Chapter 868, Men taking care of children

Jinghan saw how proud he was and smiled, "Okay, I think you're great this time. Then next time you can continue to help me take care of the kids, and I'll be able to relax as well."

Murong Yun;

 “I may not be free.”

 Actually, I’m afraid.

Jinghan glared at him, "I've only coaxed you this once, and you're scared? Are you a man?"

Murong Yun said with a poor mouth, "You don't know if I am a man?"


 “Ganggun, I’m praising you in vain.”

 A stinky man is a stinky man. It seems like his life will be taken away if he takes care of the child. Is it so difficult to take care of him?

Murong Yun exaggerated, "If I hadn't lied to her and wanted to take her out to play tomorrow, she wouldn't have slept well."

If he can't be coaxed as well as Xiaomiguo, his head will be bigger than anyone else's.

Jinghan glanced at him, "Since I said it, I have to take her out to play. Don't lie to her."

We all agreed, how could we cheat?

 Children remember one thing most permanently.

As long as you promise her, she will always remember it.

Mu Yun didn’t quite believe it, “She’s only a little older, can she remember it?”

 You can still remember it when you are over one year old, but you can remember it when you are only half a year old?

Jinghan lowered his head to kiss his daughter and retorted, "Why can't you remember? She's just young, not unkind."

Since I can fall asleep just because I said I will take you out to play tomorrow, I must remember it.

Murong Yun still doesn’t believe it.

 “Why don’t you try it tomorrow?”

Jinghan nodded, "Okay, I also want to see your daughter's performance."

 After the carriage was called, Jing Shirong asked them to get down and they all got into the carriage together.

 Seng Geer will not ride in the carriage.

 He came on horseback and followed the carriage on horseback.

But it seemed to Sister Ying that he was clearly afraid, too afraid to ride in the carriage with the two little girls.

Jinghan also noticed it, "Brother Seng wasn't scared by you just now, was he?"

It was originally an unmarried teenager. If you see a child so troublesome, it is estimated that there will be a psychological shadow.

Murong Yun chuckled and said, "I should have been scared. After all, the two little girls have very loud voices."

 Those who have been married and have children are already immune to the cries of children and will not feel irritated or frightened.

 But Sen Ge'er is not married and has no children. Seeing the child crying so heart-wrenchingly, he will definitely be frightened to the point of numbness.

 Look at him, he didn’t even dare to eat the food just now.

Sister Ying smiled helplessly, "That's it."

 Finally got over his dislike of children, and now he probably doesn’t like them anymore.

 After arriving home,

Sister Ying wanted to let Brother Seng hug her to see his reaction.

When Brother Sen looked at the child she handed over, he obviously tried to avoid it and said, "It's better to say goodbye. She only recognizes you when she sleeps."

 Having said that, he quickly led the horse in, fearing that he would be stopped to pick up the child.

Sister Ying said "I'll go", "Yes, all the previous efforts were in vain."

 In the past, I wanted him to like girls through liking children.

 Now he has been brought back to his original shape.

Jing Shirong felt that she was unfounded.

"What's the matter? I didn't like pretty girls back then. When I meet the girl I'm interested in one day, I'll naturally fall in love with her. You don't have to worry about this."

 Love is something that comes easily, so there is no need to think about it so much.

Especially for boys, when they fall in love, they will do whatever it takes and they don’t have to worry about the family at all.

Sister Ying was stunned, "Really?"

 Is this really the case?

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, boys are easy to raise. Don't worry, just take care of them."

Sister Ying snorted at him and said, "I can take care of everything, and you can take care of her when you are at home. Otherwise, it will be like today, if your daughter doesn't kiss you, you will cry even if you hold her."

 Look at Murong Yun, see how quickly he can be coaxed.

Unlike Jing Shirong, the return period is short, and he cannot develop a relationship with his daughter, so he will become unfamiliar.

Jing Shirong thought about it and reflected on it, "It's my problem. I have a holiday these two days. I will take good care of her at home." Sister Ying hummed and asked him to wash up first. She was sweating all over.

 In the evening, they had time to sit down, drink a glass of wine and eat a watermelon.

 After dinner, Sister Ying went to prepare delicious dry food for Brother Seng.

 Early the next morning, Brother Seng was leaving.

Sister Ying prepared the baggage for him in advance. When he got up in the morning, he informed him and left.

 Sister Ying has become accustomed to his coming and going.

 She went back to catch up on her sleep, and when Xiao Miguo woke up, she put her on the bed to sleep with her.

 Xiao Miguo gets up after she has had enough sleep, and first looks for milk by herself.

 After eating and drinking enough, you have time to look around.

 When I opened my eyes, it was still a familiar room and a familiar smell.

  She turned over, raised her little head, and saw a person lying next to her.

 She looked at him with big round eyes. He was a strange man, but he looked a little familiar.

 She turned over, lay on the bed, and patted Jing Shirong's face with her chubby hands.

 Seeing that he was not awake, he grabbed his hair with his little hands.

Her hands were strong and she grabbed her biological father's hair, causing Jing Shirong to wake up from the pain.

 “His~ the little girl is quite energetic.”

Jing Shirong just woke up and saw the little guy lying next to him.

 He lifted her up, put her on his chest, and looked at her.

 “Do you still remember who I am? I am your father.”

Xiao Miguo snorted, slapped his face with her chubby hand, and said "Ahh~" twice, seeming to be talking to herself.

Jing Shirong saw her talking non-stop and wanted to teach her how to speak.

“Miguo, tell daddy, daddy~~”

 “Quick, learn a lesson.”


Xiao Miguo looked at him like a fool and didn't scream.

Jing Shirong had no choice but to ask her for a long time and she refused to learn, so she stopped teaching.

 “I heard from your mother that you are taking complementary food. Can daddy make some fruit puree for you?”

Xiao Miguo's eyes lit up when she heard about the food, she obviously wanted to eat it.

Jing Shirong picked her up, changed her diaper, gave her a bath, and then took her to eat fruit puree.

 The little one is very well-behaved when she is not sleepy. She did not cry even after Jing Shirong held her for a long time.

 “Why don’t you cry when I hug you today?”

He was surprised. He cried so hard yesterday, why was there no movement at all today? "

Xiao Zi also heard about what happened yesterday and explained to him with a smile.

“You don’t know, the little lady can be hugged by anyone at ordinary times, but she has to be coaxed when she sleeps, otherwise she will lose her temper.”

"Like this, you can take her all day long and she'll be fine."

Jing Shirong was frustrated, "Is that so?"

 He thought that his daughter remembered him as her father, so she didn't reject him, and secretly felt happy about it. Who knew that when she wasn't tired, she didn't care who he was.

 I felt heartbroken for a moment.

Xiao Miguo saw his grimace and suddenly laughed.

 The baby’s laughter is particularly contagious, “Giggle~”

 When she smiled, she had smiling pear dimples on her face, one on each side, which was so cute that Jing Shirong's heart melted when she saw it.

"Okay, for the sake of your cuteness, you can bully dad as much as you want."

 He went to grind some watermelon juice and banana puree to feed her.

Xiao Miguo tasted the watermelon juice and clapped her hands happily.

 When it came time to eat mashed banana, it was obvious that she didn’t like it anymore, so she just wanted watermelon juice.

Jing Shirong also made apple puree and grape puree for her, but she only liked watermelon juice, so she would scream "ahhhh" if I changed them.

 (End of this chapter)

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