaining, they went downstairs to buy clothes hand in hand.

As soon as she arrived at the clothing store, Sister Ying was very emotional, "Oh my God, it feels like the two of us haven't gone shopping alone for a long time."

 In the past, I would either come out with a big belly, bring out children, or bring out men, but never on my own.

It feels so good to have no children noisy, no need to worry about the children getting lost, and being able to buy things with confidence.

Jing Han felt the same way, "Yes, I really like going shopping by myself."

  If you are bringing a group of children, you will have to watch where one is running and what the other is doing, and you will not have the energy to buy the things you like.

 It’s a big profit today.

 “Quickly, pick out what you like and try them all.”

Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, buy a few more."

The two of them specifically picked thin and breathable ones, while Sister Ying chose dark ones that were not see-through.

 There are dark purple, dark blue, and dark green. Although these styles look old, they don’t look old when she wears them. On the contrary, they look very white.

  Even if it’s all about showing off, she actually still looks like an exotic beauty.

Jing Han was sour, "How do you wear such an exotic dress that looks old? I'm so sour."

It was obviously the same color and style, but after wearing it, she looked like an old woman, suddenly ten years older. "

 “Forget it, I’ll just pick the light color.”

She really can't handle those old and tacky styles, so she can only rely on gorgeous clothes to adjust them.

 It’s not like Sister Ying who looks good in a sack.

Sister Ying smiled, "It's not that exaggerated."

 But I still feel happy.

She also picked out a few light-colored ones, including goose yellow and light orange, which made them even more beautiful when worn.

Jing Han saw the comparison between the buyer’s show and the seller’s show:

 “I’m hurt. I won’t go out shopping for clothes with you next time. I’m heartbroken.”

She has obviously lost weight, but her arms are still thick. I don’t know if she was carrying Xiao Liujin.

Sister Keying hugs Xiaomi Guo every day. Why don’t she have thick arms?

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I don't hug her every day, so I hug her occasionally. The rest of the time, I let her play by herself."

 Otherwise, I would let Xiao Zi hold me, Young Master Zhong, or the cook.

Anyway, she would give anyone a hug if they wanted to. As long as she watched from the sidelines, Xiaomiguo wouldn't cry.

Little Miguo is also lazy. At first she was not willing to be hugged by others, but when she realized that her mother was a lazy person, she started to be hugged by others.

Since my mother is beside me, I can read it all just by looking up, so it doesn’t matter who is holding her.

Jinghan said, "Then why do you hug her every time I see you?"

Sister Ying chuckled, "Isn't that just a coincidence?"

Every time she hugged Miguo, she would burp her after eating. Jinghan would see her every time, which made her misunderstand that she hugs the baby every day.

Jinghan felt miserable and said angrily, "Then I won't hug you anymore."

Sister Ying said to her, "You say this every day. When did you not hug Xiao Liujin whenever he cried?"

 Speaking of doting on children, Jing Han actually dotes on her even more.

 She is almost like the kind of person who picks up Xiao Liujin whenever she cries, and no one else tries to persuade her.

 Although she can be fierce sometimes, I love her more than anyone else in my heart.

You see how aggressive she is during the day, but in the afternoon I take her out immediately, give her food and drink, and keep holding her, and never put her down.

 Unlike her, Brother Seng hugged him as soon as he came.

 Jing Shirong hugged Jing Shirong as soon as he came.

 It’s so natural and easy.

Jinghan whined, "So I'm overdoing it?"

 So her thick arms were used to carry the child?

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know about that."

  Anyway, she would put it down as soon as her hands were sore and she would not force herself.

Xiao Miguo also has a happy-go-lucky temperament. It is best if she is hugged by her mother. If she is not hugged, she will play by herself.

The mother is a Buddhist, and the child is also a Buddhist, making Jinghan envious.

“That’s because your Miguo loves people. It’s not like mine, which is six pounds fat. She cries when she doesn’t want to, and she’s so noisy that I can’t even hug her.”

 Look, even though he says he dislikes him, he actually dotes on this third child the most.

Sister Ying knew it in her heart, so she didn't expose her. She smiled and said, "Okay, it's rare for us to go out by ourselves, so we won't mention the children. Let's buy more quickly."

Jinghan sighed, "Yes, let's not mention them. It's hard to come out. We have to let everything go. Try to hang out for a while, and let them coax the children."

Who is called a stinky man who has never taken care of a baby, so let them experience the fun of sleeping with the baby.

The two of them laughed and were happy.

 It was a bitter experience for the three men in the teahouse.

 (End of this chapter)

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