Chapter 867, two men coaxing a child

At this time in the tea house.

Murong Yun and Jing Shirong looked at each other with their children in their arms, always feeling overwhelmed.

 It was already time for Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin to go to bed.

Sister Ying and Jing Han had already fed them in advance.

 The two little girls are not hungry after eating milk.

 But before going to bed, I have to be coaxed by my mother.

 If you can’t see your mother before going to bed, you will definitely cry loudly.

Murong Yun held Xiao Liujin in his arms and could already feel the storm coming.

 He turned around, wanting to call his entourage to call Jinghan back.

 But in the blink of an eye, I thought, if I hurriedly called her at this time, I would definitely be laughed at by her when I came back.

say what. "You can't even look after a child? You want me to come back in a hurry for such a trivial matter. How can you be a father?"

Murong Yun didn't like it when he thought about it, so he just endured it and coaxed him.

Xiao Liujin hummed twice, looked up and saw that this face was not her mother's at all.

She hummed, curled her lips, and cried like a bird~

The key point is that she cried so loudly that you could hear it even if the door was closed.

Murong Yun quickly stood up and hugged her to comfort her.

 “Oh, don’t cry, don’t cry, dad is here.”

Xiao Liujin didn’t listen and kept crying.


 When a child is sleepy and does not get what he wants, he will cry a lot.

Murong Yun was sweating on his forehead and coaxed him softly, "Okay, okay, don't cry anymore. You go to bed first. I will take you out to play tomorrow. What do you think?"

  Small six pounds;

She seemed to hear the word "come out to play" tomorrow, so her crying paused.

 Seems to be thinking about whether this is reliable.

Seeing her reaction, Murong Yun continued to coax, "If I don't lie to you, I will take you out to play tomorrow. You sleep well, and I will take you out to play tomorrow. We have agreed that Dad will not lie to you."

 The words "Come out to play tomorrow, come out to play tomorrow" kept echoing in Xiao Liujin's mind. He slowly calmed down, twitched twice, and gradually stopped crying.

Murong Yun's forehead was covered with sweat at this time. Seeing that she was not crying, he breathed a sigh of relief.

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan also looked nervous, and the three father and son had exactly the same expression on their faces.

 Brother Sen watched from the side without daring to express his anger, for fear that the sound of eating vegetables would disturb the little ancestor.

 Fortunately, Xiao Liujin groaned for a while and then slowly fell asleep.

 After solving Xiaoliujin, the next step is Xiaomiguo.

Xiao Miguo first yawned, then rubbed her eyes, then scratched her face, and a humming sound began to appear in her nasal cavity.

 This is the prelude to going to sleep

Jing Shirong hurriedly stood up and coaxed softly, "Baby, go to bed quickly~"

 Learn the lullaby that Sister Ying sang before, rocking and singing at the same time.

Xiao Miguo first jumped into his arms, wanting to eat it.

But the one with a hard chest in front of me was not as soft as my mother at all.

Even with her eyes closed, she noticed something was wrong and started to get irritated. She would "hum" twice and start crying.

Jing Shirong didn't know how to coax her at the moment, so she could only say various words, "Xiao Mi, be good, you go to sleep first, and I will take you to see the stars later."

Xiao Miguo didn't want to look at the stars, so she rubbed her eyes irritably, groaned, and opened her mouth to cry.


 Sure enough, I still cried.

Jing Shirong held her and shook her gently, but she still cried. She cried even harder when she sat down.

In the end, I had no choice but to coax, "Okay, don't cry. I'll take you to find your mother."

As soon as she heard about mother, Xiaomiguo stopped for a while, as if she was waiting for him to take her to find mother.

Jing Shirong was ashamed. Seeing how hard she wanted to close her eyes, Jing Shirong could only pretend to go out. He walked slowly, observing Xiao Miguo's expression as he walked.

Seeing that although her eyes were closed, she was obviously trying to hold on to sleep, and seemed unwilling to sleep until she found her biological mother.

Jing Shirong was really afraid of her, so he could only hold her and walk around the teahouse a few times.

 He went upstairs and downstairs, Xiao Miguo seemed to be slowly falling asleep.

Just after he thought the little guy in his arms had fallen asleep, he stopped to take a breath.

 But as soon as he stopped, the little guy woke up immediately. My big eyes opened and closed sleepily. When I couldn't see my mother, I immediately cried "Wow~".

Jing Shirong was startled, stood up quickly, and apologized, "It's dad's fault if you don't cry. Don't cry yet. Your mother will be back soon."

 In fact, he just wanted Sister Ying to play for a while, and didn't want her to go out and find her with the child in her arms.

 That way she wouldn’t have time to go shopping.

He didn't expect his sleepy daughter to recognize someone so much. His back was covered in sweat and he couldn't coax her.

She cried loudly, and after getting no response, she cried a little bit, as if she knew that crying like this would strain her throat.

Jing Shirong was almost amused. He didn't expect his daughter to be so realistic.

 Cry loudly when someone responds, cry quietly when no one responds, and don’t treat yourself badly at all.

It happened that Sister Ying and Jing Han came back from shopping for clothes.

 As soon as I came in, I heard Xiaomiguo crying.

Sister Ying glanced at the man on the stairs and saw that his forehead was covered with sweat. He didn't have time to wipe it when it dripped. She almost died laughing.

 She walked over quickly, put her things on the ground, and lowered her head to look at the little one in Jing Shirong's arms.

 “What’s up, are you sleeping?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, I've been coaxing her for a long time, but she still cried. She's really hard to take care of."

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Children are like this. They cry when they sleep. Please give me a hug."

She took the little honey fruit over. When the little honey fruit smelled the familiar milky fragrance, she immediately cried "Wow~".

 It seemed that he knew that his mother-in-law was coming and was angry with her.

Sister Ying saw her voice was so loud, so she tutted, "Don't scream so loud, or I won't hug you."

Xiao Miguo understood the tone of the words "I won't hold you" like a fruit, and her crying suddenly became quieter. She hummed and buried herself in Sister Ying's arms, looking for milk.

Sister Ying carried her to the side room to feed her. After feeding her, she coaxed her to fall asleep.

Jing Shirong was by his side, his face covered with sweat.

Sister Ying smiled and asked him to wipe his sweat, "Look how hot you are. Is it so difficult to raise a child?"

Jing Shirong had time to sit down and take a breath at this time, and said in admiration, "It's better if you don't cry. If you cry, I won't be able to do anything."

 It’s not difficult, it’s extremely difficult.

The child's crying made my head hurt. I wanted to solve it, but couldn't. I could only worry and sweat all over, but it was much more tiring than working outside.

Sister Ying touched his back with one hand and it was soaked.

 “I really obey you, that’s enough, let’s go back.”

Jing Shirong stood up covered in sweat and carried something for her, "Okay, I'll call the carriage."

The same goes for Jing Han, and Murong Yun was also covered in sweat while holding Xiao Liujin.

 As soon as he saw Jinghan come back, he felt like he had seen a savior.

 “You are finally back.”

Jinghan saw that Xiao Miguo was sleeping soundly, so he praised her, "You did a good job this time. Can you coax her to sleep?"

Murong Yun handed the child back to him, wiped the sweat, his legs were weak, and said bravely, "I think it's good too, at least a little better than A Jing."

 At least he put his daughter to sleep without crying twice.

 A Jing failed to coax his daughter to sleep and even made her cry, but he won once.

 (End of this chapter)

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