Chapter 872, Careless Mother

Jing Shirong and Murong Yun looked on with fear, fearing that their children would get sick due to their stupidity.

 Fortunately, the daughters-in-law did not scold them, but comforted them.

“It’s okay, it’s normal for children to get sick. You didn’t mean it.”

 It was just a good intention to take the children out to play, so how could I blame them?

 Besides, babies who are teething during this month are also prone to fever. Once the fever goes away, they will be fine.

 Fortunately, the symptoms were discovered in time and the method was used promptly, so the children did not suffer much.

 If the fever does not come down, you need to take medicine.

However, Yang Jie'er's medicine should be fine, but it will be a bit bitter.

If I want to feed these two little guys some bitter medicine, they will probably burst into tears.

 Fortunately, the fever subsided without taking medicine this time, which saves the need for taking medicine.

Jing Shirong and Murong Yun saw with their own eyes that the child was fine, and then they breathed a long sigh of relief, and their bodies were soaked to the skin. Scared.

Seeing how cowardly they were, Jinghan smiled and said, "Oh, it's okay. It's probably your first time taking them out alone and you are inexperienced. Just take them a few more times in the future."

 They were inexperienced in all kinds of embarrassing situations when they first became mothers, so it would be better to take care of them more. There is no need to undermine their self-confidence.

Murong Yun felt relieved when he saw that she didn't scold him.

“Next time I’ll take her out in the evening.”

Jinghan nodded, "Okay, you go and wash up first, and then you can sleep with her later."

Murong Yun hummed and went to take a shower first.

Jing Shirong was still sitting by the bed watching her daughter, not daring to leave.

The way his daughter's face turned red just now frightened him.

 He regretted putting his daughter by the window.

If I had known earlier, I would have carried her to the first floor to see her. It would be better than the third floor.

Seeing his self-blame, Sister Ying comforted him, "It's okay, it's the same for first-time parents. I almost threw her once before, and we didn't mean it, so don't blame yourself."

This is the first time for parents, so it is normal to make mistakes. After all, they are inexperienced.

Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the child was fine.

 “I will pay more attention next time.”

 It seems that the baby is still too fragile, so we need to keep a closer eye next time.

Sister Ying smiled slightly and said, "Don't be so careful. Children grow up by bumping into each other."

Jing Shirong didn't expect her to be in such a good mood, so he smiled helplessly, "Yes, you are right."

 “But it’s not good to be too bluffing.”

Looking at what she just said, she almost dropped her daughter. Jing Shirong felt numb and asked her, "How did you almost drop her last time?"

Sister Ying felt guilty and stuck out her tongue, "Then what? I was just too sleepy that day, so I just took her to bed and slept."

"You also know that my sleeping posture is not good. When I stretched my legs after falling asleep, she almost kicked me down."

At that time, Xiao Miguo was sleeping soundly, but she suddenly kicked her, causing her to jump out of fright and wake her up.

At that time, her calves were already on the edge of the bed. If she moved again, she would probably fall to the ground.

Maybe the baby also has a sense of danger, so when she feels that she will fall, she is very obedient and does not move, but cries loudly, asking Sister Ying to save her.

Sister Ying was drowsily asleep at the time. When she heard crying, she habitually closed her eyes and got up.

As soon as I sat up, I opened my eyes and saw that my daughter was already at the edge of the bed, and she might fall down at any time.

She was startled, hugged him, and patted her chest as if she was scared.

“Mom, it wasn’t me who kicked you here, was it?”

Xiao Miguo looked angrily and said, "Do you need to say it?" Isn't it you?

Sister Ying shrank her neck with guilt, "It's my mother's fault. I won't do it again in the future."

 From now on, she would not dare to put her daughter on the bed. Even if it is placed on the bed, the carpet should be covered with a soft layer of carpet to prevent the daughter from falling down and getting pain.

  Small honey fruit;

 Can’t you just hope that this baby will be better?

Jing Shirong heard three lines on his forehead.

He secretly thought that the child's mother was so naughty, and he was worried about his daughter.

 Fortunately, Xiao Miguo has good adaptability and her mother, Ma Daha, can only practice her ability to ask for help.

Jing Shirong went to take a bath and came back. Xiao Miguo was already fast asleep.

 He sat by the cradle, touched her forehead and neck to make sure she was no longer burning, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sister Ying came over and lay on his back, "You are tired too. Go to bed early. I will just watch you at night."

Jing Shirong shook his head, "I'll watch, you go to sleep."

Sister Ying lowered her head and kissed him, "Silly, I don't have to get up early tomorrow, I can just watch."

It's not like he has to go back to the military camp after another day off.

Now that Qi Yuanming is going to Jiangnan, he has to take over his job and do it together. He is very busy on weekdays.

Jing Shirong didn’t think it was hard. Anyway, he was doing one job and two jobs. He had never said it was hard.

 He is not a complainer, but Sister Ying feels sorry for him.

 “Look at your tan, you’re already tanned.”

 Before I was in the capital, I was like a young man with a white face.

Now that he is here, he is tanned to the color of wheat. It has been a long time since he has turned white.

Jing Shirong turned around and kissed her cheek, "Don't you like me being dark?"

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "No, I'm just afraid that you'll dry out in the sun."

Jing Shirong laughed muffledly, "I don't know how to do it, but for the sake of you two, I have to do it well no matter what."

Now that he is also a man with a family, he is more cautious about his life than before, who was not afraid of death.

 After all, I have a wife and children, and I have to live for them for the rest of my life.

Sister Ying lay on his back, hung her hands around his neck, and acted coquettishly with him.

“When mother comes to Jiangnan, Sister Yang’s marriage to Brother Qi will probably be completed soon.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, it's a good thing that the two of them can do it."

 At that time, Qi Yuanming will probably bring Sister Yang over.

“Can we go back when they get married?”

 Brother Kang didn't go back when he got married. Now that Sister Yang has gotten married, she still can't go back. It's really a pity.

Jing Shirong thought for a moment and said, "I'll go ask the third princess then to see if I can take a long leave."

If you can, take her back and visit your parents in the capital.

But it will take a year to come and go, plus the days of living there, so it is probably not easy.

Sister Ying doesn’t have high hopes. It would be best if she could go back, but there is nothing she can do if she can’t.

 After all, they are far away, and it is probably not easy for him to take a vacation after traveling long distances.

“If it doesn’t work, forget it. When Brother Qi brings Sister Yang back, we can celebrate.”

Jing Shirong kissed her forehead lovingly, "In a few years, I will train all the soldiers below, and I will have time. Then I can take you back to see your parents and grandmother."

Sister Ying was delighted, "Really?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Well, His Majesty originally sent me here to train talents. After training, I will naturally go back and resume my life."

It doesn’t matter where Sister Ying lives, as long as she can be with him, she will be happy wherever she goes.

“I just don’t know when my cousin will leave. If they leave, I feel like my life will be a lot less happy.”

 (End of this chapter)

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