The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 870: , go out alone with the child

Chapter 870: Carrying the child out alone

Jinghan already knew that he didn't have the patience to take care of the children, and he also knew that he was doing his best to take care of the children for half a day, so he didn't embarrass him.

  "Okay, okay, don't be poor, let's eat."

Murong Yun saw that she was not angry, so he dared to drink some wine.

On the other hand, Xiao Liujin still remembered that Murong Yun wanted to take her out to play. As soon as she was full, she called out "Ahhh", meaning she wanted to go out.

Murong Yun couldn't understand and thought she was learning to speak and interacted with her.

 “You want to drink too?”

 “Ah da da!” Go out to play.

Murong Yun, "You are still young and cannot drink."

 Xiao Liujin, "ah da da!" goes out to play.

  I was so angry that my biological father still didn’t understand after talking for a long time. The little girl suddenly became angry and cried like a bird.

Jinghan was speechless at the side and pinched Murong Yun, "Are you stupid? She wants you to carry her out to play."

Murong Yun was stunned, "No way? Isn't she learning to speak?"

Jinghan couldn't help but roll his eyes, "What a fool."

“Yesterday you promised to take her out to play, and she remembered it. You should carry her out now, otherwise my head will hurt from crying.”

Murong Yun didn't believe this evil, "It's true or false, don't fool me?"

It’s finally a day off, but I can’t even have a drink and rest at home. It’s really exhausting for the head of the family.

Jinghan laughed at his casual musings, "Who asked you, the head of the family, to promise her? Promises to children cannot be perfunctory. You must do what you say, otherwise she will not believe you in the future."

Murong Yun smiled helplessly, "Okay, okay, blame me, I forgot about it."

He is not a liar to the child. Since he agreed, he will take her out.

So Murong Yun picked up the child, held an umbrella, and prepared to take her out for a walk.

“But where does she want to go? Are there any rules?”

Jing Han smiled, "It's best to go to the street or find a shop to sit down. As long as she hasn't seen it, it's fine."

 In the past, she could take her for a walk in the alley, just perfunctory.

 But now that she knows that alleys are boring, she no longer likes walking in alleys. She just wants to walk in the streets.

Murong Yun thought it would be good to take her to a shop for a drink, so he called a carriage and prepared to take Xiao Liujin to a teahouse for tea.

Jing Shirong saw this and rushed to follow.

 “Wait, let’s go too.”

 Everyone was taking their daughters out to play, so he couldn't lag behind.

So Jing Shirong also held the little honey fruit and went to the teahouse with Murong Yun.

Sister Ying saw that he was going too, so she quickly stopped them, "Wait a minute, bring the diapers and toys."

 She took out a homemade mother's bag, which contained soft cloth, diapers, toys, and mosquito repellent grass ointment.

Jing Shirong carried her mother's bag across her body, holding Xiaomiguo in one hand and holding an umbrella in the other, and took her to the carriage.

Murong Yun also carried one on his back.

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were originally going to follow, but were called by Murong Yun to practice calligraphy.

The two brothers were unconvinced, "Why can my sister go, but we have to practice calligraphy at home?"

Murong Yun argued, "I took you there when I was a kid, and now I'm taking my sister. Is there any problem? It's only fair for each person to go once, isn't it?"

Brother Zheng is older and can understand what the old father means, so he reveals, "Dad, you can't take care of three children, right?"

Murong Yun's face turned red, "Go, go, no one can bring you here. I'm afraid that if you don't practice calligraphy well, your grandfather will scold you when you go back."

Like a young adult, he said "cut~" and turned around to go to the study.

My biological father is such a bad boy with a child, and he has a younger sister, so he doesn't want to cause trouble, otherwise his biological father will collapse.

Brother Yuan was confused, "Brother, you really don't want to go?" Brother Zheng said in agreement, "Next time, I'll go with my mother."

Brother Yuan said oh and gave up.

Seeing that they had given up, Murong Yun breathed a sigh of relief and almost broke out in sweat.

Jinghan saw his virtue and almost couldn't help but snarl at him. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it and said, "You should go back early and come back early."

Murong Yun sighed, got into the carriage with Xiao Liujin in his arms, and left.

 The two grown men took their children out alone for the first time, feeling a little excited and a little nervous.

In the carriage, Murong Yun held Xiao Liujin in his arms and asked Jing Shirong, "Do you think it's okay if we come out so rashly?"

 This was the first time that he took his daughter out alone, and she was a little scared.

Jing Shirong was not sure. After all, Xiaomiguo was a baby with a personality, and he didn't know if he could control it.

But as long as they come back before they get sleepy, there should be no problem.

Murong Yun felt a little confused, "If we just send them back when they get sleepy, wouldn't it be too fast?"

 Children will probably get sleepy after playing for a while.

 You see, as soon as they got on the carriage, they both closed their eyes and started to fall asleep, without anyone coaxing them.

Jing Shirong asked curiously, "Why don't they cry today?" Could it be that they are catching up on sleep?

Murong Yun smiled, "It should be."

  He had heard Jing Han say before that the two little girls felt sleepy as soon as they got on the carriage, and when they got up from sleep, they went to the street.

 You can have fun as soon as you get to the street without wasting any time.

 Jing Shi Rong;

“Does such a young baby know so much?”

 It’s only just over five months old, and it will be six months next month. Are you so smart at such a young age?

Murong Yun smiled proudly, "They are not ambiguous at all when they should be smart."

The two of them put the children on the carriage to sleep. When they got to the street, as soon as the carriage stopped, the two little girls woke up immediately, and they didn't miss a second.

 “Ah da da~”

 Xiao Liujin woke up first and started to reach out to Murong Yun.

Murong Yun picked her up and almost surrendered, "You woke up at the right time. Did you wake up as soon as we got to the middle of the street?" She was indeed his daughter, so smart.

Little Miguo also woke up. When she woke up, she said "Ahh~" twice, picked up her little fat feet and played with her little feet.

Jing Shirong picked her up, put her mother's bag on her back, and asked Murong Yun where she was going.

Murong Yun pointed to a restaurant in the alley in front, "Go there. That restaurant is three stories high. You can watch the sideshows on the street from the window."

 Lest the two little girls go downstairs to watch acrobatics and get heatstroke.

 “Okay, let’s go.”

Jing Shirong held an umbrella and walked forward holding a small honey fruit.

  Two grown men carried their children into the restaurant. When people drinking in the restaurant saw them, they all looked at them curiously.

They even whispered, "What's going on with those two grown men? Why are they carrying such a small child out? Where is their mother-in-law?"

Spectator A, "I guess the mother-in-law ran away with someone else, otherwise why would she have brought the child out by herself?"

"Isn't it possible? Those two men are pretty good-looking. Why did the mother-in-law run away with them?"

“Either he did something wrong and was driven out by the tigress. Otherwise, he would have carried the child out by himself.”

 “Yes, I’m right.”

“Maybe he was discovered by a tigress while drinking wine outside, and was beaten out.”

“Looking at that colorful face, he must be a restless man.”

 Jing Shirong & Murong Yun;

 It can be arranged to provoke whomever you provoke, and even when you take your children out to play, they can be arranged.

How many red envelopes do you receive during the Chinese New Year~()



 (End of this chapter)

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