Chapter 871, Child suffers from heat stroke

The two of them went up to the third floor and asked for a seat by the window despite everyone's rustling eyes.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were not very happy when they saw that they were about to sit down.

Fortunately, Jing Shirong stood up immediately, holding Xiaomi Guo and pointing downstairs, "Look what that is."

Xiao Miguo looked over curiously.

 There are acrobats downstairs performing a fire-breathing show.

 Xiao Miguo's eyes widened as she saw it, apparently seeing fire for the first time.

Xiao Liujin was also babbling, and Murong Yun could only hold her and stand up.

Xiao Liujin has a more outgoing temperament. When he saw the fire-breathing one, he immediately opened his eyes in surprise and started babbling happily.

Murong Yun saw how excited she was and her little fat feet stared as if she was going to step on his face.

 He found a position with a good view, sat down, let Xiao Liujin stand on his lap, and watched the performance below.

  Xiao Liu Jin is also strong. His little fat legs can stand for a while, and then he sits down before it is time to stand.

Murong Yun didn't dare to let her stand for too long, so he held it up for her.

As soon as she saw the expression below, she would jump up and down with excitement, her mouth would be drooling, she must be teething soon.

Xiao Miguo was excited at first, but calmed down after watching more.

She was eating her chubby hand and drooling all over it. She was obviously in the teething stage and was drooling all the time.

Jing Shirong wiped her saliva from time to time, and Murong Yun was also busy wiping Xiao Liujin's saliva.

After the waiter served the wine and food, neither of them had time to drink, so they could only hold them while watching the show.

Murong Yun was very thirsty, "If I had known earlier, I would have brought Brother Yuan and Brother Zheng out."

 At least you can ask your son to pour you a glass of wine when you are thirsty.

Now that his son is not here and his followers are not here, he can only be thirsty.

Jing Shirong smiled, freed up one hand, and poured a glass of wine for each of them.

Murong Yun drank a drink, but it didn't quench his thirst.

 Thinking about it, I changed it to tea, "Let's drink tea."

Jing Shirong thought the same way. Although it was cloudy today and the sun was not that bright, the children were all covered in sweat. Drinking wine would not relieve them at all, so he might as well drink tea.

 And you have to drink it in big gulps.

Jing Shirong asked the waiter, "Make us a pot of scented tea, with some ice." After saying this, he rewarded the tea.

With the reward, the waiter smiled and made scented tea for them.

 After the scented tea was served, the two grown men picked up the teacups and drank a large cup in succession, "Gulu, Gulu."

  Wiping the sweat from his forehead again, "Oh my god, I didn't expect to sweat so much when raising a child."

 I don’t sweat so much when I go out to work.

 After taking care of the child for only a short while, I was already covered in sweat, and the sweat on my neck was still dripping down.

Jing Shirong was so hot that he simply took off his coat and wore a white vest.

 The vest was made for him by Sister Ying and he wears it at home on weekdays.

Murong Yun was there too. When he saw Jing Shirong taking off his coat, he took it off too, otherwise he would die from the heat.

 Fortunately, the men in the inn are all wearing vests, so you don’t have to worry about anyone telling you.

 The weather is pretty good today, the sun is covered by clouds, but the third floor is still a bit hot.

Jing Shirong was holding Xiaomiguo in his arms. He was startled when he saw her small mouth open and her little round face red. He quickly turned around to take a look at her.

“Why is your face so red? Is it too hot?”

 The location they chose has good ventilation, and there is always wind blowing, but the wind is a bit warm, not cold. The child may be overheated.

Jing Shirong was a little worried and quickly took out a water bottle from her mother's bag to give Miguo some water.

The water was prepared by Sister Ying. It was rock sugar and snow pear water. He poured it into a bowl and fed it to Xiaomiguo little by little with a small spoon.

  Xiaomiguo was originally wilted, but when she drank the rock sugar and snow pear water, she was like a thirsty fish encountering water. She grabbed the spoon with her two chubby hands and refused to let go, sucking the rock sugar and snow pear water in big mouthfuls.

Jing Shirong felt distressed when he saw it, "It's my fault, Dad. He was so busy drinking water that he forgot to feed you." Xiaomi Guo didn't lose her temper, but she was a little wilted.

Jing Shirong did not dare to stay any longer, so he stood up and asked Jing Shirong to go back with him.

 “Let’s go, I’m afraid they will get heatstroke.”

Murong Yun turned Xiao Liujin around and saw that her face was red but still very excited, so he quickly gave her water.

Xiao Liujin has an extroverted personality. When he drinks water, he gets more excited than Xiao Miguo and even says "ahhh" twice.

Murong Yun quickly fed more.

 She gasped loudly after drinking. She was obviously very thirsty.

Murong Yun saw her face turned red and was a little worried. He stood up and said, "Forget it, go back quickly."

 Neither he nor Jing Shirong had ever brought a baby out alone for more than five months. It was a bit hot on the third floor right now, and it would be a sin if he got a heatstroke.

I blame him too. He only thought about taking the children out to play, but forgot that they were also afraid of the heat.

 The two men hurriedly took the child home.

 I kept fanning my children on the way home.

 After arriving home, the two children, who were originally lively and energetic, were already wilted, like withered flowers.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were shocked when they saw it, "Why do you have such a tan?"

Logically speaking, the weather today is not bad, and there are still some dark clouds to block the sun. Unexpectedly, the two children are still sunburned.

“I’ll give her some water to cool her down.”

I have to say that the weather has been very changeable recently. When they went out, the weather was fine. The sun was covered by dark clouds and the temperature was not that high.

Who would have known that just after we went out to play for a while, the sun came out again, making people feel dizzy from the sun.

Sister Ying and Jing Han took the two children to take a bath.

 After taking a bath, the two children felt a little relieved, but they were no longer scratching. It can be seen that they are still a little tired.

Sister Ying was not at ease, so she gave them some fruit puree and wiped their armpits, fearing they would suffer from heatstroke.

 The two children neither cried nor fussed, nor spoke. They behaved very strangely.

 When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

 Normally, Xiao Liujin would have screamed when he got into the water.

Jing Han felt that something was going to be bad since he was washed twice today without shouting.

 The same goes for Xiaomiguo.

 She had not seen her for a while, so she would be very excited when she saw Sister Ying.

 But today she was also languid, not at all excited about seeing her mother, and had been very quiet.

 The two old mothers were very worried.

Sure enough, at night, both children had a fever.

Fortunately, Sister Ying had a premonition early and prepared the antipyretic powder for children left by Sister Yang in advance.

Jing Han has experience and asked her not to give the child medicine but to lower the temperature first to see if she can lower the temperature.

“First, give them clean water to wipe their feet and armpits, and then give them some fruit and vegetable juice to see the effect.”

 She also had infantile fever in her first two pregnancies and tried many methods. This method was the safest and painless.

Sister Ying followed and gave it a try, wrung out the towel and wiped Xiao Miguo’s limbs.

  A towel wrung out from well water was also placed on her hot little forehead.

Xiao Miguo seemed to feel comfortable and snorted, but she was strong enough not to cry.

Xiao Zi hurriedly went to make fruit and vegetable juice for the two young ladies. When it was ready, she quickly brought it.

Sister Ying and Jing Han fed their two children some fruit and vegetable juice respectively.

 After replenishing water and nutrition, the two little girls really felt a little better.

 (End of this chapter)

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